{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, CPP #-}
{- |
   Module      :  Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal
   License     :  BSD3

   Maintainer  :  nix-dev@cs.uu.nl
   Stability   :  provisional
   Portability :  PatternGuards

   A represtation of Nix expressions based on Cabal builder defined in

module Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal
  ( Derivation(..)
  , parseDerivation
  , module Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Meta
  , module Data.Version

import Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Meta
import Distribution.NixOS.PrettyPrinting
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Package
#ifdef __HADDOCK__
import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription )
import Data.Version
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Text.Regex.Posix

-- | A represtation of Nix expressions for building Haskell packages.
-- The data type correspond closely to the definition of
-- 'PackageDescription' from Cabal.
-- Note that the "Text" instance definition provides pretty-printing,
-- but no parsing as of now!

data Derivation = MkDerivation
  { pname        :: String
  , version      :: Version
  , sha256       :: String
  , isLibrary    :: Bool
  , isExecutable :: Bool
  , buildDepends :: [String]
  , buildTools   :: [String]
  , extraLibs    :: [String]
  , pkgConfDeps  :: [String]
  , runHaddock   :: Bool
  , metaSection  :: Meta
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Text Derivation where
  disp  = renderDerivation
  parse = error "parsing Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal.Derivation is not supported yet"

instance Package Derivation where
  packageId deriv = PackageIdentifier (PackageName (pname deriv)) (version deriv)

renderDerivation :: Derivation -> Doc
renderDerivation deriv = funargs (map text ("cabal" : inputs)) $$ vcat
  [ text ""
  , text "cabal.mkDerivation" <+> lparen <> text "self" <> colon <+> lbrace
  , nest 2 $ vcat
    [ attr "pname"   $ string (pname deriv)
    , attr "version" $ doubleQuotes (disp (version deriv))
    , attr "sha256"  $ string (sha256 deriv)
    , boolattr "isLibrary" (not (isLibrary deriv) || (isExecutable deriv)) (isLibrary deriv)
    , boolattr "isExecutable" (not (isLibrary deriv) || (isExecutable deriv)) (isExecutable deriv)
    , listattr "buildDepends" (buildDepends deriv)
    , listattr "buildTools" (buildTools deriv)
    , listattr "extraLibraries" (extraLibs deriv)
    , listattr "pkgconfigDepends" (pkgConfDeps deriv)
    , boolattr "noHaddock" (not (runHaddock deriv)) (not (runHaddock deriv))
    , disp (metaSection deriv)
  , rbrace <> rparen
  , text ""
    inputs = nub $ sortBy (\x y -> compare (map toLower x) (map toLower y)) $
              filter (/="cabal") $ filter (/="Cabal") $
                buildDepends deriv ++ buildTools deriv ++ extraLibs deriv ++ pkgConfDeps deriv

-- | A very incomplete parser that extracts 'pname', 'version',
-- 'sha256', 'platforms', 'maintainers', and 'runHaddock' from the given
-- Nix expression.

parseDerivation :: String -> Maybe Derivation
parseDerivation buf
  | buf =~ "cabal.mkDerivation"
  , [name]    <- buf `regsubmatch` "pname *= *\"([^\"]+)\""
  , [vers']   <- buf `regsubmatch` "version *= *\"([^\"]+)\""
  , Just vers <- simpleParse vers'
  , [sha]     <- buf `regsubmatch` "sha256 *= *\"([^\"]+)\""
  , plats     <- buf `regsubmatch` "platforms *= *([^;]+);"
  , maint     <- buf `regsubmatch` "maintainers *= *\\[([^\"]+)]"
  , noHaddock <- buf `regsubmatch` "noHaddock *= *(true|false) *;"
              = Just $ MkDerivation
                  { pname        = name
                  , version      = vers
                  , sha256       = sha
                  , isLibrary    = False
                  , isExecutable = False
                  , buildDepends = []
                  , buildTools   = []
                  , extraLibs    = []
                  , pkgConfDeps  = []
                  , runHaddock   = case noHaddock of "true":[] -> False
                                                     _         -> True
                  , metaSection  = Meta
                                   { homepage    = ""
                                   , description = ""
                                   , license     = Unknown Nothing
                                   , maintainers = concatMap words maint
                                   , platforms   = concatMap words (map (map (\c -> if c == '+' then ' ' else c)) plats)
  | otherwise = Nothing

regsubmatch :: String -> String -> [String]
regsubmatch buf patt = let (_,_,_,x) = f in x
  where f :: (String,String,String,[String])
        f = match (makeRegexOpts compExtended execBlank patt) buf