-- Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Tim Sheard, Gabor Greif -- OGI School of Science & Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University -- Maseeh College of Engineering, Portland State University -- See LICENSE.txt for details. -- Wed Aug 21 12:06:10 CEST 2013 -- Omega Interpreter: version 1.5.2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Toplevel where import Data.Char(isAlpha,isDigit) import Data.List(partition,(\\),nub,find,deleteBy,sort) import Data.Map(Map,toList) import System.IO import Version(version,buildtime) import Syntax import ParserDef(getInt,pCommand,parseString,Command(..) ,program,parseHandle) import LangEval(Env(..),env0,eval,elaborate,Prefix(..),mPatStrict,extendV) import Monads(FIO(..),unFIO,runFIO,fixFIO,fio,resetNext ,write,writeln,readln,unTc,tryAndReport,fio,fioFailD ,errF,report,writeRef) import Auxillary(plist,plistf,foldrM,backspace,Loc(..),extendL,DispInfo,DispElem(..),eitherM) import SCC(topSortR) import Control.Monad(when) import Infer(TcEnv(sourceFiles,tyfuns),completionEntry,lineEditReadln,initTcEnv ,mode0,modes,checkDecs,imports,addListToFM,appendFM2 ,var_env,type_env,rules,runtime_env,syntaxExt) import RankN(pprint,Z,failD,disp0,dispRef) import Monads(handleP) import Manual(makeManual) import Commands import SyntaxExt(synName,synKey) import System.Environment(getArgs) import Data.Time.Clock(UTCTime,getCurrentTime) import System.IO(hClose) import Control.Exception(try,IOException) import System.FilePath(splitFileName) import System.Directory(setCurrentDirectory,getDirectoryContents,getModificationTime) -- import System.Console.Readline(setCompletionEntryFunction) -- setCompletionEntryFunction :: Maybe (String -> IO [String]) -> IO () ------------------------------------------------------------- -- The programmer interface: the top level loop. -- it performs the read-eval-typecheck-print loop. -- It catches exceptions, and ties all the other pieces together. ---------------------------------------------- -- Perform one Read-Eval-Print action. -- readEvalPrint :: [String] -> (TcEnv) -> FIO(TcEnv) readEvalPrint commandTable sources tenv = do { let tabExpandFun = completionEntry tenv white c = elem c " \t\n" ; input <- lineEditReadln "prompt> " tabExpandFun ; z <- parseString pCommand input ; case z of Left s -> do {writeln s; return (tenv) } Right(x,rest) | all white rest -> case x of (ColonCom com str) -> dispatchColon commandTable tenv com str (ExecCom e) -> execExp tenv e (DrawCom p e) -> drawPatExp tenv p e (LetCom d) -> letDec elabDs tenv d (EmptyCom) -> return tenv Right(x,rest) -> fail ("\nI parsed the command:\n "++show x++ "\nBut there was some trailing text: "++rest) } -- Repeat Read-Eval-Print until the :q command is given topLoop commandTable sources env = tryAndReport (do { fio(hFlush stdout) ; fio(writeRef dispRef disp0) ; env' <- (readEvalPrint commandTable sources init) ; topLoop commandTable (sourceFiles env') env' }) (report (topLoop commandTable (sourceFiles init) init)) where init = (env{sourceFiles=sources}) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Commands for load files, then going into the toplevel loop ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- load just the prelude and then go into the toplevel loop main :: IO () main = runFIO(do { let sources = ["LangPrelude.prg"] ; writeln ("Loading source files = "++show sources) ; fio $ hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering ; fio $ hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering ; (env1,time) <- tryAndReport (elabFile 0 "LangPrelude.prg" initTcEnv) (report (return(initTcEnv,undefined))) ; let sources2 = sourceFiles env1 ; topLoop (commandF (elabFile 0)) sources2 env1 ; return () }) errF -- Load the prelude and then load the file "s", and then go into the toplevel loop. go :: String -> IO () go s = runFIO(do { writeln (version++" -- Type ':?' for command line help."++"\n\n") ; let sources = ["LangPrelude.prg",s] ; writeln ("Loading source files = "++show sources) ; writeln "loading the prelude (LangPrelude.prg)" ; (env,time) <- tryAndReport (elabFile 0 "LangPrelude.prg" initTcEnv) (report (return (initTcEnv,undefined))) ; (env2,time2) <- elabFile 0 s env ; let sources2 = sourceFiles env2 ; topLoop (commandF (elabFile 0)) sources2 env2 ; return () }) errF -- Don't load the prelude, just load "s" then go into the toplevel loop. run :: String -> IO () run s = runFIO(do { let (dir,name) = splitFileName s ; fio (when (not (null dir)) (setCurrentDirectory dir)) ; writeRef modes mode0 ; writeln ("Loading source files = "++show [s]) ; let init = (initTcEnv{sourceFiles = [s]}) ; (env1,time) <- tryAndReport (elabFile 0 s init) (report (return (init,undefined))) ; let sources2 = sourceFiles env1 ; topLoop (commandF (elabFile 0)) sources2 env1 ; return () }) errF -- Try to load a file, if it fails for any reason, exit the program -- with an unrecoverable error. Used in testing, where failure means -- a major error, something very bad (and unexpected), has happened try_to_load s = runFIO(do { writeln ("loading "++s) ; (env1,time) <- tryAndReport (elabFile 0 s initTcEnv) err2 ; writeln (s++" successfully loaded") ; return () }) errF where err2 loc mess = error ("At "++show loc++"\n"++mess) -- Get the file to "run" from the command line arguments, then "run" it omega :: IO() omega = do { args <- getArgs ; putStr (version++"\n") ; putStr ("Build Date: "++buildtime++"\n\n") ; putStr "Type ':?' for command line help.\n" ; case args of [] -> run "LangPrelude.prg" ("-tests" : dir : _) -> alltests dir ("-manual" : dir : _) -> makeManual dir (file : _) -> run file } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- elabDs is the interface to everything. Elaborates a mutually recursive [Dec] -- other functions read the [Dec] from files and call this function elabDs :: [Dec] -> TcEnv -> FIO TcEnv elabDs ds (tenv) = do { let nam (Global s) = s -- ; write ((display (map nam (concat (map decname ds))))++" ") ; (tenv1,ds1,cs1) <- checkDecs tenv ds -- type check the list --; mapM (writeln .show) ds --; mapM (writeln . show) ds1 ; when (not (null cs1)) (fioFailD 3 disp0 [Ds "Unsolved constraints (type 2): ",Ds (show cs1)]) ; env1 <- elaborate None ds1 (runtime_env tenv) -- evaluate the list ; return(tenv1 { runtime_env = env1 }) } display [s] = s display ss = plistf id "(" ss " " ")" ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get a [Dec] from a file name parseDecs :: String -> FIO [Dec] parseDecs file = do { hndl <- eitherM (fio (try(openFile file ReadMode))) (\ err -> fail ("\nProblem opening file: "++file++" ("++show (err :: IOException)++")")) return ; let err mess = fio((hClose hndl) >> fail mess) -- if parsing fails, we should close the file ; x <- handleP (const True) 10 (fio (parseHandle program file hndl)) err ; fio(hClose hndl) ; case x of Left s -> fail s Right(Program ds) -> return ds -- mapM gadt2Data ds } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Omega has a very simple importing mechanism. A user writes: -- import "xx.prg" (f,g,T) -- to import the file named "xx.prg", all symbols with names "f", "g", "T" -- (no matter what namespace they appear in) are imported into the -- current environment. Usually "xx.prg" is a complete path as Omega's -- notion of current directory is quite primitive. -- import "xx.prg" means import everything from "xx.prg" importP (Import s vs) = True importP _ = False importName (Import s vs) = s ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Read a [Dec] from a file, then split it into imports and -- binding groups, uses elabDs to do the work. indent n = replicate ((n-1)*3) ' ' nameOf (name,time,deps,env) = name elabFile :: Int -> String -> TcEnv -> FIO(TcEnv, UTCTime) elabFile count file (tenv) = do { time <- fio getCurrentTime ; all <- parseDecs file ; let (importL,ds) = partition importP all (dss,pairs) = topSortR freeOfDec ds ; writeln(indent count++"->Loading import "++basename file) ; (tenv2,importList) <- importManyFiles (count + 1) importL tenv --; mapM (writeln . (++"\n"). show) ds --; writeln ("\nelaborating "++file++"\n"++show(map freeOfDec ds)++"\n pairs\n"++show pairs) -- Check for multiple definitions in the file ; multDef ds (concat (map fst pairs)) -- Check if any names are already declared ; mapM (notDup tenv2 file) (foldr (\ (exs,deps) ss -> exs++ss) [] pairs) ; tenv3 <- foldF elabDs (tenv2) dss ; let tenv4 = adjustImports file time importList tenv3 ; writeln ((indent (count+1))++"<-"++file++" loaded.") ; return (tenv4,time) } adjustImports name time deps new = new2 where -- a little recursive knot tying so the env being defined (new2) is -- also stored in the imports list of the function being added new2 = new {imports = m : (filter pred (imports new))} m = (name,time,deps,new2) keepers = map fst deps pred (nm1,time1,deps1,env1) = elem nm1 keepers addI [] old = old addI ((m@(nm,time,deps,env)):more) old = (nm,time,deps,env): (addI more (deleteBy same m old)) where same (nm1,time1,deps1,env1) (nm2,time2,deps2,env2) = nm1 == nm2 lookupDeps nm env = case find match (imports env) of Nothing -> fail ("Unknown module when lokking up dependency list: "++nm) Just(nm,time,deps,env) -> return deps where match (name,time,deps,env) = name==nm showimp message env = message++plistf nameOf "(" (imports env) "," ")." importManyFiles:: Int -> [Dec] -> TcEnv -> FIO (TcEnv, [(String, UTCTime)]) importManyFiles count [] tenv = return (tenv,[]) importManyFiles count (d:ds) tenv = do { (next,name,time) <- importFile count d tenv ; (next2,ts) <- importManyFiles count ds next ; return(next2,(name,time):ts) } importFile :: Int -> Dec -> TcEnv -> FIO(TcEnv,String,UTCTime) importFile count (Import name vs) tenv = case find (\(nm,time,deps,env)->name==nm) (imports tenv) of Just (nm,time,deps,env) -> do { writeln (indent count++"Import "++name++" already loaded.") ; return (importNames nm vs env tenv,nm,time) } Nothing -> do { (new,time) <- elabFile count name tenv ; deps <- lookupDeps name new ; unknownExt vs (syntaxExt new) ; let new2 = adjustImports name time deps new ; return(importNames name vs new2 tenv,name,time) } importNames :: String -> Maybe [ImportItem] -> TcEnv -> TcEnv -> TcEnv importNames name items new old = old { imports = addI (imports new) (imports old) , var_env = addListToFM (var_env old) (filter okToAddVar (toList (var_env new))) , type_env = filter q (type_env new) ++ type_env old , runtime_env = add (runtime_env new) (runtime_env old) , rules = appendFM2 (rules old) (filter p2 (toList (rules new))) , syntaxExt = addSyntax syntax (syntaxExt new) (syntaxExt old) , tyfuns = filter okToAddTyFun (tyfuns new) ++ tyfuns old } where elemOf x Nothing = True -- No import list, so everything is imported elemOf x (Just vs) = elem x vs -- is it in the import list? okToAddVar :: forall a . (Var, a) -> Bool okToAddVar (x,y) = elemOf x vs okToAddTyFun (x,y) = elemOf (Global x) vs p2 (s,y) = elemOf (Global s) vs q (str,tau,polyk) = elemOf (Global str) vs add (Ev xs) (Ev ys) = Ev (filter okToAddVar xs ++ ys) accV (VarImport v) vs = v:vs -- used to fold over the runtime environment accV _ vs = vs accSyn (SyntaxImport nm tag) vs = (nm,tag):vs -- fold over syntax imports accSyn _ vs = vs (vs,syntax) = case items of Just zs -> (Just(foldr accV [] zs),Just(foldr accSyn [] zs)) Nothing -> (Nothing,Nothing) addSyntax Nothing new old = new ++ old addSyntax (Just imports) new old = foldr acc old new where acc ext old = if (synName ext,synKey ext) `elem` imports then ext:old else old unknownExt Nothing new = return () unknownExt (Just []) new = return () unknownExt (Just(VarImport x : xs)) new = unknownExt (Just xs) new unknownExt (Just(SyntaxImport nm tag : xs)) new = if any good new then unknownExt (Just xs) new else fail ("\nImporting unknown extension: "++nm++"("++tag++")") where good ext = synName ext == nm && synKey ext == tag multDef :: [Dec] -> [Var] -> FIO () multDef ds names = if null dups then return () else fail (foldr report "" dups) where dups = nub(names \\ nub names) locs = concat(map decloc ds) report :: Var -> String -> String report nm s = show nm ++ " is multiply defined at lines "++show (foldr acc [] locs)++"\n"++s where acc (name,SrcLoc _ line col) ls = if nm==name then line:ls else ls acc (name,Z) ls = ls ----------------------------------------------------- -- this command is for the maintainers of Omega, it tries -- to load all the files in the TestPrograms directory with -- extension ".prg" It is used to exercise Omega. alltests dir = do { setCurrentDirectory dir ; files' <- getDirectoryContents "." ; let ok x = case reverse x of { ('g':'r':'p':'.':_) -> True; _ -> False} ; let files = sort files' ; print (filter ok files) ; mapM try_to_load (filter ok files) ; setCurrentDirectory ".." } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Some shortcuts to running the interpreter work = run "work.prg" ky = run "D:/IntelWork/Kyung2.prg" bad = run "D:/work/sheard/research/omega/badPrograms/shaped.prg" qq = run "d:/LogicBlox/Code/LogicMetaGenerator/Text/meaning.prg" add = run "D:/IntelWork/adder.prg" temp = run "D:/IntelWork/temp.prg" circ = run "Examples/RecursiveCircuit.prg" parse = run "Examples/Parser.prg" tests = go "tests.prg" tm = go "toMetaMl.prg" q s = go ("C:/tmp/OmegaExamples/"++s++".prg")