{ module Parser where import Ast import Type import Refined (convertProg') import Lexer import State import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust) import qualified Data.Map as M import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) } %name expr %tokentype { Token } %error { parseError } %token data { DATA } match { MATCH } begin { BEGIN } type { TYPE } defun { DEFUN } lambda { LAMBDA } monad { MONAD } do { DO } return { RETURN } if { IF } cond { COND } else { ELSE } rarrow { RARROW } larrow { LARROW } con { CON $$ } '[' { LBRACKET } ']' { RBRACKET } '(' { LPAREN } ')' { RPAREN } '{' { LBRACE } '}' { RBRACE } '_' { WILDCARD } '.' { DOT } ':' { COLON } '::' { DOUBLECOLON } '|' { BAR } let { LET } import { IMPORT } TNumber { NUMBERT } TBool { BOOLT } TChar { CHART } TString { STRT } product { PRODUCT } keyword { KEYWORD $$ } VAR { VAR $$ } TVAR { TVAR $$ } OPERATOR { OPERATOR $$ } number { NUMBER $$ } boolean { BOOLEAN $$ } string { STRING $$ } char { CHAR $$ } %% Program : Exprs { EProgram $1 } Exprs : Expr { [$1] } | Expr Exprs { $1 : $2 } Expr : '(' defun VAR '[' Args ']' FormsPlus ')' { EDestructLetBinding (IdPattern $3) $5 $7 } | '(' data con SimpleArgs VConstructors ')' { unsafePerformIO $ do (env, vars) <- foldM (\(env, vars) arg -> do var <- makeVariable return (M.insert arg var env, vars ++ [var])) (M.empty, []) $4 let dataType = TOper $3 vars let constructors' = map (\(EVConstructor cname cargs) -> let cargs' = map getType cargs where readEnv scope n = fromMaybe unitT $ M.lookup n scope getType arg = case arg of EVCAVar aname -> readEnv env aname EVCAOper aname operArgs -> TOper aname $ map (readEnv env) operArgs EVCAList arg' -> listT (getType arg') EVCATuple args -> productT (map getType args) in TypeConstructor cname cargs') $5 return $ EDataDecl $3 dataType vars constructors' } | '(' let Pattern FormsPlus ')' { EDestructLetBinding $3 [] $4 } | '(' type con VConArg ')' { unsafePerformIO $ do $4 `seq` modifyIORef aliasMap $ M.insert $3 $4 return EUnit } | '(' monad con Form ')' { unsafePerformIO $ do $4 `seq` modifyIORef monadMap $ M.insert $3 $4 return $ EDestructLetBinding (IdPattern $3) [] [$4] } | '(' VAR ':' Type ')' { ETypeSig $2 $4 } | '(' import VAR ')' { EImport (getPathStr $3) } | Form { $1 } -- TODO should support arg parameter such as (Maybe N umber) SimpleArgs : {- empty -} { [] } | VAR SimpleArgs { $1 : $2 } VConArg : VAR { EVCAVar $1 } | con { unsafePerformIO $ do alias <- readIORef aliasMap case M.lookup $1 alias of Just vconarg -> return vconarg Nothing -> if $1 == "String" then return $ EVCAList (EVCAOper "Char" []) -- special case for String pattern else return $ EVCAOper $1 [] } | '(' con SimpleArgs ')' { EVCAOper $2 $3 } -- TODO more specs here | '[' VConArg ']' { EVCAList $2 } | '(' TupleVConArgs ')' { EVCATuple $2 } TupleVConArgs : VConArg '.' VConArg { [$1, $3] } | TupleVConArgs '.' VConArg { $1 ++ [$3] } VConArgs : VConArg { [$1] } | VConArg VConArgs { $1 : $2 } VConstructor : con { EVConstructor $1 [] } | '(' con VConArgs ')' { EVConstructor $2 $3 } | '(' VConArg keyword VConArg ')' { EVConstructor $3 [$2, $4] } VConstructors : VConstructor { [$1] } | VConstructor VConstructors { $1 : $2 } Args : {- empty -} { [] } | Pattern Args { $1 : $2 } Nameds : {- empty -} { [] } | VAR Nameds { (Named $1 Nothing) : $2 } | '(' VAR ':' Type ')' Nameds { (Named $2 (Just $4)) : $6 } binding : Pattern Form { ELetBinding $1 $2 [] } bindings : binding { [$1] } | binding bindings { $1 : $2 } bind : Form { Single $1 } | '(' return Form ')' { Return $3 } | '(' VAR larrow Form ')' { Bind $2 $4 } binds : bind { [$1] } | bind binds { $1 : $2 } Clause : '(' else rarrow Form ')' { Else $4 } | '(' Form rarrow Form ')' { Clause $2 $4 } Clauses : Clause { [$1] } | Clause Clauses { $1 : $2 } Form : '(' match Form Cases ')' { EPatternMatching $3 $4 } | '(' lambda Nameds rarrow FormsPlus ')' { ELambda $3 Nothing $5 } | '(' lambda Nameds ':' AtomType rarrow FormsPlus ')' { ELambda $3 (Just $5) $7 } | '(' let '[' bindings ']' FormsPlus ')' { head $ foldr (\(ELetBinding pat def _) body -> [ELetBinding pat def body]) $6 $4 } | '(' if Form Form Form ')' { EIf $3 [$4] [$5] } | '(' cond Clauses ')' { case last $3 of Else alt -> foldr (\(Clause cond consequent) alternative -> EIf cond [consequent] [alternative]) alt (init $3) _ -> error "last clause in cond should be an else" } -- do block desuger to nested >>= and return, inspired by http://www.haskellforall.com/2014/10/how-to-desugar-haskell-code.html | '(' do con binds ')' { unsafePerformIO $ do monads <- readIORef monadMap return $ case M.lookup $3 monads of Just (ERecord pairs) -> case M.lookup "return" pairs of Just rtn -> case M.lookup ">>=" pairs of Just bind -> foldr (\b next -> case next of EUnit -> case b of Bind n e -> error "illegal do expression" Return e -> EApp newRtn e Single e -> e _ -> case b of Bind n e -> EApp (EApp newBind e) (ELambda [Named n Nothing] Nothing [next]) Return e -> EApp newRtn e Single e -> e) EUnit $4 where newBind = aliasArgName bind newRtn = aliasArgName rtn Nothing -> error $ "bind function is not defined for " ++ $3 ++ " monad" Nothing -> error $ "return function is not defined for " ++ $3 ++ " monad" _ -> error $ $3 ++ " monad is not defined" } | '(' ListForms ')' { $2 } | '(' TupleFroms ')' { ETuple $2 } | '(' Form FormsPlus ')' { foldl (\oper param -> (EApp oper param)) $2 $3 } | '(' Form keyword Form ')' { foldl (\oper param -> (EApp oper param)) (EVar $3) [$2, $4] } | '(' OPERATOR FormsPlus ')' { case $3 of a:[] -> EApp (EVar $2) a a:b:[] -> EApp (EApp (EVar $2) a) b a:b:xs -> foldl (\oper param -> (EApp (EApp (EVar $2) oper) param)) (EApp (EApp (EVar $2) a) b) xs } | '[' FormsStar ']' { EList $2 } | '{' RecordForms '}' { ERecord $2 } | '(' keyword Form ')' { EAccessor $3 $2 } | '(' begin Exprs ')' { EProgram $3 } | Atom { $1 } RecordForms : keyword Form { M.singleton $1 $2 } | RecordForms keyword Form { M.insert $2 $3 $1 } ListForms : Form '::' Form { EApp (EApp (EVar "Cons") $1) $3 } | Form '::' ListForms { EApp (EApp (EVar "Cons") $1) $3 } TupleFroms : Form '.' Form { [$1, $3] } | TupleFroms '.' Form { $1 ++ [$3] } FormsPlus : Form { [$1] } | Form FormsPlus { $1 : $2 } FormsStar : {- empty -} { [] } | Form FormsStar { $1 : $2 } Pattern : '_' { WildcardPattern } | VAR { IdPattern $1 } | number { NumPattern $1 } | boolean { BoolPattern $1 } | char { CharPattern $1 } | string { foldr (\p t -> TConPattern "Cons" [p, t]) (TConPattern "Nil" []) (map CharPattern $1) } | con { TConPattern $1 [] } | '(' con Args ')' { TConPattern $2 $3 } -- e.g. (t1 :~> t2) | '(' Pattern keyword Pattern ')' { TConPattern $3 [$2, $4] } | '(' TuplePatterns ')' { TuplePattern $2 } | '[' ']' { TConPattern "Nil" [] } | '[' Patterns ']' { foldr (\p t -> TConPattern "Cons" [p, t]) (TConPattern "Nil" []) $2 } | ListPatterns { $1 } | '(' ListDestructPats ')' { $2 } Patterns : Pattern { [$1] } | Pattern Patterns { $1 : $2 } TuplePatterns : Pattern '.' Pattern { [$1, $3] } | TuplePatterns '.' Pattern { $1 ++ [$3] } ListPatterns : Pattern '::' Pattern { TConPattern "Cons" [$1, $3] } | Pattern '::' ListPatterns { TConPattern "Cons" [$1, $3] } ListDestructPats : Pattern '::' Pattern { TConPattern "Cons" [$1, TConPattern "Cons" [$3, TConPattern "Nil" []]] } | Pattern '::' ListDestructPats { TConPattern "Cons" [$1, $3] } Case : '(' Pattern rarrow FormsPlus ')' { Case $2 $4 } Cases : Case { [$1] } | Case Cases { $1 : $2 } Atom : boolean { EBool $1 } | number { ENum $1 } | string { EStr $1 } | char { EChar $1 } | VAR { EVar $1 } | OPERATOR { EVar $1 } | con { EVar $1 } -- parsing type Type : AtomType { $1 } | AtomType rarrow Type { arrowT $1 $3 } -- TODO support type alias in type signature AtomType : TVAR { fromJust $ M.lookup $1 tvarMap } | TNumber { intT } | TBool { boolT } | TChar { charT } | TString { strT } | con Types { TOper $1 $2 } | '[' Type ']' { listT $2 } | '(' TupleTypes ')' { productT $2 } | '(' Type ')' { $2 } | RefinedType { $1 } RefinedType : '(' VAR ':' Type '|' Form ')' { TRefined $2 $4 (convertProg' $6) } Types : {- empty -} { [] } | Type Types { $1 : $2 } TupleTypes : Type product Type { [$1, $3] } | TupleTypes product Type { $1 ++ [$3] } { aliasMap :: IORef (M.Map String EVConArg) aliasMap = createState M.empty monadMap :: IORef (M.Map String Expr) monadMap = createState M.empty aliasArgName :: Expr -> Expr aliasArgName expr@(ELambda nameds t exprs) = substName subrule expr where subrule = M.fromList $ foldl (\rule (Named name _) -> rule ++ [(name, name ++ "__monadarg__")]) [] nameds tvarMap :: M.Map Char Type tvarMap = unsafePerformIO $ do foldM (\m greek -> do tvar <- makeVariable return $ M.insert greek tvar m) M.empty ['α'..'ω'] getPathStr :: EPath -> EPath getPathStr s = (map f s) ++ ".ntha" where f '.' = '/' f c = c parseError :: [Token] -> a parseError _ = error "Parse error" parseExpr :: String -> Expr parseExpr = expr . scanTokens }