module Pcap where import Data.Binary.Bits.Get (block, runBitGet, word8) import Data.Binary.Get (getWord32le, runGet) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import OpcXmlDaClient (Error (..)) import OpcXmlDaClient.Protocol.Types import qualified OpcXmlDaClient.Protocol.XmlParsing as XmlParsing import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified XmlParser as Xp import Prelude data XmlResponseParser = forall a. XmlResponseParser ( Xp.Element (Either SoapFault a), Xp.Element (Either SoapFault a) -> ByteString -> Maybe Error ) -- * Make tests makePcapTests :: IO TestTree makePcapTests = lookupEnv "PCAP_TEST_FILE_PATH" >>= \case Nothing -> pure $ testCase "No .pcap file" $ assertBool "" True Just path -> do content <- B.readFile path <&> pcapToEther let (resps, _reqs) = separate $ regroup $ B.split (c2w '\n') $ mconcat $ addEmptyLine . unwrapTCP . unwrapIP . unwrapEther <$> content pure $ testGroup "PCAP tests" $ (zip [1 ..] resps) <&> \(n, resp) -> testCase ("Response #" <> show @Int n) $ assertEqual "Parse corrent" Nothing $ tryToParse resp -- * Response parsing tryToParse :: ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, [Error]) tryToParse str = ((str,) <$>) $ sequence $ responseParsers <&> \(XmlResponseParser (parser, check')) -> check' parser str where responseParsers = [ xml (XmlParsing.getStatusResponse, checkError), xml (XmlParsing.readResponse, checkError), xml (XmlParsing.writeResponse, checkError), xml (XmlParsing.subscribeResponse, checkError), xml (XmlParsing.subscriptionPolledRefreshResponse, checkError), xml (XmlParsing.subscriptionCancelResponse, checkError), xml (XmlParsing.browseResponse, checkError), xml (XmlParsing.getPropertiesResponse, checkError) ] xml = XmlResponseParser checkError decode s = Xp.parseByteString decode s & either do Just . ParsingError do const Nothing -- | -- This function concatinates strings which don't have empty strings between them regroup :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] regroup str = let (x, y) = foldr ( \s (k, ks) -> if B.length s <= 2 then ("", ks <> [k | k /= ""]) else (k <> s, ks) ) ("", []) str in x : y -- | -- This function sorts strings to requests and responses separate :: [ByteString] -> ([ByteString], [ByteString]) separate = foldr f ([], []) where f = \x (a, b) -> if | x `startWith` prefResp -> ((B8.drop (B8.length prefResp) x) : a, b) | x `startWith` prefReq -> (a, x : b) | otherwise -> (a, b) prefResp = "" prefReq = " [ByteString] pcapToEther b' = go (B.drop 24 b') [] where go b v = case B.length b of 0 -> v _ -> let l = fromIntegral $ runGet getWord32le (BL.fromStrict $ B.drop 8 b) (payload, tail') = B.splitAt l (B.drop 16 b) in go tail' (v <> [payload]) unwrapEther :: ByteString -> ByteString unwrapEther = B.reverse . B.dropWhile isPaddingByte . B.reverse . B.drop etherHeaderLength where etherHeaderLength = 14 isPaddingByte = (== 0) unwrapIP :: ByteString -> ByteString unwrapIP b = let (_, headerLength32) = flip runGet (BL.fromStrict b) $ runBitGet $ block $ (,) <$> word8 4 <*> word8 4 in B.drop ((fromIntegral headerLength32) * 4) b unwrapTCP :: ByteString -> ByteString unwrapTCP b = let headerLength32 = flip runGet (BL.drop 12 $ BL.fromStrict b) $ runBitGet $ block $ word8 4 in B.drop ((fromIntegral headerLength32) * 4) b -- * Helpers addEmptyLine :: ByteString -> ByteString addEmptyLine x = if B8.take 4 x `elem` (["HTTP", "POST"] :: [ByteString]) then "\n\n" <> x else x