{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

module Opaleye.Trans
    ( OpaleyeT (..)
    , runOpaleyeT

    , -- * Transactions
    , transaction
    , run

    , -- * Queries
    , queryFirst

    , -- * Inserts
    , insertMany
    , insertReturning
    , insertReturningFirst
    , insertManyReturning

    , -- * Utilities

    , -- * Reexports
    , MonadBase
    , ask
    , Int64
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Base              (MonadBase, liftBase)
import           Control.Monad.Reader            (MonadReader, ReaderT (..),
import           Control.Monad.Trans             (MonadTrans (..))

import           Data.Maybe                      (listToMaybe)
import           Data.Profunctor.Product.Default (Default)

import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple      (Connection, withTransaction)
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple      as PSQL

import           GHC.Int

import           Opaleye

-- | The 'Opaleye' monad transformer
newtype OpaleyeT m a = OpaleyeT { unOpaleyeT :: ReaderT Connection m a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadReader Connection)

instance MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (OpaleyeT m) where
    liftBase = lift . liftBase

-- | Given a 'Connection', run an 'OpaleyeT'
runOpaleyeT :: PSQL.Connection -> OpaleyeT m a -> m a
runOpaleyeT c = flip runReaderT c . unOpaleyeT
-- TODO Handle exceptions

withConn :: MonadBase IO m => (Connection -> IO a) -> OpaleyeT m a
withConn f = do
    conn <- ask
    liftBase (f conn)

newtype Transaction a = Transaction { unTransaction :: ReaderT Connection IO a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader Connection)

-- | Run a postgresql transaction in the 'OpaleyeT' monad
transaction :: MonadBase IO m => Transaction a -> OpaleyeT m a
transaction (Transaction t) = withConn $ \conn -> 
    withTransaction conn (runReaderT t conn)

-- | Execute a query without a literal transaction
run :: MonadBase IO m => Transaction a -> OpaleyeT m a
run (Transaction t) = withConn $ runReaderT t

-- | With a 'Connection' in a 'Transaction'
-- This isn't exposed so that users can't just drop down to IO
-- in a transaction
withConnIO :: (Connection -> IO a) -> Transaction a
withConnIO f = Transaction (ReaderT f)

-- | Execute a 'Query'. See 'runQuery'.
query :: Default QueryRunner a b => Query a -> Transaction [b]
query q = withConnIO (`runQuery` q)

-- | Retrieve the first result from a 'Query'. Similar to @listToMaybe <$> runQuery@.
queryFirst :: Default QueryRunner a b => Query a -> Transaction (Maybe b)
queryFirst q = listToMaybe <$> query q

-- | Insert into a 'Table'. See 'runInsert'.
insert :: Table w r -> w -> Transaction Int64
insert t w = withConnIO (\c -> runInsert c t w)

-- | Insert many records into a 'Table'. See 'runInsertMany'.
insertMany :: Table w r -> [w] -> Transaction Int64
insertMany t ws = withConnIO (\c -> runInsertMany c t ws)

-- | Insert a record into a 'Table' with a return value. See 'runInsertReturning'.
    :: Default QueryRunner a b
    => Table w r
    -> (r -> a)
    -> w
    -> Transaction [b]
insertReturning t ret w = withConnIO (\c -> runInsertReturning c t w ret)

-- | Insert a record into a 'Table' with a return value. Retrieve only the first result.
-- Similar to @listToMaybe <$> insertReturning@
    :: Default QueryRunner a b
    => Table w r
    -> (r -> a)
    -> w
    -> Transaction (Maybe b)
insertReturningFirst t ret w = listToMaybe <$> insertReturning t ret w

-- | Insert many records into a 'Table' with a return value for each record.
-- Maybe not worth defining. This almost certainly does the wrong thing.
    :: (MonadBase IO m, Default QueryRunner a b)
    => Table w r
    -> (r -> a)
    -> [w]
    -> OpaleyeT m [[b]]
insertManyReturning t ret ws =
    transaction (mapM (insertReturning t ret) ws)