module Octopus.Data where import Import import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar) type Fallible = Either Val data Val = Nm Rational -- ^ Rational number | By ByteString -- ^ Bytes | Tx Text -- ^ Text data | Fp Handle -- ^ Input/output handle | Sy Symbol -- ^ Symbol, aka. identifier | Tg Word -- ^ Unique tag | Ab Word Val -- ^ Abstract data | Sq (Seq Val) -- ^ Sequence, aka. list | Ob (Map Symbol Val) -- ^ Symbol-value map, aka. object | Cl Val Val Val -- ^ Operative closure | Ce (IORef Val) -- ^ Reference cell | Ar (IOArray Int Val) -- ^ Mutable array | Pr Primitive -- ^ Primitive operations | Pt Int -- ^ Control prompt --TODO consider removing this in favor of using tags and a handler protocol | Ks [Control] -- ^ Control stack --TODO bytestring/buffer/bytes/other name? --TODO concurrency deriving (Eq) data Primitive = Vau | Eval | Match | Ifz | Imp | Eq | Neq | Lt | Lte | Gt | Gte | Add | Mul | Sub | Div | Numer | Denom | NumParts --TODO By data primitives --TODO Tx data primitives --TODO Fp data primitives --TODO Sy data primitives --TODO Tg data primitives | Wrap Word | Unwrap Word | Len | Cat | Cut | Extends | Delete | Keys | Get --TODO Ce data primitives --TODO Ar data primitives --TODO Pt/Ks data primitives deriving (Eq, Show) type FileCache = MVar (Either Val Val) type ImportsCache = MVar (Map Text FileCache) data MState = MState { environ :: Val, control :: [Control] } type Machine = ReaderT ImportsCache (StateT MState IO) data Context = Op Val -- ^ Hole must be a combiner, val is the uneval'd argument | Ap Val -- ^ Hole is the argument, apply held value to it | Re Val -- ^ Restore an environment before continuing | Es [Val] [Val] -- ^ Left-to-right sequence evaluation | Eo Symbol [(Symbol, Val)] [(Symbol, Val)] -- ^ Object evaluation deriving (Eq, Show) data Control = NormK [Context] | HndlK Val --TODO onEnter/onSuccess/onFail | ImptK Text (MVar (Fallible Val)) deriving (Eq) instance Show Control where show (NormK k) = "NormK " ++ show k show (HndlK x) = "HndlK " ++ show x show (ImptK path slot) = "ImptK " ++ show path push :: Context -> Machine () push k = do (NormK ks):kss <- gets control modify $ \s -> s { control = (NormK (k:ks)):kss } --FIXME remember that when I push a handler or a winding protect, I also need to push an environment restore pushK :: Control -> Machine () pushK k@(NormK _) = do ks <- gets control modify $ \s -> s { control = k:ks } pushK k = do ks <- gets control modify $ \s -> s { control = (NormK []):k:ks } pop :: Machine () pop = do stack <- gets control case stack of (NormK []):kss -> modify $ \s -> s { control = kss } (NormK (Re env:ks)):kss -> modify $ \s -> s { environ = env, control = (NormK ks):kss } (NormK (_:ks)):kss -> modify $ \s -> s { control = (NormK ks):kss } (ImptK _ _):ks -> modify $ \s -> s { control = ks } replace :: Context -> Machine () replace k = do stack <- gets control case stack of (NormK []):kss -> modify $ \s -> s { control = (NormK [k]):kss } (NormK (_:ks)):kss -> modify $ \s -> s { control = (NormK (k:ks)):kss } (ImptK _ _):ks -> pop >> replace k swapEnv :: Val -> Machine () swapEnv env' = do env <- gets environ (NormK ks):kss <- gets control case ks of (Re _):_ -> modify $ \s -> s { environ = env' } --allows tail recursion by not restoring environments that will immediately be thrown away by a second restoration ks -> modify $ \s -> s { environ = env', control = (NormK ((Re env):ks)):kss } instance Show Val where show (Nm nm) | denominator nm == 1 = show $ numerator nm | otherwise = show (numerator nm) ++ "/" ++ show (denominator nm) show (By bytes) = "b" ++ show bytes --FIXME show with \x?? for non-ascii printable chars show (Tx text) = show text --FIXME show using Octopus encoding, not Haskell show (Fp _) = "" --TODO at least show some metadata show (Sy sy) = show sy show (Tg i) = "" show (Ab tag x) = "" show (Sq xs) = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (show <$> toList xs) ++ "]" show (Ob m) = case getCombo m of Nothing -> "{" ++ intercalate ", " (showPair <$> Map.toList m) ++ "}" Just (f, x) -> "(" ++ show f ++ " " ++ show x ++ ")" where showPair (k,v) = show k ++ ": " ++ show v getCombo ob = case (Map.lookup (intern "__car__") ob, Map.lookup (intern "__cdr__") ob) of (Just f, Just x) -> if length (Map.keys ob) == 2 then Just (f, x) else Nothing _ -> Nothing show (Cl var ast env) = "" show (Ce x) = "" --TODO show contents show (Ar xs) = "" --TODO show contents show (Pr f) = "<" ++ show f ++ ">"