{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} module Numeric.NumType.TFTests where import Numeric.NumType.TF import Prelude hiding ((*), (/), (+), (-), negate) import qualified Prelude as P ((*), (/), (+), (-), negate) import Test.HUnit -- Compares a type level unary function with a value level unary function -- by converting 'NumType' to 'Integral'. This assumes that the 'toIntegral' -- function is solid. unaryTest :: (NumType n, NumType n', Num a, Eq a, Show a) => (n -> n') -> (a -> a) -> n -> Test unaryTest f f' x = TestCase $ assertEqual "Unary function Integral equivalence" (f' (toNum x)) (toNum (f x)) -- Compares a type level binary function with a value level binary function -- by converting 'NumType' to 'Integral'. This assumes that the 'toIntegral' -- function is solid. binaryTest :: (NumType n, NumType n', NumType n'', Num a, Eq a, Show a) => (n -> n' -> n'') -> (a -> a -> a) -> n -> n' -> Test binaryTest f f' x y = TestCase $ assertEqual "Binary function Integral equivalence" (f' (toNum x) (toNum y)) (toNum (f x y)) -- Test that conversion to 'Integral' works as expected. This is sort of a -- prerequisite for the other tests. testAsIntegral = TestLabel "Integral equivalence tests" $ TestList [ TestCase $ -2 @=? toNum neg2 , TestCase $ -1 @=? toNum neg1 , TestCase $ 0 @=? toNum zero , TestCase $ 1 @=? toNum pos1 , TestCase $ 2 @=? toNum pos2 ] -- By induction all other NumTypes should be good if these are. -- Test increment and decrement for a bunch of 'NumTypes'. testIncrDecr = TestLabel "Increment and decrement tests" $ TestList [ t neg2 , t neg1 , t zero , t pos1 , t pos1 ] where t x = TestList [ unaryTest incr (P.+ 1) x , unaryTest decr (P.- 1) x ] -- Test negation. testNegate = TestLabel "Negation tests" $ TestList [ unaryTest negate P.negate neg2 , unaryTest negate P.negate neg1 , unaryTest negate P.negate zero , unaryTest negate P.negate pos1 , unaryTest negate P.negate pos1 ] -- Test addition. testAddition = TestLabel "Addition tests" $ TestList [ binaryTest (+) (P.+) pos2 pos3 , binaryTest (+) (P.+) neg2 pos3 , binaryTest (+) (P.+) pos2 neg3 , binaryTest (+) (P.+) neg2 neg3 ] -- Test subtraction. testSubtraction = TestLabel "Subtraction tests" $ TestList [ binaryTest (-) (P.-) pos2 pos5 , binaryTest (-) (P.-) neg2 pos5 , binaryTest (-) (P.-) pos2 neg5 , binaryTest (-) (P.-) neg2 neg5 ] -- Test multiplication. testMultiplication = TestLabel "Multiplication tests" $ TestList [ binaryTest (*) (P.*) pos2 pos5 , binaryTest (*) (P.*) neg2 pos5 , binaryTest (*) (P.*) pos2 neg5 , binaryTest (*) (P.*) neg2 neg5 , binaryTest (*) (P.*) pos2 zero , binaryTest (*) (P.*) neg2 zero , binaryTest (*) (P.*) zero pos5 , binaryTest (*) (P.*) zero neg5 ] -- Test division. testDivision = TestLabel "Division tests" $ TestList [ binaryTest (/) (P./) pos4 pos2 , binaryTest (/) (P./) zero pos5 , binaryTest (/) (P./) zero neg3 , binaryTest (/) (P./) neg4 pos2 , binaryTest (/) (P./) pos4 neg2 , binaryTest (/) (P./) neg4 neg2 , binaryTest (/) (P./) pos5 pos5 ] -- Collect the test cases. tests = TestList [ testAsIntegral , testIncrDecr , testNegate , testAddition , testSubtraction , testMultiplication , testDivision ] main = runTestTT tests