{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Kafka.Worker.Partition ( spawnWorkerThread, append, length, revoke, ConsumerRecord, Partition, MessageCallback (..), SeekCmd (..), CommitOffsets (..), -- just exported for tests microSecondsDelayForAttempt, OnStartup (OnStartup), OnCleanup (OnCleanup), ) where import qualified Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar as TVar import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Exception import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Text.Encoding import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Clock.POSIX import qualified Data.UUID import qualified Data.UUID.V4 import qualified GHC.Clock import qualified Kafka.Consumer as Consumer import qualified Kafka.Internal as Internal import qualified Kafka.Worker.Analytics as Analytics import qualified Kafka.Worker.Settings as Settings import qualified Kafka.Worker.Stopping as Stopping import qualified Log.Kafka import qualified Observability import qualified Platform import qualified Prelude data WorkerError e = WorkerCallbackFailed e | WorkerCallbackThrew Exception.SomeException | MsgDecodingFailed Text | SeekFailed Consumer.KafkaError deriving (Show) data State = State { analytics :: Analytics.Analytics, stopping :: Stopping.Stopping, partition :: Partition } type ConsumerRecord = Consumer.ConsumerRecord (Maybe ByteString.ByteString) (Maybe ByteString.ByteString) newtype ProcessAttemptsCount = ProcessAttemptsCount Int deriving (Num) newtype Partition = Partition (TVar.TVar Backlog) -- | SeekCmd is the expected response of the MessageCallback. -- Return NoSeek if processing succeeded and the offset was correct. -- Return SeekToOffset with the expected offset if the offset of the message -- processed was wrong (this only makes sense when Kafka isn't managing the offset) -- The MessageCallback will throw if proccessing throws. data SeekCmd = NoSeek | SeekToOffset Int -- for each partition, we keep a local backlog of messages we've read from Kafka -- that are not yet processed data Backlog = AwaitingSeekTo Int | -- | Use a `Sequence` type to store records. It's a bit like a list, but unlike -- lists it has O(1) appends to both ends, and an O(1) length function as well. -- We use this a lot considering we're appending new messages on one end, and -- processes messages from the other. Assigned (Seq.Seq (ProcessAttemptsCount, ConsumerRecord)) | -- we set the Backlog to this to tell the partition's thread to stop Stopping -- using these types as a proxy for named parameters -- this is a function that runs with the partition once it's started newtype OnStartup = OnStartup (Partition -> Prelude.IO ()) -- using this types as a proxy for named parameters -- this is a function that runs with the partition when it's done to cleanup newtype OnCleanup = OnCleanup (Prelude.IO ()) -- | MessageCallback is used by your worker to process messages peeled off the queue. data MessageCallback where MessageCallback :: (Show e, Aeson.ToJSON msg, Aeson.FromJSON msg) => (Consumer.ConsumerRecord () () -> msg -> Task e SeekCmd) -> MessageCallback data CommitOffsets = ToKafka | -- | Commit offsets elsewhere. Takes the offset of the last committed -- message so we can skip old messages. Elsewhere Int -- | A thread that processes messages for a particular partition. Cleans itself -- up if it ever runs out. -- -- When processing a message fails we have a couple of non-appealing options: -- -- - We could throw an error. That would kill the worker process, preventing it -- from working on unrelated partitions that might be fine. -- - We can skip the message. This might be okay for some domains, but we cannot -- generally assume ignorning messages is fine. -- - We can park the message in a separate topic for processing later (a dead -- letter queue) This might be fine for some domains, but we cannot generally -- assume handling messages out of order is fine. -- - We can retry until it works. If we're lucky this will get the message -- unstuck, but some logic errors (such as JSON decoding errors) won't go -- away by themselves and will require new code to be deployed. Until a retry -- succeeds we'll be blocked from handling any messages on the same partition. -- -- The retrying solution is unsatisfying, but at least is simple to implement, -- and will not attempt to fix matters in a way that might also make them worse. -- -- In domains where we skipping messages or resubmitting them out of order is -- okay we already have the option of passing in a callback function that -- catches and handles errors itself and always succeeds. -- -- In case message order needs to be maintainted, there might be strategies we -- can devise where being blocked on one key would allow processing on other -- keys within the same partition to continue. It's not clear however how often -- a logic error will affect only some keys in a partition and not others, and -- so whether it's worth it to expend the effort and complexity to implement -- such a scheme. As we run this code we'll gather data that can help us decide. spawnWorkerThread :: Settings.SkipOrNot -> CommitOffsets -> Observability.Handler -> Analytics.Analytics -> Stopping.Stopping -> Consumer.KafkaConsumer -> MessageCallback -> OnStartup -> OnCleanup -> Prelude.IO () spawnWorkerThread skipOrNot commitOffsets observabilityHandler analytics stopping consumer callback (OnStartup onStartup) (OnCleanup onCleanup) = do -- Synchronously create the queue that will come to contain messages for the -- partition. This way we'll be able to start receiving messages for this -- partition as soon as this function returns, even if the processing thread -- we start below still needs boot. partition <- map Partition <| TVar.newTVarIO <| case commitOffsets of ToKafka -> Assigned Seq.empty Elsewhere offset -> AwaitingSeekTo offset onStartup partition Exception.finally (processMsgLoop skipOrNot commitOffsets observabilityHandler State {analytics, stopping, partition} consumer callback) onCleanup |> Async.async -- If the async process spawned here throws an exception, rethrow it -- in the main thread so we bring down the worker. -- -- We take care to prevent exceptions from the user-provided callback -- to bring down the processing thread. Should an exception slip -- through somehow, or should the code in this module produce one, -- that could result in a partition thread being killed without us -- knowing, and without it being restarted. This would result in no -- messages for this partition being processed. -- -- Linking the partition processing threads to the main one will -- ensure that if one thread goes down, they all go down. We'll get a -- loud crash, which isn't nice, but at least we'll know something bad -- happened. |> andThen Async.link processMsgLoop :: Settings.SkipOrNot -> CommitOffsets -> Observability.Handler -> State -> Consumer.KafkaConsumer -> MessageCallback -> Prelude.IO () processMsgLoop skipOrNot commitOffsets observabilityHandler state consumer callback@(MessageCallback runCallback) = do -- # Get the next message from the queue. peekResponse <- peekRecord state case peekResponse of StopThread -> Prelude.pure () (NextMsg processAttempts record) -> do case processAttempts of (ProcessAttemptsCount 0) -> Prelude.pure () (ProcessAttemptsCount attempts) -> -- Wait a bit if this is a retry, to prevent putting a lot of retry -- stress on downstream systems or generating huge numbers of error -- messages. microSecondsDelayForAttempt attempts |> Prelude.fromIntegral |> Control.Concurrent.threadDelay doAnything <- Platform.doAnythingHandler let commit processResult = case processResult of SeekToOffset offset -> awaitingSeekTo (partition state) offset |> map Ok |> Platform.doAnything doAnything NoSeek -> do -- Still around? That means things must have gone well. Let's mark -- this message as succesfully processed. case commitOffsets of ToKafka -> commitRecord doAnything consumer record Elsewhere _ -> -- The user of the Kafka module is responsible for -- comitting the offsets. To help them do so we pass -- them the record in the callback function. -- -- It's important the module user can determine when to -- commit, for example to allow them to commit as part -- of a larger database transaction as part of an -- exactly-once-delivery scheme. Prelude.pure () -- finally, let's remove it from the queue dequeueRecord (partition state) record |> map Ok |> Platform.doAnything doAnything -- # Process message. (RequestId requestId, details) <- getTracingDetails (analytics state) processAttempts record Platform.rootTracingSpanIO requestId (Observability.report observabilityHandler requestId) "Assigned Kafka message" ( \log -> do -- Setting the tracing details first. If anything goes wrong below -- at least we'll have nice context in logs! Platform.setTracingSpanDetailsIO log details handleFailures log <| do msg <- decodeMessage record runCallback record {Consumer.crKey = (), Consumer.crValue = ()} msg |> Task.mapError WorkerCallbackFailed |> Task.onError ( \err -> do case skipOrNot of Settings.Skip -> Task.succeed NoSeek Settings.DoNotSkip -> Task.fail err ) |> Task.andThen commit ) -- # Loop for the next message processMsgLoop skipOrNot commitOffsets observabilityHandler state consumer callback microSecondsDelayForAttempt :: Int -> Int microSecondsDelayForAttempt attempts = min 3_600_000_000 {- 1 hour in microseconds -} ((10 Prelude.^ attempts) * 1000_000 {- 1 second in microseconds -}) handleFailures :: Show e => Platform.LogHandler -> Task (WorkerError e) a -> Prelude.IO () handleFailures logHandler task = do result <- -- Catch any synchronous exceptions the callback might have thrown, to -- prevent them from propagating further and killing the entire worker -- process. Exception.handleAny (Prelude.pure << Err << WorkerCallbackThrew) (Task.attempt logHandler task) case result of Ok _ -> Prelude.pure () Err err -> do Log.error "Assigned Kafka message failed" [ Log.context "triage" ("We'll automatically attempt to retry processing of the message. Until a retry succeeds no messages for the same topic partition as the failing message can be processed." :: Text), Log.context "error" (Debug.toString err) ] |> Task.perform logHandler newtype RequestId = RequestId Text getTracingDetails :: Analytics.Analytics -> ProcessAttemptsCount -> ConsumerRecord -> Prelude.IO (RequestId, Log.Kafka.Details) getTracingDetails analytics (ProcessAttemptsCount processAttempt) record = do let (createTime, logAppendTime) = case Consumer.crTimestamp record of Consumer.CreateTime millis -> (Just (millisToSecs millis), Nothing) Consumer.LogAppendTime millis -> (Nothing, Just (millisToSecs millis)) Consumer.NoTimestamp -> (Nothing, Nothing) let eitherMsg = Consumer.crValue record -- We'll accept the absence of a message if the worker expects a message -- of type `()`. The default JSON encoding for `()` is "[]". |> Maybe.withDefault "[]" |> Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict let (requestId, contents) = case eitherMsg of Prelude.Right Internal.MsgWithMetaData {Internal.metaData, Internal.value} -> (Just (Internal.requestId metaData), Log.Kafka.mkContents value) Prelude.Left _ -> ( Nothing, Consumer.crValue record |> Maybe.andThen (Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8' >> Prelude.either (\_ -> Nothing) Just) |> Log.Kafka.mkContents ) ( Analytics.PausedPartitions pausedPartitions, Analytics.AssignedPartitions assignedPartitions, Analytics.TimeOfLastRebalance timeOfLastRebalance ) <- Analytics.read analytics now <- GHC.Clock.getMonotonicTime let timeSinceLastRebalance = now - timeOfLastRebalance requestIdForReturn <- case requestId of Nothing -> -- if the message doens't contain a request id, create a new one map Data.UUID.toText Data.UUID.V4.nextRandom Just requestId' -> Prelude.pure requestId' |> map RequestId Prelude.pure ( requestIdForReturn, Log.Kafka.emptyDetails { Log.Kafka.topic = Just (Consumer.unTopicName (Consumer.crTopic record)), Log.Kafka.partitionId = Just (Prelude.fromIntegral (Consumer.unPartitionId (Consumer.crPartition record))), Log.Kafka.key = Consumer.crKey record |> Maybe.andThen ( \keyBytes -> case Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8' keyBytes of Prelude.Left _ -> Nothing Prelude.Right keyText -> Just keyText ), Log.Kafka.contents = Just contents, Log.Kafka.processAttempt = Just processAttempt, Log.Kafka.createTime, Log.Kafka.assignedPartitions = Just assignedPartitions, Log.Kafka.pausedPartitions = Just pausedPartitions, Log.Kafka.timeSinceLastRebalance = Just timeSinceLastRebalance, Log.Kafka.logAppendTime, Log.Kafka.requestId } ) millisToSecs :: Consumer.Millis -> Clock.UTCTime millisToSecs (Consumer.Millis millis) = fromPosix (millis // 1000) decodeMessage :: (Aeson.FromJSON msg) => ConsumerRecord -> Task (WorkerError e) msg decodeMessage record = do let eitherMsg = Consumer.crValue record -- We'll accept the absence of a message if the worker expects a message -- of type `()`. The default JSON encoding for `()` is "[]". |> Maybe.withDefault "[]" |> Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict case eitherMsg of Prelude.Left err -> Task.fail (MsgDecodingFailed (Text.fromList err)) Prelude.Right msgWithMetaData -> case Internal.value msgWithMetaData of (Internal.Encodable value) -> case Aeson.fromJSON (Aeson.toJSON value) of Aeson.Error err -> Task.fail (MsgDecodingFailed (Text.fromList err)) Aeson.Success msg -> Task.succeed msg commitRecord :: Platform.DoAnythingHandler -> Consumer.KafkaConsumer -> ConsumerRecord -> Task e () commitRecord doAnything consumer record = do commitResult <- Consumer.commitOffsetMessage Consumer.OffsetCommit consumer record |> map Ok |> Platform.doAnything doAnything case commitResult of Just err -> Log.error "Failed to commit offset to Kafka after succesfully processing message." [ Log.context "err" (Debug.toString err), Log.context "context" ("We failed to commit progress on the message, which means there is a risk of us processing it again. If the message is not idempotent this will be a problem. If we see a lot of these errors it might mean no commits are happening at all, in which cases our queues are not making forward progress." :: Text) ] Nothing -> Task.succeed () data PollResponse = NextMsg ProcessAttemptsCount ConsumerRecord | StopThread -- | Read the next message for a particular partition, but keep it on the local -- queue. We should only remove the message if we finish processing it. peekRecord :: State -> Prelude.IO PollResponse peekRecord state = Stopping.runUnlessStopping (stopping state) StopThread ( STM.atomically <| do let (Partition partition') = partition state backlog' <- TVar.readTVar partition' case backlog' of AwaitingSeekTo _ -> STM.retry Stopping -> do Prelude.pure StopThread Assigned Seq.Empty -> STM.retry Assigned ((processAttemptsCount, first) Seq.:<| rest) -> do -- Bump the retry count so that the next time we read this message, we -- know we've read it before. TVar.writeTVar partition' (Assigned ((processAttemptsCount + 1, first) Seq.:<| rest)) Prelude.pure (NextMsg processAttemptsCount first) ) awaitingSeekTo :: Partition -> Int -> Prelude.IO () awaitingSeekTo (Partition partition) offset = STM.atomically (TVar.writeTVar partition (AwaitingSeekTo offset)) -- | removes the record from the Backlog if it's still assigned -- if not assigned, doesn't matter, the current thread will die in the next -- loop dequeueRecord :: Partition -> ConsumerRecord -> Prelude.IO () dequeueRecord (Partition partition) record = STM.atomically <| do backlog' <- TVar.readTVar partition case backlog' of AwaitingSeekTo _ -> Prelude.pure () Stopping -> Prelude.pure () Assigned Seq.Empty -> Prelude.pure () Assigned ((_, first) Seq.:<| rest) -> do if Consumer.crOffset first == Consumer.crOffset record then TVar.writeTVar partition (Assigned rest) else -- why would this ever be the case??? should we log here? Prelude.pure () append :: ConsumerRecord -> Partition -> STM.STM SeekCmd append item (Partition partition) = TVar.stateTVar partition ( \queue' -> case queue' of AwaitingSeekTo offset -> if offset == Consumer.unOffset (Consumer.crOffset item) then ( NoSeek, Assigned (Seq.singleton (ProcessAttemptsCount 0, item)) ) else ( SeekToOffset offset, AwaitingSeekTo offset ) Stopping -> (NoSeek, Stopping) Assigned queue -> ( NoSeek, Assigned (queue Seq.:|> (ProcessAttemptsCount 0, item)) ) ) length :: Partition -> Prelude.IO (Maybe Int) length (Partition partition) = do backlog <- TVar.readTVarIO partition Prelude.pure <| case backlog of AwaitingSeekTo _ -> Nothing Stopping -> Nothing Assigned queue -> Just (Prelude.fromIntegral (Seq.length queue)) revoke :: Partition -> STM.STM () revoke (Partition partition) = TVar.writeTVar partition Stopping -- | Create a time from a posix timestamp, a number of seconds since the Linux -- epoch. This provides us a way to create constant timetamps for tests. fromPosix :: Int -> Clock.UTCTime fromPosix secondsSinceEpoch = secondsSinceEpoch |> Prelude.fromIntegral |> Clock.POSIX.posixSecondsToUTCTime