{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {- | Description: Manage connections to other peers. -} module OM.Legion.Connection ( JoinResponse(..), RuntimeState(..), EventConstraints, disconnect, peerMessagePort, sendPeer, ) where import Control.Concurrent.Async (async) import Control.Exception.Safe (finally, tryAny) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack (LoggingT(runLoggingT), MonadLoggerIO(askLoggerIO), MonadLogger, logDebug, logInfo) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(get), modify) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.CRDT.EventFold (Event(Output, State), EventFold, EventId) import Data.Conduit ((.|), ConduitT, awaitForever, runConduit, yield) import Data.Default.Class (Default) import Data.Map (Map) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.Socket (PortNumber) import OM.Fork (Responder) import OM.Legion.MsgChan (Peer(unPeer), ClusterName, MessageId, PeerMessage, close, enqueueMsg, newMsgChan, stream) import OM.Show (showt) import OM.Socket (AddressDescription(AddressDescription), openEgress) import Prelude (Applicative(pure), Bool(False, True), Either(Left, Right), Maybe(Just, Nothing), Monad((>>=)), Semigroup((<>)), ($), (.), Eq, IO, Show) import System.Clock (TimeSpec) import qualified Data.Map as Map {- | A handle on the connection to a peer. -} newtype Connection e = Connection { _unConnection :: forall m. ( MonadIO m , MonadLogger m , MonadState (RuntimeState e) m ) => PeerMessage e -> m Bool } {- | Create a connection to a peer. -} createConnection :: forall m e. ( EventConstraints e , MonadLoggerIO m , MonadState (RuntimeState e) m ) => Peer -> m (Connection e) createConnection peer = do logInfo $ "Creating connection to: " <> showt peer RuntimeState {rsSelf} <- get msgChan <- newMsgChan logging <- askLoggerIO liftIO . void . async . (`runLoggingT` logging) $ let addy :: AddressDescription addy = AddressDescription ( unPeer peer <> ":" <> showt peerMessagePort ) in finally ( (tryAny . runConduit) ( stream rsSelf msgChan .| logMessageSend .| openEgress addy ) >>= \case Left err -> logInfo $ "Disconnecting because of error: " <> showt err Right () -> logInfo "Disconnecting because source dried up." ) (close msgChan) let conn :: Connection e conn = Connection (enqueueMsg msgChan) modify (\state -> state { rsConnections = Map.insert peer conn (rsConnections state) }) pure conn where logMessageSend :: forall w. (MonadLogger w) => ConduitT (Peer, PeerMessage e) (Peer, PeerMessage e) w () logMessageSend = awaitForever (\msg -> do logDebug $ "Sending Message to Peer (peer, msg): " <> showt (peer, msg) yield msg ) {- | Shorthand for all the constraints needed for the event type. Mainly used so that documentation renders better. -} type EventConstraints e = ( Binary (Output e) , Binary (State e) , Binary e , Default (State e) , Eq (Output e) , Eq e , Event Peer e , Show (Output e) , Show (State e) , Show e , ToJSON (Output e) , ToJSON (State e) , ToJSON e ) {- | The Legionary runtime state. -} data RuntimeState e = RuntimeState { rsSelf :: Peer , rsClusterState :: EventFold ClusterName Peer e , rsConnections :: Map Peer (Connection e) , rsWaiting :: Map (EventId Peer) (Responder (Output e)) , rsCalls :: Map MessageId (Responder ByteString) , rsBroadcalls :: Map MessageId ( Map Peer (Maybe ByteString), Responder (Map Peer (Maybe ByteString)), TimeSpec ) , rsNextId :: MessageId , rsNotify :: EventFold ClusterName Peer e -> IO () , rsJoins :: Map (EventId Peer) (Responder (JoinResponse e)) {- ^ The infimum of the eventfold we send to a new participant must have moved past the participation event itself. In other words, the join must be totally consistent across the cluster. The reason is that we can't make the new participant responsible for applying events that occur before it joined the cluster, because it has no way to ensure that it can collect all such events. Therefore, this field tracks the outstanding joins until they become consistent. -} } {- | The response to a JoinRequest message -} newtype JoinResponse e = JoinOk (EventFold ClusterName Peer e) deriving stock (Generic) deriving stock instance (EventConstraints e) => Show (JoinResponse e) instance (EventConstraints e) => Binary (JoinResponse e) {- | The peer message port. -} peerMessagePort :: PortNumber peerMessagePort = 5288 {- | Disconnect the connection to a peer. -} disconnect :: ( MonadLogger m , MonadState (RuntimeState e) m ) => Peer -> m () disconnect peer = do logInfo $ "Disconnecting: " <> showt peer modify (\state@RuntimeState {rsConnections} -> state { rsConnections = Map.delete peer rsConnections }) {- | Send a peer message, creating a new connection if need be. -} sendPeer :: forall m e. ( EventConstraints e , MonadLoggerIO m , MonadState (RuntimeState e) m ) => PeerMessage e -> Peer -> m () sendPeer msg peer = do RuntimeState {rsConnections} <- get case Map.lookup peer rsConnections of Nothing -> do conn <- createConnection peer sendTheMessage conn Just conn -> sendTheMessage conn where sendTheMessage :: Connection e -> m () sendTheMessage (Connection conn) = conn msg >>= \case True -> pure () False -> disconnect peer