module TestSpec (tests) where import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Exception import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy import qualified Data.Text import qualified Data.Text.IO import qualified Expect import qualified Fuzz import qualified GHC.Exts import qualified GHC.Stack as Stack import NriPrelude import qualified Platform import qualified Platform.Internal import qualified System.IO import qualified Task import Test (Test, describe, fuzz, fuzz2, fuzz3, only, skip, test, todo) import qualified Test.Internal as Internal import qualified Test.Reporter.Logfile import qualified Test.Reporter.Stdout import qualified Prelude tests :: Test tests = describe "Test" [ api, floatComparison, stdoutReporter, logfileReporter ] api :: Test api = describe "Api" [ test "suite result is 'AllPassed' when all tests passed" <| \_ -> do let suite = describe "suite" [ test "test 1" (\_ -> Expect.pass), test "test 2" (\_ -> Expect.pass) ] result <- Expect.succeeds <| suite result |> simplify |> Expect.equal (AllPassed ["test 1", "test 2"]), test "suite result is 'OnlysPassed' when containing an `only`" <| \_ -> do let suite = describe "suite" [ test "test 1" (\_ -> Expect.pass), only <| test "test 2" (\_ -> Expect.pass) ] result <- Expect.succeeds <| suite result |> simplify |> Expect.equal (OnlysPassed ["test 2"] ["test 1"]), test "suite result is 'PassedWithSkipped' when containing skipped test" <| \_ -> do let suite = describe "suite" [ test "test 1" (\_ -> Expect.pass), skip <| test "test 2" (\_ -> Expect.pass) ] result <- Expect.succeeds <| suite result |> simplify |> Expect.equal (PassedWithSkipped ["test 1"] ["test 2"]), test "suite result is 'PassedWithSkipped' when containing a todo test" <| \_ -> do let suite = describe "suite" [ test "test 1" (\_ -> Expect.pass), todo "test 2" ] result <- Expect.succeeds <| suite result |> simplify |> Expect.equal (PassedWithSkipped ["test 1"] ["test 2"]), test "suite result is 'NoTestsInSuite' when it contains no tests" <| \_ -> do let suite = describe "suite" [] result <- Expect.succeeds <| suite result |> simplify |> Expect.equal NoTestsInSuite, test "suite result is 'TestsFailed' when it contains a failing test" <| \_ -> do let suite = describe "suite" [ test "test 1" (\_ -> Expect.pass), skip <| test "test 2" (\_ -> Expect.pass), test "test 3" (\_ -> "oops") ] result <- Expect.succeeds <| suite result |> simplify |> Expect.equal (TestsFailed ["test 1"] ["test 2"] ["test 3"]), test "nested describes are exposed on each test" <| \_ -> let suite = describe "suite" [ describe "sub suite" [ test "test 1" (\_ -> Expect.pass) ] ] in suite |> expectSingleTest ( \test' -> Internal.describes test' |> Expect.equal ["suite", "sub suite"] ), test "source location of `test` are the file in which the test is defined" <| \_ -> test "test 1" (\_ -> Expect.pass) |> expectSingleTest (expectSrcFile "tests/TestSpec.hs"), test "source location of `todo` are the file in which the test is defined" <| \_ -> todo "test 1" |> expectSingleTest (expectSrcFile "tests/TestSpec.hs"), test "source location of `fuzz` are the file in which the test is defined" <| \_ -> fuzz "test 1" (\_ -> Expect.pass) |> expectSingleTest (expectSrcFile "tests/TestSpec.hs"), test "source location of `fuzz2` are the file in which the test is defined" <| \_ -> fuzz2 "test 1" (\_ _ -> Expect.pass) |> expectSingleTest (expectSrcFile "tests/TestSpec.hs"), test "source location of `fuzz3` are the file in which the test is defined" <| \_ -> fuzz3 "test 1" (\_ _ _ -> Expect.pass) |> expectSingleTest (expectSrcFile "tests/TestSpec.hs") ] floatComparison :: Test floatComparison = describe "Float comparison expectations" [ test "Expect.within" <| \_ -> do Expect.within (Expect.Absolute 1) 0.1 0.5 Expect.within (Expect.Relative 1) 3 5 Expect.within (Expect.AbsoluteOrRelative 1 1) 0.1 0.5 Expect.within (Expect.AbsoluteOrRelative 1 1) 3 5, test "Expect.notWithin" <| \_ -> do Expect.notWithin (Expect.Absolute 1) 3 5 Expect.notWithin (Expect.Relative 1) 0.1 0.5 Expect.notWithin (Expect.AbsoluteOrRelative 1 1) 3 10 ] expectSingleTest :: (Internal.SingleTest Internal.Expectation -> Expect.Expectation) -> Test -> Expect.Expectation expectSingleTest check (Internal.Test tests') = case tests' of [test'] -> check test' _ -> "I didn't find a single test as I expected." expectSrcFile :: Text -> Internal.SingleTest a -> Expect.Expectation expectSrcFile expected test' = case Internal.loc test' of Nothing -> "Expected source file location for test, but none was set." Just loc -> Stack.srcLocFile loc |> Data.Text.pack |> Expect.equal expected -- | A type mirroring `Internal.SuiteResult`, simplified to allow easy -- comparisons in tests. data SimplifiedSuiteResult = AllPassed [Text] | OnlysPassed [Text] [Text] | PassedWithSkipped [Text] [Text] | TestsFailed [Text] [Text] [Text] | NoTestsInSuite deriving (Eq, Show) simplify :: Internal.SuiteResult -> SimplifiedSuiteResult simplify suiteResult = case suiteResult of Internal.AllPassed passed -> AllPassed (map passed) Internal.OnlysPassed passed skipped -> OnlysPassed (map passed) (map skipped) Internal.PassedWithSkipped passed skipped -> PassedWithSkipped (map passed) (map skipped) Internal.TestsFailed passed skipped failed -> TestsFailed (map passed) (map skipped) (map failed) Internal.NoTestsInSuite -> NoTestsInSuite stdoutReporter :: Test stdoutReporter = describe "Stdout Reporter" [ test "all passed" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.AllPassed [ mockTest "test 1" mockTracingSpan, mockTest "test 2" mockTracingSpan ] |> handle ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-stdout-all-passed", test "onlys passed" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.OnlysPassed [ mockTest "test 1" mockTracingSpan, mockTest "test 2" mockTracingSpan ] [ mockTest "test 3" Internal.NotRan, mockTest "test 4" Internal.NotRan ] |> handle ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-stdout-onlys-passed", test "passed with skipped" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.PassedWithSkipped [ mockTest "test 1" mockTracingSpan, mockTest "test 2" mockTracingSpan ] [ mockTest "test 3" Internal.NotRan, mockTest "test 4" Internal.NotRan ] |> handle ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-stdout-passed-with-skipped", test "no tests in suite" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.NoTestsInSuite |> handle ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-stdout-no-tests-in-suite", test "tests failed" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.TestsFailed [ mockTest "test 1" mockTracingSpan, mockTest "test 2" mockTracingSpan ] [ mockTest "test 3" Internal.NotRan, mockTest "test 4" Internal.NotRan ] [ mockTest "test 5" (mockTracingSpan, Internal.FailedAssertion "assertion error" Nothing), mockTest "test 6" (mockTracingSpan, Internal.ThrewException mockException), mockTest "test 7" (mockTracingSpan, Internal.TookTooLong), mockTest "test 7" (mockTracingSpan, Internal.TestRunnerMessedUp "sorry") ] |> handle ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-stdout-tests-failed", test "tests failed (actually running)" <| \_ -> do let suite = describe "suite loc" [ test "test fail" (\_ -> "fail"), test "test equal" (\_ -> Expect.equal True False), test "test notEqual" (\_ -> Expect.notEqual True True), test "test all" ( \_ -> True |> Expect.all [ Expect.equal False ] ), test "test lessThan" (\_ -> Expect.lessThan 1 (2 :: Int)), test "test astMost" (\_ -> Expect.atMost 1 (2 :: Int)), test "test greatherThan" (\_ -> Expect.greaterThan 2 (1 :: Int)), test "test atLeast" (\_ -> Expect.atLeast 2 (1 :: Int)), test "test within" (\_ -> Expect.within (Expect.Absolute 0.1) 1 2), test "test notWithin" (\_ -> Expect.notWithin (Expect.Relative 0.1) 1 1), test "test true" (\_ -> Expect.true False), test "test false" (\_ -> Expect.false True), test "test ok" (\_ -> Expect.ok (Err ())), test "test err" (\_ -> Expect.err (Ok ())), test "test succeeds" (\_ -> Expect.succeeds ( "oops")), test "test fails" (\_ -> Expect.fails (Task.succeed "oops")), test "test andCheck" (\_ -> Task.succeed (1 :: Int) |> Expect.andCheck (Expect.equal 2) |> map (\_ -> ())) ] contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> do log <- Platform.silentHandler result <- suite |> Task.perform log handle result ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-stdout-tests-failed-loc" ] logfileReporter :: Test logfileReporter = describe "Logfile Reporter" [ test "all passed" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.AllPassed [ mockTest "test 1" mockTracingSpan, mockTest "test 2" mockTracingSpan ] |> (writeSpan handle) ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-logfile-all-passed", test "onlys passed" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.OnlysPassed [ mockTest "test 1" mockTracingSpan, mockTest "test 2" mockTracingSpan ] [ mockTest "test 3" Internal.NotRan, mockTest "test 4" Internal.NotRan ] |> (writeSpan handle) ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-logfile-onlys-passed", test "passed with skipped" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.PassedWithSkipped [ mockTest "test 1" mockTracingSpan, mockTest "test 2" mockTracingSpan ] [ mockTest "test 3" Internal.NotRan, mockTest "test 4" Internal.NotRan ] |> (writeSpan handle) ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-logfile-passed-with-skipped", test "no tests in suite" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.NoTestsInSuite |> (writeSpan handle) ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-logfile-no-tests-in-suite", test "tests failed" <| \_ -> do contents <- withTempFile ( \_ handle -> Internal.TestsFailed [ mockTest "test 1" mockTracingSpan, mockTest "test 2" mockTracingSpan ] [ mockTest "test 3" Internal.NotRan, mockTest "test 4" Internal.NotRan ] [ mockTest "test 5" (mockTracingSpan, Internal.FailedAssertion "assertion error" Nothing), mockTest "test 6" (mockTracingSpan, Internal.ThrewException mockException), mockTest "test 7" (mockTracingSpan, Internal.TookTooLong), mockTest "test 7" (mockTracingSpan, Internal.TestRunnerMessedUp "sorry") ] |> (writeSpan handle) ) contents |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/test-report-logfile-tests-failed" ] writeSpan :: System.IO.Handle -> Platform.Internal.TracingSpan -> Prelude.IO () writeSpan handle span = do Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.encodePretty span |> Data.ByteString.Lazy.hPut handle -- | Provide a temporary file for a test to do some work in, then return the -- contents of the file when the test is done with it. withTempFile :: (System.IO.FilePath -> System.IO.Handle -> Prelude.IO ()) -> Expect.Expectation' Text withTempFile go = do Platform.Internal.Task ( \_ -> do (path, handle) <- System.IO.openTempFile "/tmp" "nri-haskell-libraries-test-file" go path handle System.IO.hClose handle Data.Text.IO.readFile path |> map Ok ) |> Expect.succeeds mockTest :: Text -> body -> Internal.SingleTest body mockTest name body = Internal.SingleTest { Internal.describes = ["suite", "sub suite"], = name, Internal.label = Internal.None, Internal.loc = Just mockSrcLoc, Internal.body = body } mockTracingSpan :: Platform.Internal.TracingSpan mockTracingSpan = Platform.Internal.TracingSpan { = "name", Platform.Internal.started = Platform.Internal.MonotonicTime 0, Platform.Internal.finished = Platform.Internal.MonotonicTime 0, Platform.Internal.frame = Nothing, Platform.Internal.details = Nothing, Platform.Internal.summary = Nothing, Platform.Internal.succeeded = Platform.Internal.Succeeded, Platform.Internal.allocated = 1, Platform.Internal.children = [] } mockSrcLoc :: Stack.SrcLoc mockSrcLoc = Stack.SrcLoc { Stack.srcLocPackage = "package", Stack.srcLocModule = "Module", Stack.srcLocFile = "Module.hs", Stack.srcLocStartLine = 2, Stack.srcLocStartCol = 4, Stack.srcLocEndLine = 12, Stack.srcLocEndCol = 14 } mockException :: Exception.SomeException mockException = Exception.StringException "exception" (GHC.Exts.fromList []) |> Exception.toException