Module      : Text.Ogmarkup.Private.Parser
Copyright   : (c) Ogma Project, 2016
License     : MIT
Stability   : experimental

This module provides several parsers that can be used in order to
extract the 'Ast' of an Ogmarkup document.

Please consider that only 'document' should be used outside this

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Text.Ogmarkup.Private.Parser where

import           Text.Megaparsec
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.String

import qualified Text.Ogmarkup.Private.Ast     as Ast

-- | Keep track of the currently opened formats.
data ParserState = ParserState { -- | Already parsing text with emphasis
                                 parseWithEmph        :: Bool
                                 -- | Already parsing text with strong
                                 --   emphasis
                               , parseWithStrongEmph  :: Bool
                                 -- | Already parsing a quote
                               , parseWithinQuote     :: Bool

-- | An ogmarkup parser processes 'Char' tokens and carries a 'ParserState'.
type OgmarkupParser a = StateT ParserState (Parsec Dec a)

-- | Update the 'ParserState' to guard against nested emphasis.
enterEmph :: Stream a
          => OgmarkupParser a ()
enterEmph = do st <- get
               if parseWithEmph st
                 then fail "guard against nested emphasis"
                 else do put st { parseWithEmph = True }
                         return ()

-- | Update the 'ParserState' to be able to parse input with emphasis
-- again.
leaveEmph :: Stream a
          => OgmarkupParser a ()
leaveEmph = do st <- get
               if parseWithEmph st
                 then do put st { parseWithEmph = False }
                         return ()
                 else fail "cannot leave emphasis when you did not enter"

-- | Update the 'ParserState' to guard against nested strong emphasis.
enterStrongEmph :: Stream a
                => OgmarkupParser a ()
enterStrongEmph = do st <- get
                     if parseWithStrongEmph st
                       then fail "guard against nested strong emphasis"
                       else do put st { parseWithStrongEmph = True }
                               return ()

-- | Update the 'ParserState' to be able to parse input with strong emphasis
-- again.
leaveStrongEmph :: Stream a
                => OgmarkupParser a ()
leaveStrongEmph = do st <- get
                     if parseWithStrongEmph st
                       then do put st { parseWithStrongEmph = False }
                               return ()
                       else fail "cannot leave strong emphasis when you did not enter"

-- | Update the 'ParserState' to guard against nested quoted inputs.
enterQuote :: Stream a
           => OgmarkupParser a ()
enterQuote = do st <- get
                if parseWithinQuote st
                  then fail "guard against nested quotes"
                  else do put st { parseWithinQuote = True }
                          return ()

-- | Update the 'ParserState' to be able to parse an input
-- surrounded by quotes again.
leaveQuote :: Stream a
           => OgmarkupParser a ()
leaveQuote = do st <- get
                if parseWithinQuote st
                  then do put st { parseWithinQuote = False }
                          return ()
                  else fail "cannot leave quote when you did not enter"

-- | A initial ParserState instance to be used at the begining of
-- a document parsing.
initParserState :: ParserState
initParserState = ParserState False False False

-- | A wrapper around the 'runParser' function of Megaparsec. It uses
-- 'initParserState' as an initial state.
parse :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
      => OgmarkupParser a b
      -> String
      -> a
      -> Either (ParseError (Token a) Dec) b
parse ogma file = runParser (evalStateT ogma initParserState) file

-- | Try its best to parse an ogmarkup document. When it encounters an
--   error, it returns an Ast and the remaining input.
--   See 'Ast.Document'.
document :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
         => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Document b, a)
document = do space
              sects <- many (try section)
              input <- getInput

              return (sects, input)

-- | See 'Ast.Section'.
section :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
           => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Section b)
section = aside <|> story

-- | See 'Ast.Aside'.
aside :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
         => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Section b)
aside = do asideSeparator
           cls <- optional asideClass
           ps <- some (paragraph <* space)
           manyTill space (skip (char '\n') <|> eof)

           return $ Ast.Aside cls ps
    asideClass :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
               => OgmarkupParser a b
    asideClass = do cls <- some letterChar

                    return $ fromString cls

-- | See 'Ast.Story'.
story :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
      => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Section b)
story = Ast.Story `fmap` some (paragraph <* space)

-- | See 'Ast.Paragraph'.
paragraph :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
          => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Paragraph b)
paragraph = some component <* blank

-- | See 'Ast.Component'.
component :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
          => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Component b)
component = try (dialogue <|> thought <|> teller) <|> illformed

-- | See 'Ast.IllFormed'.
illformed :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
          => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Component b)
illformed = Ast.IllFormed `fmap` restOfParagraph

-- | Parse the rest of the current paragraph with no regards for the
-- ogmarkup syntax. This Parser is used when the document is ill-formed, to
-- find a new point of synchronization.
restOfParagraph :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
                => OgmarkupParser a b
restOfParagraph = do lookAhead anyChar
                     notFollowedBy endOfParagraph
                     str <- manyTill anyChar (lookAhead $ try endOfParagraph)
                     return $ fromString str

-- | See 'Ast.Teller'.
teller :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
       => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Component b)
teller = Ast.Teller `fmap` some format

-- | See 'Ast.Dialogue'.
dialogue :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
         => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Component b)
dialogue = talk '[' ']' Ast.Dialogue

-- | See 'Ast.Thought'.
thought :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
        => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Component b)
thought = talk '<' '>' Ast.Thought

-- | @'talk' c c' constr@ wraps a reply surrounded by @c@ and @c'@ inside
--   @constr@ (either 'Ast.Dialogue' or 'Ast.Thought').
talk :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
     => Char -- ^ A character to mark the begining of a reply
     -> Char -- ^ A character to mark the end of a reply
     -> (Ast.Reply b -> Maybe b -> Ast.Component b) -- ^ Either 'Ast.Dialogue' or 'Ast.Thought' according to the situation
     -> OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Component b)
talk c c' constructor = do
  rep <- reply c c'
  auth <- optional characterName

  return $ constructor rep auth

-- | Parse the name of the character which speaks or thinks. According to
-- the ogmarkup syntax, it is surrounded by parentheses.
characterName :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
           => OgmarkupParser a b
characterName = do
  char '('
  notFollowedBy (char ')') <?> "Empty character names are not allowed"
  auth <- manyTill anyChar (char ')') <?> "Missing closing )"

  return $ fromString auth

-- | 'reply' parses a 'Ast.Reply'.
reply :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
      => Char
      -> Char
      -> OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Reply b)
reply c c' = do char c
                p1 <- some format
                x <- oneOf ['|', c']

                case x of '|' -> do blank
                                    ws <- some format
                                    char '|' <?> "Missing | to close the with say"
                                    p2 <- many format
                                    char c'

                                    return $ Ast.WithSay p1 ws p2
                          _ -> return $ Ast.Simple p1

-- | See 'Ast.Format'.
format :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
       => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Format b)
format = choice [ raw
                , emph
                , strongEmph
                , quote

-- | See 'Ast.Raw'.
raw :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
    => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Format b)
raw = Ast.Raw `fmap` some atom

-- | See 'Ast.Emph'.
emph :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
     => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Format b)
emph = do char '*'
          f <- format
          fs <- manyTill format (char '*' >> blank)
          return . Ast.Emph $ (f:fs)

-- | See 'Ast.StrongEmph'.
strongEmph :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
           => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Format b)
strongEmph = do char '+'
                f <- format
                fs <- manyTill format (char '+' >> blank)
                return . Ast.StrongEmph $ (f:fs)

-- | See 'Ast.Quote'.
quote :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
      => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Format b)
quote = do openQuote
           f <- format
           fs <- manyTill format closeQuote
           return . Ast.Quote $ (f:fs)

-- | See 'Ast.Atom'.
atom :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
     => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Atom b)
atom = (mark <|> longword <|> word) <* blank

-- | See 'Ast.Word'. This parser does not consume the following spaces, so
--   the caller needs to take care of it.
word :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
     => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Atom b)
word = do notFollowedBy endOfWord
          str <- manyTill anyChar (lookAhead $ try endOfWord)
          return $ Ast.Word (fromString str)
    endOfWord :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
              => OgmarkupParser a ()
    endOfWord = eof <|> (skip spaceChar) <|> (skip $ oneOf specChar) <|> (skip mark)
    specChar = "\"«»`+*[]<>|_\'’"

-- | Wrap a raw string surrounded by @`@ inside a 'Ast.Word'.
--   >>> parse longword "" "`test *ei*`"
--   Right (Ast.Word "test *ei*")
--   Therefore, @`@ can be used to insert normally reserved symbol
--   inside a generated document.
longword :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char, IsString b)
         => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Atom b)
longword = do char '`'
              notFollowedBy (char '`') <?> "empty raw string are not accepted"
              str <- manyTill anyChar (char '`')
              return $ Ast.Word (fromString str)

-- | See 'Ast.Punctuation'. Be aware that 'mark' does not parse the quotes
--   because they are processed 'quote'.
mark :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
     => OgmarkupParser a (Ast.Atom b)
mark = Ast.Punctuation `fmap` (semicolon
        <|> colon
        <|> question
        <|> exclamation
        <|> try longDash
        <|> try dash
        <|> hyphen
        <|> comma
        <|> apostrophe
        <|> try suspensionPoints
        <|> point)
    parseMark p m = p >> return m

    semicolon        = parseMark (char ';') Ast.Semicolon
    colon            = parseMark (char ':') Ast.Colon
    question         = parseMark (char '?') Ast.Question
    exclamation      = parseMark (char '!') Ast.Exclamation
    longDash         = parseMark (string "—" <|> string "---") Ast.LongDash
    dash             = parseMark (string "–" <|> string "--") Ast.Dash
    hyphen           = parseMark (char '-') Ast.Hyphen
    comma            = parseMark (char ',') Ast.Comma
    point            = parseMark (char '.') Ast.Point
    apostrophe       = parseMark (char '\'' <|> char '’') Ast.Apostrophe
    suspensionPoints = parseMark (string ".." >> many (char '.')) Ast.SuspensionPoints

-- | See 'Ast.OpenQuote'. This parser consumes the following blank (see 'blank')
--   and skip the result.
openQuote :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
          => OgmarkupParser a ()
openQuote = do char '«' <|> char '"'

-- | See 'Ast.CloseQuote'. This parser consumes the following blank (see 'blank')
--   and skip the result.
closeQuote :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
           => OgmarkupParser a ()
closeQuote = do char '»' <|> char '"'

-- | An aside section (see 'Ast.Aside') is a particular region
--   surrounded by two lines of underscores (at least three).
--   This parser consumes one such line.
asideSeparator :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
               => OgmarkupParser a ()
asideSeparator = do string "__"
                    some (char '_')
                    return ()

-- | The end of a paragraph is the end of the document or two blank lines
-- or an aside separator, that is a line of underscores.
endOfParagraph :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
               => OgmarkupParser a ()
endOfParagraph = try betweenTwoSections
                 <|> asideSeparator
                 <|> eof
    betweenTwoSections :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
                       => OgmarkupParser a ()
    betweenTwoSections = do count 2 $ manyTill spaceChar (eof <|> skip (char '\n'))

-- | This parser consumes all the white spaces until it finds either an aside
--   surrounding marker (see 'Ast.Aside'), the end of the document or
--   one blank line. The latter marks the end of the current paragraph.
blank :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char)
      => OgmarkupParser a ()
blank = do skip $ optional (notFollowedBy endOfParagraph >> space)

-- | @skip p@ parses @p@ and skips the result.
skip :: (Stream a)
     => OgmarkupParser a b
     -> OgmarkupParser a ()
skip =  (>> return ())