1.0.16 * [Accept realised store paths as input](https://github.com/Gabriel439/nix-diff/pull/47) * `nix-diff` will attempt to find the corresponding derivations using `nix-store --query --deriver` if you provide a realised store path as input 1.0.15 * [Fix non-exhaustive pattern match](https://github.com/Gabriel439/nix-diff/pull/45) * This non-exhaustive pattern match would cause the program to fail if the new derivation added or removed input sources 1.0.14 * [Improve whitespace handling](https://github.com/Gabriel439/nix-diff/pull/40) * `--word-oriented` now treats all whitespace characters as word boundaries instead of just spaces This matches the behavior of `Prelude.words` * `--word-oriented` no longer highlights the intervening spaces between words This is for consistency with `--line-oriented`, which doesn't highlight the intervening spaces between lines. Also, you could argue that if the user specifies `--word-oriented` then they want all new tokens to be highlighted on a word-by-word basis. * `--line-oriented` now no longer introduces a trailing newline at the end of a newline-free segment of text * More generally, both `--word-oriented` and `--newline-oriented` exactly preserve the original whitespace that was used for word or line boundaries. 1.0.13 * [Add new `--word-oriented` mode, which is now the new default mode](https://github.com/Gabriel439/nix-diff/pull/38) * This now diffs on word boundaries instead of line-boundaries 1.0.12 * [Use "patience" diff algorithm](https://github.com/Gabriel439/nix-diff/pull/33) * This improves the quality of the diff 1.0.11 * [Add support for diffing input sources](https://github.com/Gabriel439/nix-diff/pull/30)