module NixTree.StorePath ( StoreName (..), storeNameToPath, storeNameToText, storeNameToShortText, storeNameToSplitShortText, StorePath (..), Installable (..), StoreEnv (..), StoreEnvOptions (..), withStoreEnv, seLookup, seAll, seGetRoots, seBottomUp, seFetchRefs, getNixStore, mkStoreName, ) where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), Value (..), decode, (.:)) import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as K import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import qualified Data.Text as T import System.FilePath.Posix (addTrailingPathSeparator, splitDirectories, ()) import System.IO (hPutStrLn) import System.Process.Typed (proc, readProcessStdout_) -- Technically these both are filepaths. However, most people use the default "/nix/store", -- hence special casing it speeds things up. data NixStore = NixStore | NixStoreCustom FilePath deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData, Hashable) mkNixStore :: FilePath -> NixStore mkNixStore i' = let i = addTrailingPathSeparator i' in if i == "/nix/store/" then NixStore else NixStoreCustom i unNixStore :: NixStore -> FilePath unNixStore NixStore = "/nix/store/" unNixStore (NixStoreCustom fp) = fp getNixStore :: IO NixStore getNixStore = do let prog = "nix-instantiate" args = ["--eval", "--expr", "(builtins.storeDir)", "--json"] out <- readProcessStdout_ (proc prog args) <&> fmap mkNixStore . decode @FilePath case out of Nothing -> fail $ "Error interpreting output of: " ++ show (prog, args) Just p -> return p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data StoreName s = StoreName NixStore Text deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) deriving anyclass (NFData, Hashable) mkStoreName :: NixStore -> FilePath -> Maybe (StoreName a) mkStoreName ns path = do let ps = unNixStore ns guard $ ps `isPrefixOf` path let ds = splitDirectories (drop (length ps) path) sn <- listToMaybe ds return $ StoreName ns (toText sn) storeNameToText :: StoreName a -> Text storeNameToText (StoreName _ n) = n storeNameToPath :: StoreName a -> FilePath storeNameToPath (StoreName ns sn) = unNixStore ns toString sn storeNameToShortText :: StoreName a -> Text storeNameToShortText = snd . storeNameToSplitShortText storeNameToSplitShortText :: StoreName a -> (Text, Text) storeNameToSplitShortText txt = case T.span (/= '-') . T.pack $ storeNameToPath txt of (f, s) | Just (c, s'') <- T.uncons s -> (T.snoc f c, s'') e -> e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data NixVersion = NixOlder | Nix2_4 | NixNewer | NixUnknown deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) getNixVersion :: IO NixVersion getNixVersion = do out <- decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict <$> readProcessStdout_ (proc "nix" ["--version"]) -- Parses strings like: -- nix (Nix) 2.6.0pre20211217_6e6e998 -- nix (Nix) 2.5.1 return . fromMaybe NixUnknown $ do -- get the last space delimited part ver <- out & T.splitOn " " & viaNonEmpty last -- split by ".", take the first two, and convert them to numbers (major, minor) <- do (maT, miT) <- case T.splitOn "." ver of p1 : p2 : _ -> Just (p1, p2) _ -> Nothing ma <- readMaybe @Natural (toString maT) mi <- readMaybe @Natural (toString miT) return (ma, mi) -- map it to the sum return $ case compare (major, minor) (2, 4) of LT -> NixOlder EQ -> Nix2_4 GT -> NixNewer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data StorePath s ref payload = StorePath { spName :: StoreName s, spSize :: Int, spRefs :: [ref], spPayload :: payload } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Generic) instance (NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (StorePath s a b) newtype Installable = Installable {installableToText :: Text} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data PathInfoOptions = PathInfoOptions { pioIsRecursive :: Bool, pioIsDerivation :: Bool, pioIsImpure :: Bool } getPathInfo :: NixStore -> NixVersion -> PathInfoOptions -> NonEmpty Installable -> IO (NonEmpty (StorePath s (StoreName s) ())) getPathInfo nixStore nixVersion options names = do infos <- decode @NixPathOutput <$> readProcessStdout_ ( proc "nix" ( ["path-info", "--json"] ++ ["--impure" | options & pioIsImpure] ++ ["--recursive" | options & pioIsRecursive] ++ ["--derivation" | (options & pioIsDerivation) && nixVersion >= Nix2_4] ++ (if nixVersion >= Nix2_4 then ["--extra-experimental-features", "nix-command flakes"] else []) ++ map (toString . installableToText) (toList names) ) ) >>= maybe (fail "Failed parsing nix path-info output.") return >>= mapM assertValidInfo . npoResults >>= maybe (fail "invariant violation: getPathInfo returned []") return . nonEmpty mapM infoToStorePath infos where infoToStorePath NixPathInfo {npiPath, npiNarSize, npiReferences} = do name <- mkStoreNameIO npiPath refs <- filter (/= name) <$> mapM mkStoreNameIO npiReferences return $ StorePath { spName = name, spRefs = refs, spSize = npiNarSize, spPayload = () } mkStoreNameIO p = maybe (fail $ "Failed parsing Nix store path: " ++ show p) return (mkStoreName nixStore p) assertValidInfo (NixPathInfoValid pathinfo) = return pathinfo assertValidInfo (NixPathInfoInvalid path) = fail $ "Invalid path: " ++ path ++ ". Make sure that it is built, or pass '--derivation' if you want to work on the derivation." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data StoreEnv s payload = StoreEnv { sePaths :: HashMap (StoreName s) (StorePath s (StoreName s) payload), seRoots :: NonEmpty (StoreName s) } deriving (Functor, Generic, NFData) data StoreEnvOptions = StoreEnvOptions { seoIsDerivation :: Bool, seoIsImpure :: Bool } withStoreEnv :: forall m a. (MonadIO m) => StoreEnvOptions -> NonEmpty Installable -> (forall s. StoreEnv s () -> m a) -> m a withStoreEnv StoreEnvOptions {seoIsDerivation, seoIsImpure} names cb = do nixStore <- liftIO getNixStore -- See: nixVersion <- liftIO getNixVersion when (seoIsDerivation && nixVersion < Nix2_4) $ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr "Warning: --derivation flag is ignored on Nix versions older than 2.4." roots <- liftIO $ getPathInfo nixStore nixVersion (PathInfoOptions {pioIsDerivation = seoIsDerivation, pioIsRecursive = False, pioIsImpure = seoIsImpure}) names paths <- liftIO $ getPathInfo nixStore nixVersion (PathInfoOptions {pioIsDerivation = seoIsDerivation, pioIsRecursive = True, pioIsImpure = seoIsImpure}) (Installable . toText . storeNameToPath . spName <$> roots) let env = StoreEnv ( paths & toList & map (\p@StorePath {spName} -> (spName, p)) & HM.fromList ) (roots <&> spName) cb env seLookup :: StoreEnv s a -> StoreName s -> StorePath s (StoreName s) a seLookup StoreEnv {sePaths} name = fromMaybe (error $ "invariant violation, StoreName not found: " <> show name) (HM.lookup name sePaths) seAll :: StoreEnv s a -> NonEmpty (StorePath s (StoreName s) a) seAll StoreEnv {sePaths} = case HM.elems sePaths of [] -> error "invariant violation: no paths" (x : xs) -> x :| xs seGetRoots :: StoreEnv s a -> NonEmpty (StorePath s (StoreName s) a) seGetRoots env@StoreEnv {seRoots} = fmap (seLookup env) seRoots seFetchRefs :: StoreEnv s a -> (StoreName s -> Bool) -> NonEmpty (StoreName s) -> [StorePath s (StoreName s) a] seFetchRefs env predicate = fst . foldl' (\(acc, visited) name -> go acc visited name) ([], HS.empty) where go acc visited name | HS.member name visited = (acc, visited) | not (predicate name) = (acc, visited) | otherwise = let sp@StorePath {spRefs} = seLookup env name in foldl' (\(acc', visited') name' -> go acc' visited' name') (sp : acc, HS.insert name visited) spRefs seBottomUp :: forall s a b. (StorePath s (StorePath s (StoreName s) b) a -> b) -> StoreEnv s a -> StoreEnv s b seBottomUp f StoreEnv {sePaths, seRoots} = StoreEnv { sePaths = snd $ execState (mapM_ go seRoots) (sePaths, HM.empty), seRoots } where unsafeLookup k m = fromMaybe (error $ "invariant violation: name doesn't exists: " <> show k) (HM.lookup k m) go :: StoreName s -> State ( HashMap (StoreName s) (StorePath s (StoreName s) a), HashMap (StoreName s) (StorePath s (StoreName s) b) ) (StorePath s (StoreName s) b) go name = do processed <- gets snd case name `HM.lookup` processed of Just sp -> return sp Nothing -> do sp@StorePath {spName, spRefs} <- unsafeLookup name <$> gets fst refs <- mapM go spRefs let new = sp {spPayload = f sp {spRefs = refs}} modify $ bimap (HM.delete spName) (HM.insert spName new) return new -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data NixPathInfo = NixPathInfo { npiPath :: FilePath, npiNarSize :: Int, npiReferences :: [FilePath] } data NixPathInfoResult = NixPathInfoValid NixPathInfo | NixPathInfoInvalid FilePath parse2_18 :: Value -> Parser NixPathInfoResult parse2_18 (Object obj) = ( NixPathInfoValid <$> ( NixPathInfo <$> obj .: "path" <*> obj .: "narSize" <*> obj .: "references" ) ) <|> ( do path <- obj .: "path" valid <- obj .: "valid" guard (not valid) return $ NixPathInfoInvalid path ) parse2_18 _ = fail "Expecting an object." parse2_19 :: (FilePath, Value) -> Parser NixPathInfoResult parse2_19 (path, Object obj) = NixPathInfoValid <$> ( NixPathInfo path <$> obj .: "narSize" <*> obj .: "references" ) parse2_19 (path, Null) = return $ NixPathInfoInvalid path parse2_19 (_, _) = fail "Expecting an object or null" newtype NixPathOutput = NixPathOutput { npoResults :: [NixPathInfoResult] } instance FromJSON NixPathOutput where parseJSON (Array a) = NixPathOutput <$> mapM parse2_18 (toList a) parseJSON (Object o) = NixPathOutput <$> mapM (parse2_19 . first K.toString) (KM.toList o) parseJSON _ = fail "Expecting an array (nix<=2.18) or an object with mapping from path to info (nix>=2.19)."