{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} -- | Contains the functionality to define operation functions for path items. module OpenAPI.Generate.Operation ( defineOperationsForPath, ) where import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib hiding ((<>)) import qualified OpenAPI.Common as OC import qualified OpenAPI.Generate.Doc as Doc import qualified OpenAPI.Generate.Flags as OAF import OpenAPI.Generate.Internal.Operation import OpenAPI.Generate.Internal.Util import qualified OpenAPI.Generate.Model as Model import qualified OpenAPI.Generate.ModelDependencies as Dep import qualified OpenAPI.Generate.Monad as OAM import qualified OpenAPI.Generate.Response as OAR import qualified OpenAPI.Generate.Types as OAT -- | Defines the operations for all paths and their methods defineOperationsForPath :: String -> Text -> OAT.PathItemObject -> OAM.Generator (Q [Dep.ModuleDefinition]) defineOperationsForPath mainModuleName requestPath = OAM.nested requestPath . fmap sequence . mapM (uncurry (defineModuleForOperation mainModuleName requestPath)) . ( \pathItemObject -> filterEmptyOperations [ ("GET", OAT.get pathItemObject), ("PUT", OAT.put pathItemObject), ("POST", OAT.post pathItemObject), ("DELETE", OAT.delete pathItemObject), ("OPTIONS", OAT.options pathItemObject), ("HEAD", OAT.head pathItemObject), ("PATCH", OAT.patch pathItemObject), ("TRACE", OAT.trace pathItemObject) ] ) -- | A path may define n methods -- This function filters out the empy not defined methods filterEmptyOperations :: [(Text, Maybe OAT.OperationObject)] -> [(Text, OAT.OperationObject)] filterEmptyOperations xs = [(method, operation) | (method, Just operation) <- xs] -- | -- Defines an Operation for a Method and a Path -- Uses an OperationObject -- -- Returns a commented function definition and implementation in a Q Monad defineModuleForOperation :: -- | The main module name passed via CLI options String -> -- | The path to the request (This is the key from the map of Operations) -- It may contain placeholder variables in the form of /my/{var}/path/ Text -> -- | HTTP Method (GET,POST,etc) Text -> -- | The Operation Object OAT.OperationObject -> -- | commented function definition and implementation OAM.Generator (Q Dep.ModuleDefinition) defineModuleForOperation mainModuleName requestPath method operation = OAM.nested method $ do operationIdName <- getOperationName requestPath method operation flags <- OAM.getFlags let operationIdNameRaw = mkName $ nameBase operationIdName <> "Raw" operationIdNameWithMonadTransformer = mkName $ nameBase operationIdName <> "M" operationIdNameRawWithMonadTransformer = mkName $ nameBase operationIdNameRaw <> "M" moduleName = haskellifyText (OAF.optConvertToCamelCase flags) True (T.pack $ show operationIdName) description = Doc.escapeText $ getOperationDescription operation monadName = mkName "m" securitySchemeName = mkName "s" appendToOperationName = ((T.pack $ nameBase operationIdName) <>) rawTransformation = [|id|] OAM.logInfo $ "Generating operation with name: " <> T.pack (show operationIdName) params <- getParametersFromOperationConcrete operation bodySchema <- getBodySchemaFromOperation operation (responseTypeName, responseTransformerExp, responseBodyDefinitions) <- OAR.getResponseDefinitions operation appendToOperationName functionBody <- defineOperationFunction True operationIdName params requestPath method bodySchema responseTransformerExp functionBodyRaw <- defineOperationFunction True operationIdNameRaw params requestPath method bodySchema rawTransformation functionBodyWithMonadTransformer <- defineOperationFunction False operationIdNameWithMonadTransformer params requestPath method bodySchema responseTransformerExp functionBodyRawWithMonadTransformer <- defineOperationFunction False operationIdNameRawWithMonadTransformer params requestPath method bodySchema rawTransformation (bodyType, bodyDefinition) <- getBodyType bodySchema appendToOperationName paramDescriptions <- (<> ["The request body to send" | not $ null bodyType]) <$> mapM getParameterDescription params paramTypes <- mapM getParameterType params let types = paramTypes <> bodyType fnType = getParametersTypeForSignature types responseTypeName monadName securitySchemeName fnTypeRaw = getParametersTypeForSignature types ''B8.ByteString monadName securitySchemeName fnTypeWithMonadTransformer = getParametersTypeForSignatureWithMonadTransformer types responseTypeName monadName securitySchemeName fnTypeRawWithMonadTransformer = getParametersTypeForSignatureWithMonadTransformer types ''B8.ByteString monadName securitySchemeName createFunSignature operationName fnType' = ppr <$> sigD operationName ( forallT [plainTV monadName, plainTV securitySchemeName] (cxt [appT (conT ''OC.MonadHTTP) (varT monadName), appT (conT ''OC.SecurityScheme) (varT securitySchemeName)]) fnType' ) fnSignature = createFunSignature operationIdName fnType fnSignatureRaw = createFunSignature operationIdNameRaw fnTypeRaw fnSignatureWithMonadTransformer = createFunSignature operationIdNameWithMonadTransformer fnTypeWithMonadTransformer fnSignatureRawWithMonadTransformer = createFunSignature operationIdNameRawWithMonadTransformer fnTypeRawWithMonadTransformer methodAndPath = T.toUpper method <> " " <> requestPath operationNameAsString = nameBase operationIdName operationDescription = pure . Doc.generateHaddockComment . ("> " <> methodAndPath :) . ("" :) pure $ ([moduleName],) . Doc.addOperationsModuleHeader mainModuleName moduleName operationNameAsString . ($$ text "") <$> ( ($$) <$> ( vcat <$> sequence [ operationDescription [description], ( `Doc.sideBySide` Doc.sideComments ("The configuration to use in the request" : paramDescriptions <> ["Monad containing the result of the operation"]) ) . Doc.breakOnTokens ["->"] <$> fnSignature, functionBody, operationDescription ["The same as '" <> T.pack operationNameAsString <> "' but returns the raw 'Data.ByteString.Char8.ByteString'"], fnSignatureRaw, functionBodyRaw, operationDescription ["Monadic version of '" <> T.pack operationNameAsString <> "' (use with 'OpenAPI.Common.runWithConfiguration')"], fnSignatureWithMonadTransformer, functionBodyWithMonadTransformer, operationDescription ["Monadic version of '" <> T.pack (nameBase operationIdNameRaw) <> "' (use with 'OpenAPI.Common.runWithConfiguration')"], fnSignatureRawWithMonadTransformer, functionBodyRawWithMonadTransformer, bodyDefinition ] ) <*> responseBodyDefinitions ) getBodyType :: Maybe RequestBodyDefinition -> (Text -> Text) -> OAM.Generator ([Q Type], Q Doc) getBodyType Nothing _ = pure ([], Doc.emptyDoc) getBodyType (Just RequestBodyDefinition {..}) appendToOperationName = do let transformType = pure . (if required then id else appT $ varT ''Maybe) requestBodySuffix <- OAM.getFlag $ T.pack . OAF.optRequestBodyTypeSuffix BF.bimap transformType fst <$> Model.defineModelForSchemaNamed (appendToOperationName requestBodySuffix) schema