# om-plugin-imports This plugin behaves similarly to the native GHC options `-ddump-minimal-imports`. If (and only if) you specify a `-dumpdir` directory to GHC, this plugin will emit files to that directory that contain a normalized, complete set of explicit imports for your module. This is sort of what `-ddump-minimal-imports` does, but `-ddump-minimal-imports` has the following deficiencies: * It will not always produce output that satisfies `-Wmissing-import-lists`. E.g. it will sometimes produce something like: ``` import Foo (Bar(..)) ``` * It will explicitly import all the names from modules which are already qualified, E.g: ``` import qualified Foo as F (foo, bar, baz) ``` This plugin solves these problems. It will dump a file in the user-supplied `-dumpdir` of the form `/.full-imports`. The file will contain a set of imports which can be copy/pasted over the imports in your module in a way that satisfies `-Wmissing-import-lists`.