{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {- | This module contains utilities for compiling and bundling Elm programs directly into your Haskell executable binary. It is useful for the case where you want to bundle a front-end Elm web app along with the backing services that support it, and especially for when the two components are part of the same codebase. It produces WAI Middleware, and is thus compatible with a wide range server-side frameworks. Usage is designed to be as simple as possible. There are 3 steps: 1) Change your .cabal file to use a \"Custom\" build type, and add the appropriate custom build dependencies. > build-type: Custom > ... > custom-setup > setup-depends: > Cabal, > base, > om-elm 2) Modify your @Setup.hs@ file, using 'requireElm'. 3) Include a 'Middleware' template-haskell splice, using 'elmSite', in the appropriate place in your code. See the function documnetation for more details. -} module System.Elm.Middleware ( requireElm, elmSite, elmSiteDebug, PathInfo, ) where import Control.Exception.Safe (tryAny) import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.String (IsString, fromString) import Data.Text (Text) import Distribution.Simple (UserHooks, hookedPrograms, preConf, simpleUserHooks) import Distribution.Simple.Program (Program, configureAllKnownPrograms, defaultProgramDb, requireProgram, simpleProgram) import Distribution.Simple.Setup (configVerbosity, fromFlagOrDefault) import Distribution.Verbosity (normal) import Language.Haskell.TH (Code(examineCode), Q, TExp, runIO) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (addDependentFile) import Network.HTTP.Types (methodNotAllowed405, ok200) import Network.Wai (Application, Middleware, pathInfo, requestMethod, responseLBS) import Safe (lastMay) import System.Directory (createDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive) import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess)) import System.Posix (ProcessStatus(Exited), executeFile, forkProcess, getProcessStatus) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Text as T {- | Add the elm program requirements to a set of build hooks. This is expected to be used in your Setup.hs file thusly: > import Distribution.Simple (defaultMainWithHooks, simpleUserHooks) > import System.Elm.Middleware (requireElm) > > main = defaultMainWithHooks (requireElm simpleUserHooks) -} requireElm :: UserHooks -> UserHooks requireElm hooks = hooks { hookedPrograms = hookedPrograms hooks ++ [elmProg], preConf = \args flags -> do let verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (configVerbosity flags) db <- configureAllKnownPrograms verbosity defaultProgramDb _ <- requireProgram verbosity elmProg db preConf simpleUserHooks args flags } where {- | A description of the elm program. -} elmProg :: Program elmProg = simpleProgram "elm" {- | Template Haskell method to create a 'Middleware' that serves a set of elm programs. The elm programs are compiled into HTML at compile time, and that HTML is included directly in your executable. The parameter is a map of 'pathInfo's to elm program module file. The elm program located at the file is served whenever the pathInfo matches that of the request. Any non-matching request is forwarded to the downstream 'Application'. The typed template-haskell splice: > $$(elmSite $ Map.fromList [ > (["app.js"], "elm/Your/Elm/Module/App.elm") > ]) will construct a WAI 'Middleware' which serves the compiled elm program on @/app.js@. -} elmSite :: Map PathInfo FilePath -> Q (TExp Middleware) elmSite = elmSite2 False {- | Like 'elmSite', but serve the debug elm runtime. -} elmSiteDebug :: Map PathInfo FilePath -> Q (TExp Middleware) elmSiteDebug = elmSite2 True elmSite2 :: Bool -> Map PathInfo FilePath -> Q (TExp Middleware) elmSite2 debug spec = buildMiddleware =<< mapM (\(u, c) -> (u,) <$> c) [ (uriPath, compileElm uriPath elmFile) | (fmap T.unpack -> uriPath, elmFile) <- Map.toList spec ] where {- | Construct the middleware from a set of compiled elm resources. -} buildMiddleware :: [([String], (String, String))] -> Q (TExp Middleware) buildMiddleware resources = examineCode [|| let apps = Map.fromList[ (uriPath, buildApp contentType content) | (fmap T.pack -> uriPath, (contentType, content)) <- resources ] {- | Build the application that serves a single elm resource. -} buildApp :: String -> String -> Application buildApp contentType content req respond = respond $ case requestMethod req of "GET" -> responseLBS ok200 [("Content-Type", fromString contentType)] (fromString content) _ -> responseLBS methodNotAllowed405 [("Allow", "GET")] "" in \downstream req respond -> case Map.lookup (pathInfo req) apps of Nothing -> downstream req respond Just app -> app req respond ||] compileElm :: [String] -> FilePath -> Q (String, String) compileElm uriPath elmFile = do addDependentFile elmFile runIO $ do void . tryAny $ removeDirectoryRecursive buildDir createDirectory buildDir putStrLn $ "Compiling elm file: " ++ elmFile forkProcess ( executeFile "elm" True ([ "make", elmFile, "--output=" <> buildFile ] ++ bool [] ["--debug"] debug) Nothing ) >>= getProcessStatus True True >>= \case Nothing -> fail "elm should have ended." Just (Exited ExitSuccess) -> (contentType,) . BS8.unpack <$> BS.readFile buildFile e -> fail $ "elm failed with: " ++ show e where {- | The name of the build directory. We have to have a build directory because elm won't output compile results to stdout. It will only output them to files. -} buildDir :: (IsString a) => a buildDir = ".om-elm-build-dir" {- | Figure out if we are compiling to javascript or html. -} contentType :: String contentType = case lastMay uriPath of Just (endsWith ".js" -> True) -> "text/javascript" _ -> "text/html" buildFile :: FilePath buildFile = buildDir <> case lastMay uriPath of Just (endsWith ".js" -> True) -> "/elm.js" _ -> "/elm.html" endsWith :: String -> String -> Bool endsWith ending str = take (length ending) (reverse str) == reverse ending {- | A WAI uri path, as per the meaning of 'pathInfo'. -} type PathInfo = [Text]