module DebugSpec (tests) where import NriPrelude import Control.Exception.Safe (SomeException) import Control.Exception.Safe as Exception import qualified Debug import qualified Expect import List (head) import Test (Test, describe, test) import qualified Text import Prelude (Either (Left, Right), Show) tests :: Test tests = describe "Debug Tests" [ describe "toString" toStringTests, describe "log" logTests, describe "todo" todoTests ] toStringTests :: List Test toStringTests = [ test "returns the show form of an empty String" <| \() -> Expect.equal "\"\"" (Debug.toString ("" :: Text)), test "returns the show form of an Int" <| \() -> Expect.equal "0" (Debug.toString (0 :: Int)) ] logTests :: List Test logTests = [ test "returns passed value" <| \() -> Expect.equal 3.14 (Debug.log "Output" (3.14 :: Float)) ] todoTests :: List Test todoTests = [ test "that an exception is raised with the given message" <| \() -> Expect.withIO ( \result -> case result of Left (exception :: SomeException) -> Expect.equal (Just "Not yet!") (firstLine exception) Right _home -> "No exception raised" ) (Exception.try (Debug.todo ("Not yet!" :: Text))) ] -- | Extracts the first line of a given text string if it exists. Otherwise returns Nothing. firstLine :: Show a => a -> Maybe Text firstLine = Debug.toString >> Text.lines >> head