module Ast where import Type import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.List (intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP type EName = String -- variable name type EPath = String type EField = String type EIndent = Int type TypeVariable = Type -- just for documentation data Expr = EVar EName | EAccessor Expr EField | ENum Int | EStr String | EChar Char | EBool Bool | EList [Expr] | ETuple [Expr] | ERecord (M.Map EField Expr) | EUnit | ELambda [Named] (Maybe Type) [Expr] | EApp Expr Expr | EIf Expr [Expr] [Expr] | EPatternMatching Expr [Case] | ELetBinding Pattern Expr [Expr] | EDestructLetBinding Pattern [Pattern] [Expr] | EDataDecl EName Type [TypeVariable] [TypeConstructor] | ETypeSig EName Type -- explicit type annotation | EImport EPath | EProgram [Expr] deriving (Eq, Ord) isImport :: Expr -> Bool isImport expr = case expr of EImport _ -> True _ -> False -- for do block desuger to bind data Bind = Bind EName Expr | Return Expr | Single Expr -- for cond desuger to if data Clause = Clause Expr Expr | Else Expr data TypeConstructor = TypeConstructor EName [Type] deriving (Eq, Ord) data Named = Named EName (Maybe Type) deriving (Eq, Ord) data Pattern = WildcardPattern | IdPattern EName | NumPattern Int | BoolPattern Bool | CharPattern Char | TuplePattern [Pattern] | TConPattern EName [Pattern] deriving (Eq, Ord) data Case = Case Pattern [Expr] deriving (Eq, Ord) -- temp structure for parser data EVConArg = EVCAVar EName | EVCAOper EName [EName] | EVCAList EVConArg | EVCATuple [EVConArg] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data EVConstructor = EVConstructor EName [EVConArg] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) substName :: M.Map EName EName -> Expr -> Expr substName subrule (EVar name) = EVar $ fromMaybe name $ M.lookup name subrule substName subrule (EAccessor expr field) = EAccessor (substName subrule expr) field substName subrule (EList exprs) = EList $ map (substName subrule) exprs substName subrule (ETuple exprs) = ETuple $ map (substName subrule) exprs substName subrule (ERecord pairs) = ERecord $ (substName subrule) pairs substName subrule (ELambda nameds t exprs) = ELambda newNames t newExprs where newNames = map (\(Named name t') -> Named (fromMaybe name $ M.lookup name subrule) t') nameds newExprs = map (substName subrule) exprs substName subrule (EApp fn arg) = EApp (substName subrule fn) (substName subrule arg) substName subrule (EIf cond thenInstrs elseInstrs) = EIf newCond newThenInstrs newElseInstrs where newCond = substName subrule cond newThenInstrs = map (substName subrule) thenInstrs newElseInstrs = map (substName subrule) elseInstrs substName subrule (EPatternMatching expr cases) = EPatternMatching newExpr newCases where newCases = map (\(Case pat exprs) -> Case pat (map (substName subrule) exprs)) cases newExpr = substName subrule expr substName subrule (ELetBinding pat expr exprs) = ELetBinding pat (substName subrule expr) $ map (substName subrule) exprs substName _ e = e tab :: EIndent -> String tab i = intercalate "" $ take i $ repeat "\t" stringOfNamed :: Named -> String stringOfNamed (Named name t) = name ++ case t of Just t' -> ":" ++ show t' Nothing -> "" stringofNameds :: [Named] -> String stringofNameds = unwords . (map stringOfNamed) stringOfExpr :: Expr -> String stringOfExpr e = case e of EApp fn arg -> "<" ++ show fn ++ ">(" ++ show arg ++ ")" ELambda params annoT body -> "λ" ++ stringofNameds params ++ (case annoT of Just annoT' -> " : " ++ show annoT' Nothing -> "") ++ " = \n" ++ intercalate "" (map (\instr -> "\t" ++ show instr ++ "\n") body) EIf cond thenInstrs elseInstrs -> "if " ++ show cond ++ " then \n" ++ stringOfInstrs thenInstrs ++ "else \n" ++ stringOfInstrs elseInstrs where stringOfInstrs instrs = intercalate "" $ map (\instr -> "\t" ++ show instr ++ "\n") instrs EProgram instrs -> intercalate "" $ map (\instr -> show instr ++ "\n") instrs _ -> reprOfExpr 0 e stringOfCase :: EIndent -> Case -> String stringOfCase i (Case pat outcomes) = "\n" ++ tab i ++ show pat ++ " ⇒ " ++ show outcomes stringOfCases :: EIndent -> [Case] -> String stringOfCases i cases = intercalate "" (map (stringOfCase i) cases) reprOfExpr :: EIndent -> Expr -> String reprOfExpr i e = case e of EVar n -> tab i ++ n EAccessor e' f -> tab i ++ reprOfExpr 0 e' ++ "." ++ f ENum v -> tab i ++ show v EStr v -> tab i ++ v EChar v -> tab i ++ [v] EBool v -> tab i ++ show v EUnit -> tab i ++ "()" EList es -> tab i ++ show es ETuple es -> "(" ++ intercalate "," (map (reprOfExpr 0) es) ++ ")" ERecord pairs -> "{" ++ intercalate "," (M.elems $ M.mapWithKey (\f v -> f ++ ": " ++ reprOfExpr 0 v) pairs) ++ "}" EApp _ _ -> tab i ++ show e ELambda params annoT body -> tab i ++ "λ" ++ stringofNameds params ++ (case annoT of Just annoT' -> " : " ++ show annoT' Nothing -> "") ++ " = \n" ++ intercalate "" (map (\instr -> "\t" ++ reprOfExpr (i + 1) instr ++ "\n") body) EIf cond thenInstrs elseInstrs -> tab i ++ "if " ++ show cond ++ " then \n" ++ stringOfInstrs thenInstrs ++ tab i ++ "else \n" ++ stringOfInstrs elseInstrs where stringOfInstrs instrs = intercalate "" $ map (\instr -> "\t" ++ reprOfExpr (i + 1) instr ++ "\n") instrs EPatternMatching input cases -> tab i ++ "match " ++ show input ++ stringOfCases i cases EDataDecl name _ tvars tcons -> tab i ++ "data " ++ name ++ " " ++ unwords (map show tvars) ++ " = " ++ intercalate " | " (map (\(TypeConstructor name' types) -> name' ++ case types of [] -> "" _ -> " " ++ unwords (map show types)) tcons) EDestructLetBinding main args instrs -> tab i ++ "let " ++ show main ++ " " ++ unwords (map show args) ++ " = \n" ++ intercalate "" (map (\instr -> reprOfExpr (i + 1) instr ++ "\n") instrs) ELetBinding main def body -> tab i ++ "let " ++ show main ++ " " ++ show def ++ " in " ++ intercalate "\n" (map show body) ETypeSig name t -> tab i ++ "(" ++ name ++ " : " ++ show t ++ ")" EImport path -> "import " ++ path EProgram instrs -> intercalate "" $ map (\instr -> reprOfExpr i instr ++ "\n") instrs instance Show Expr where showsPrec _ x = shows $ PP.text $ stringOfExpr x instance Show Pattern where show WildcardPattern = "_" show (NumPattern val) = "pint→" ++ show val show (BoolPattern val) = "pbool→" ++ show val show (CharPattern val) = "pchar→" ++ show val show (IdPattern name) = "'" ++ name ++ "'" show (TuplePattern pattens) = "(" ++ intercalate "," (map show pattens) ++ ")" show (TConPattern name pattens) = name ++ " " ++ show pattens