> {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} > {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} > {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} > > module TutorialBasic where > > import Prelude hiding (sum) > > import Opaleye (Column, Nullable, matchNullable, isNull, > Table(Table), required, queryTable, > Query, QueryArr, restrict, (.==), (.<=), (.&&), (.<), > (.++), ifThenElse, pgString, aggregate, groupBy, > count, avg, sum, leftJoin, runQuery, > showSqlForPostgres, Unpackspec, > PGInt4, PGInt8, PGText, PGDate, PGFloat8, PGBool) > > import Data.Profunctor.Product (p2, p3) > import Data.Profunctor.Product.Default (Default) > import Data.Profunctor.Product.TH (makeAdaptorAndInstance) > import Data.Time.Calendar (Day) > > import Control.Arrow (returnA, (<<<)) > > import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PGS Introduction ============ In this example file I'll give you a brief introduction to the Opaleye relational query EDSL. I'll show you how to define tables in Opaleye; use them to generate selects, joins and filters; use the API of Opaleye to make your queries more composable; and finally run the queries on Postgres. Schema ====== Opaleye assumes that a Postgres database already exists. Currently there is no support for creating databases or tables, though these features may be added later according to demand. A table is defined with the `Table` constructor. The syntax is simple. You specify the types of the columns, the name of the table and the names of the columns in the underlying database, and whether the columns are required or optional. (Note: This simple syntax is supported by an extra combinator that describes the shape of the container that you are storing the columns in. In the first example we are using a tuple of size 3 and the combinator is called `p3`. We'll see examples of others later.) The `Table` type constructor has two arguments. The first one tells us what columns we can write to the table and the second what columns we can read from the table. In this document we will always make all columns required, so the write and read types will be the same. All `Table` types will have the same type argument repeated twice. In the manipulation tutorial you can see an example of when they might differ. > personTable :: Table (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText) > (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText) > personTable = Table "personTable" (p3 ( required "name" > , required "age" > , required "address" )) To query a table we use `queryTable`. (Here and in a few other places in Opaleye there is some typeclass magic going on behind the scenes. However, you never *have* to use typeclasses. All the magic that typeclasses do is also available by explicitly passing in the "typeclass dictionary". For this example file we will always use the typeclass versions because they are simpler to read and the typeclass magic is essentially invisible.) > personQuery :: Query (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText) > personQuery = queryTable personTable A `Query` corresponds to an SQL SELECT that we can run. Here is the SQL generated for `personQuery`. ghci> printSql personQuery SELECT name0_1 as result1, age1_1 as result2, address2_1 as result3 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1) as T1 This SQL is functionally equivalent to the following "idealized" SQL. In this document every example of SQL generated by Opaleye will be followed by an "idealized" equivalent version. This will give you some idea of how readable the SQL generated by Opaleye is. Eventually Opaleye should generate SQL closer to the "idealized" version, but that is an ongoing project. Since Postgres has a sensible query optimization engine there should be little difference in performance between Opaleye's version and the ideal. Please submit any differences encountered in practice as an Opaleye bug. SELECT name, age address FROM personTable (`printSQL` is just a convenient utility function for the purposes of this example file. See below for its definition.) Record types ------------ Opaleye can use user defined types such as record types in queries. It will save you a lot of headaches if you define your data types to be polymorphic in all their fields. If you want to use concrete types in particular places, as you almost always will, you can use type synonyms. For example: > data Birthday' a b = Birthday { bdName :: a, bdDay :: b } > type Birthday = Birthday' String Day > type BirthdayColumn = Birthday' (Column PGText) (Column PGDate) To get user defined types to work with the typeclass magic they must have instances defined for them. The instances are derivable with Template Haskell. > $(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pBirthday" ''Birthday') Then we can use 'Table' to make a table on our record type in exactly the same way as before. > birthdayTable :: Table BirthdayColumn BirthdayColumn > birthdayTable = Table "birthdayTable" > (pBirthday Birthday { bdName = required "name" > , bdDay = required "birthday" }) > > birthdayQuery :: Query BirthdayColumn > birthdayQuery = queryTable birthdayTable ghci> printSql birthdayQuery SELECT name0_1 as result1, birthday1_1 as result2 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, birthday as birthday1_1 FROM birthdayTable as T1) as T1) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT name, birthday FROM birthdayTable Projection ========== "Projection" means discarding some of the columns of our query, for example we might want to discard the "address" column of our `personQuery`. Projection gives us our first example of using "arrow notation" to write Opaleye queries. Arrow notation is essentially a restricted version of "do notation". Arrow notation allows you to write arrow computations, and do notation allows you to write monadic computations. Here we run the `personQuery` passing in () to signify "zero arguments". We pattern match on the results and return only the columns we are interested in. > nameAge :: Query (Column PGText, Column PGInt4) > nameAge = proc () -> do > (name, age, _) <- personQuery -< () > returnA -< (name, age) ghci> printSql nameAge SELECT name0_1 as result1, age1_1 as result2 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT name, age FROM personTable Product ======= "Product" means taking the Cartesian product of two queries. This is simple in arrow notation. Here we take the product of `personQuery` and `birthdayQuery`. > personBirthdayProduct :: > Query ((Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText), BirthdayColumn) > personBirthdayProduct = proc () -> do > personRow <- personQuery -< () > birthdayRow <- birthdayQuery -< () > > returnA -< (personRow, birthdayRow) ghci> printSql personBirthdayProduct SELECT name0_1 as result1, age1_1 as result2, address2_1 as result3, name0_2 as result4, birthday1_2 as result5 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1, (SELECT name as name0_2, birthday as birthday1_2 FROM birthdayTable as T1) as T2) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT name0, age0, address0, name1, birthday1 FROM (SELECT name as name0, age as age0, address as address0 FROM personTable as T1), (SELECT name as name1, birthday as birthday1 FROM birthdayTable as T1) Restriction =========== "Restriction" means restricting the rows of the result of a query to only those where some condition holds. We can restrict `personQuery` to the rows where the person is up to 18 years old. > youngPeople :: Query (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText) > youngPeople = proc () -> do > row@(_, age, _) <- personQuery -< () > restrict -< age .<= 18 > > returnA -< row ghci> printSql youngPeople SELECT name0_1 as result1, age1_1 as result2, address2_1 as result3 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1 WHERE ((age1_1) <= 18)) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT name, age, address FROM personTable WHERE age <= 18 We can use a variety of operators to form more complex restriction conditions. > twentiesAtAddress :: Query (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText) > twentiesAtAddress = proc () -> do > row@(_, age, address) <- personQuery -< () > > restrict -< (20 .<= age) .&& (age .< 30) > restrict -< address .== pgString "1 My Street, My Town" > > returnA -< row SELECT name0_1 as result1, age1_1 as result2, address2_1 as result3 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1 WHERE ((address2_1) = '1 My Street, My Town') AND ((20 <= (age1_1)) AND ((age1_1) < 30))) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT name, age, address FROM personTable WHERE address = '1 My Street, My Town' AND 20 <= age AND age < 30 Inner join ---------- A Product followed by a restriction is sometimes called a "join" or "inner join" in SQL terminology. The following query is an example of such. > personAndBirthday :: > Query (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText, Column PGDate) > personAndBirthday = proc () -> do > (name, age, address) <- personQuery -< () > birthday <- birthdayQuery -< () > > restrict -< name .== bdName birthday > > returnA -< (name, age, address, bdDay birthday) ghci> printSql personAndBirthday SELECT name0_1 as result1, age1_1 as result2, address2_1 as result3, birthday1_2 as result4 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1, (SELECT name as name0_2, birthday as birthday1_2 FROM birthdayTable as T1) as T2 WHERE ((name0_1) = (name0_2))) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT name0, age0, address0, name1, birthday1 FROM (SELECT name as name0, age as age0, address as address0 FROM personTable as T1), (SELECT name as name1, birthday as birthday1 FROM birthdayTable as T1) WHERE name0 == name1 Nullability =========== NULLs in SQL have been the source of a lot of complaints, but as Haskell programmers we know that there is nothing wrong with nullability as long is it is reflected in the type system. Nullable columns are indicated with the `Nullable` type constructor. For example, suppose we have an employee table which records the name of each employee and the name of their boss. If their boss is recorded as NULL then that means they have no boss! > employeeTable :: Table (Column PGText, Column (Nullable PGText)) > (Column PGText, Column (Nullable PGText)) > employeeTable = Table "employeeTable" (p2 ( required "name" > , required "boss" )) We can write a query that returns as string indicating for each employee whether they have a boss. > hasBoss :: Query (Column PGText) > hasBoss = proc () -> do > (name, nullableBoss) <- queryTable employeeTable -< () > > let aOrNo = ifThenElse (isNull nullableBoss) (pgString "no") (pgString "a") > > returnA -< name .++ pgString " has " .++ aOrNo .++ pgString " boss" SELECT (((name0_1) || ' has ') || (CASE WHEN boss1_1 IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'a' END)) || ' boss' as result1 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, boss as boss1_1 FROM employeeTable as T1) as T1) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT name || ' has ' || CASE WHEN boss IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'a' END || ' boss' FROM employeeTable But we can do much more than just check for NULL of course. We can write a query arrow to produce a string describing each employee's status along with the name of their boss, if any. The combinator `matchNullable` checks whether `nullableBoss` is NULL. If so it returns its first argument. If not it passes the non-NULL value to the function that is the second argument. > bossQuery :: QueryArr (Column PGText, Column (Nullable PGText)) (Column PGText) > bossQuery = proc (name, nullableBoss) -> do > returnA -< matchNullable (name .++ pgString " has no boss") > (\boss -> pgString "The boss of " .++ name > .++ pgString " is " .++ boss) > nullableBoss Note that `matchNullable` corresponds to Haskell's maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b and in pure Haskell the same computation could be expressed as > bossHaskell :: (String, Maybe String) -> String > bossHaskell (name, nullableBoss) = maybe (name ++ " has no boss") > (\boss -> "The boss of " ++ name > ++ " is " ++ boss) > nullableBoss Then we get the following SQL. ghci> printSql (bossQuery <<< queryTable employeeTable) SELECT CASE WHEN boss1_1 IS NULL THEN (name0_1) || ' has no boss' ELSE (('The boss of ' || (name0_1)) || ' is ') || (boss1_1) END as result1 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, boss as boss1_1 FROM employeeTable as T1) as T1) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT CASE WHEN boss IS NULL THEN name0_1 || ' has no boss' ELSE 'The boss of ' || name || ' is ' || boss END FROM employeeTable Composability ============= Rewriting `twentiesAtAddress` will allow us to get our first glimpse of the enormous composability that Opaleye offers. We can factor out some parts of the 'twentiesAtAddress' query. For example we can pull out the restriction to one's age being "in the twenties" and the restriction to the one's address being "1 My Street, My Town". The types are of the form `QueryArr a ()`. This means that they read columns of type `a` but do not return any columns. (Note: `Query` is just a synonym for `QueryArr ()` which means that it is a `QueryArr` that does not read any columns.) > restrictIsTwenties :: QueryArr (Column PGInt4) () > restrictIsTwenties = proc age -> do > restrict -< (20 .<= age) .&& (age .< 30) > > restrictAddressIs1MyStreet :: QueryArr (Column PGText) () > restrictAddressIs1MyStreet = proc address -> do > restrict -< address .== pgString "1 My Street, My Town" We can't generate "the SQL of" these combinators. They are not `Query`s so they don't have any SQL! (This corresponds to the observation that in Haskell typically values can be "shown", but functions cannot be "shown".) Instead we use them to reimplement `twentiesAtAddress` in a more neatly-factored way. > twentiesAtAddress' :: Query (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText) > twentiesAtAddress' = proc () -> do > row@(_, age, address) <- personQuery -< () > > restrictIsTwenties -< age > restrictAddressIs1MyStreet -< address > > returnA -< row The SQL generated is exactly the same as before ghci> printSql twentiesAtAddress' SELECT name0_1 as result1, age1_1 as result2, address2_1 as result3 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1 WHERE ((address2_1) = '1 My Street, My Town') AND ((20 <= (age1_1)) AND ((age1_1) < 30))) as T1 Composability of joins ---------------------- We can perform a similar transformation for `personAndBirthday` by pulling out a `QueryArr` which perform the mapping of a person's name to their date of birth by looking up in `birthdayQuery`. > birthdayOfPerson :: QueryArr (Column PGText) (Column PGDate) > birthdayOfPerson = proc name -> do > birthday <- birthdayQuery -< () > > restrict -< name .== bdName birthday > > returnA -< bdDay birthday We can then reimplement `personAndBirthday` as follows > personAndBirthday' :: > Query (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText, Column PGDate) > personAndBirthday' = proc () -> do > (name, age, address) <- personQuery -< () > birthday <- birthdayOfPerson -< name > > returnA -< (name, age, address, birthday) and it yields the same SQL as before. ghci> printSql personAndBirthday' SELECT name0_1 as result1, age1_1 as result2, address2_1 as result3, birthday1_2 as result4 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1, (SELECT name as name0_2, birthday as birthday1_2 FROM birthdayTable as T1) as T2 WHERE ((name0_1) = (name0_2))) as T1 Aggregation =========== Type safe aggregation is the jewel in the crown of Opaleye. Even SQL generating APIs which are otherwise type safe often fall down when it comes to aggregation. If you want to find holes in the type system of an SQL generating language, aggregation is the best place to look! By contrast, Opaleye aggregations always generate meaningful SQL. By way of example, suppose we have a widget table which contains the style, color, location, quantity and radius of widgets. We can model this information with the following datatype. > data Widget a b c d e = Widget { style :: a > , color :: b > , location :: c > , quantity :: d > , radius :: e } > > $(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pWidget" ''Widget) For the purposes of this example the style, color and location will be strings, but in practice they might have been a different data type. > widgetTable :: Table (Widget (Column PGText) (Column PGText) (Column PGText) > (Column PGInt4) (Column PGFloat8)) > (Widget (Column PGText) (Column PGText) (Column PGText) > (Column PGInt4) (Column PGFloat8)) > widgetTable = Table "widgetTable" > (pWidget Widget { style = required "style" > , color = required "color" > , location = required "location" > , quantity = required "quantity" > , radius = required "radius" }) Say we want to group by the style and color of widgets, calculating how many (possibly duplicated) locations there are, the total number of such widgets and their average radius. `aggregateWidgets` shows us how to do this. > aggregateWidgets :: Query (Widget (Column PGText) (Column PGText) (Column PGInt8) > (Column PGInt4) (Column PGFloat8)) > aggregateWidgets = aggregate (pWidget (Widget { style = groupBy > , color = groupBy > , location = count > , quantity = sum > , radius = avg })) > (queryTable widgetTable) The generated SQL is ghci> printSql aggregateWidgets SELECT result0_2 as result1, result1_2 as result2, result2_2 as result3, result3_2 as result4, result4_2 as result5 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT style0_1 as result0_2, color1_1 as result1_2, COUNT(location2_1) as result2_2, SUM(quantity3_1) as result3_2, AVG(radius4_1) as result4_2 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT style as style0_1, color as color1_1, location as location2_1, quantity as quantity3_1, radius as radius4_1 FROM widgetTable as T1) as T1) as T1 GROUP BY style0_1, color1_1) as T1) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT style, color, COUNT(location), SUM(quantity), AVG(radius) FROM widgetTable GROUP BY style, color Note: In `widgetTable` and `aggregateWidgets` we see more explicit uses of our Template Haskell derived code. We use the 'pWidget' "adaptor" to specify how columns are aggregated. Note that this is yet another example of avoiding a headache by keeping your datatype fully polymorphic, because the 'count' aggregator changes a 'Wire String' into a 'Wire Int64'. Outer join ========== Opaleye supports left joins. (Full outer joins and right joins are left to be added as a simple starter project for a new Opaleye contributer!) Because left joins can change non-nullable columns into nullable columns we have to make sure the type of the output supports nullability. We introduce the following type synonym for this purpose, which is just a notational convenience. > type ColumnNullableBirthday = Birthday' (Column (Nullable PGText)) > (Column (Nullable PGDate)) A left join is expressed by specifying the two tables to join and the join condition. > personBirthdayLeftJoin :: Query ((Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText), > ColumnNullableBirthday) > personBirthdayLeftJoin = leftJoin personQuery birthdayQuery eqName > where eqName ((name, _, _), birthdayRow) = name .== bdName birthdayRow The generated SQL is ghci> printSql personBirthdayLeftJoin SELECT result1_0_3 as result1, result1_1_3 as result2, result1_2_3 as result3, result2_0_3 as result4, result2_1_3 as result5 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name0_1 as result1_0_3, age1_1 as result1_1_3, address2_1 as result1_2_3, name0_2 as result2_0_3, birthday1_2 as result2_1_3 FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_1, age as age1_1, address as address2_1 FROM personTable as T1) as T1) as T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT name as name0_2, birthday as birthday1_2 FROM birthdayTable as T1) as T1) as T2 ON (name0_1) = (name0_2)) as T1) as T1 Idealized SQL: SELECT name0, age0, address0, name1, birthday1 FROM (SELECT name as name0, age as age0, address as address0 FROM personTable) as T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT name as name1, birthday as birthday1 FROM birthdayTable) as T1 ON name0 = name1 Newtypes ======== In Haskell, newtypes are a great way of getting additional typesafety. For example, the ID of a warehouse may be an integer, but instead of representing it as a naked `Int` we wrap it in a `WarehouseId` newtype to guard against meaninglessly mixing it with other `Int`s. We can do something similar in Opaleye. For this example, a warehouse has an integer ID, a location, and holds and integer quantity of goods. > data Warehouse' a b c = Warehouse { wId :: a > , wLocation :: b > , wNumGoods :: c } > > $(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pWarehouse" ''Warehouse') We could represent the integer ID in Opaleye as a `PGInt4` > type BadWarehouseColumn = Warehouse' (Column PGInt4) > (Column PGText) > (Column PGInt4) > > badWarehouseTable :: Table BadWarehouseColumn BadWarehouseColumn > badWarehouseTable = Table "warehouse_table" > (pWarehouse Warehouse { wId = required "id" > , wLocation = required "location" > , wNumGoods = required "num_goods" }) but that would expose us to the following sorts of errors, where we can meaninglessly relate the warehouse ID with the quantity of goods it holds. > badComparison :: BadWarehouseColumn -> Column PGBool > badComparison w = wId w .== wNumGoods w On the other hand we can make a newtype for the warehouse ID > -- TODO: Since the `makeAdaptorAndInstance` Template Haskell is > -- poorly written we have to make this `data` rather than `newtype` but > -- this will be fixed in a later version. > data WarehouseId' a = WarehouseId a > $(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pWarehouseId" ''WarehouseId') > > type WarehouseIdColumn = WarehouseId' (Column PGInt4) > > type GoodWarehouseColumn = Warehouse' WarehouseIdColumn > (Column PGText) > (Column PGInt4) > > goodWarehouseTable :: Table GoodWarehouseColumn GoodWarehouseColumn > goodWarehouseTable = Table "warehouse_table" > (pWarehouse Warehouse { wId = pWarehouseId (WarehouseId (required "id")) > , wLocation = required "location" > , wNumGoods = required "num_goods" }) Now the comparison will not pass the type checker. > -- forbiddenComparison :: GoodWarehouseColumn -> Column PGBool > -- forbiddenComparison w = wId w .== wNumGoods w > -- > -- => Couldn't match type `WarehouseId' (Column PGInt4)' with `Column PGInt4' Running queries on Postgres =========================== Opaleye provides simple facilities for running queries on Postgres. `runQuery` is a typeclass polymorphic function that effectively has the following type > -- runQuery :: Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Connection > -- -> Query columns -> IO [haskells] It converts a "record" of Opaleye columns to a list of "records" of Haskell values. Because this particular formulation uses typeclasses please put type signatures on everything in sight to minimize the number of confusing error messages! For example, for the 'twentiesAtAddress' query `runQuery` would have the following type: > runTwentiesQuery :: PGS.Connection > -> Query (Column PGText, Column PGInt4, Column PGText) > -> IO [(String, Int, String)] > runTwentiesQuery = runQuery Note that nullable columns are indicated with the Nullable type constructor, and these are converted to Maybe when executed. If we have a table with a nullable column then Nullable columns turn into Maybes. We could run the query `queryTable employeeTable` like this. > runEmployeesQuery :: PGS.Connection > -> Query (Column PGText, Column (Nullable PGText)) > -> IO [(String, Maybe String)] > runEmployeesQuery = runQuery Newtypes are taken care of automatically by the typeclass instance that was generated by `makeAdaptorAndInstance`. A `WarehouseId' (Column PGInt4)` becomes a `WarehouseId' Int` when the query is run. We could run the query `queryTable goodWarehouseTable` like this. > type WarehouseId = WarehouseId' Int > type GoodWarehouse = Warehouse' WarehouseId String Int > > runWarehouseQuery :: PGS.Connection > -> Query GoodWarehouseColumn > -> IO [GoodWarehouse] > runWarehouseQuery = runQuery Conclusion ========== There ends the Opaleye introductions module. Please send me your questions! Utilities ========= This is a little utility function to help with printing generated SQL. > printSql :: Default Unpackspec a a => Query a -> IO () > printSql = putStrLn . showSqlForPostgres