{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} module Nirum.Parser ( Parser , ParseError , aliasTypeDeclaration , annotation , annotationSet , boxedTypeDeclaration , docs , enumTypeDeclaration , file , handleNameDuplication , identifier , imports , listModifier , mapModifier , method , module' , modulePath , name , optionModifier , parse , parseFile , recordTypeDeclaration , serviceDeclaration , setModifier , typeDeclaration , typeExpression , typeExpressionWithoutOptionModifier , typeIdentifier , unionTypeDeclaration ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (join, void) import Data.List (foldl1') import Prelude hiding (readFile) import Data.Set (elems) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.IO (readFile) import Text.Megaparsec ( Token , eof , many , manyTill , notFollowedBy , option , optional , runParser , sepBy1 , sepEndBy , sepEndBy1 , skipMany , skipSome , try , (<|>) , () ) import Text.Megaparsec.Char ( char , eol , noneOf , spaceChar , string , string' ) import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Error as E import Text.Megaparsec.Text (Parser) import Text.Megaparsec.Lexer (charLiteral) import qualified Nirum.Constructs.Annotation as A import Nirum.Constructs.Declaration (Declaration, Docs(Docs)) import Nirum.Constructs.DeclarationSet ( DeclarationSet , NameDuplication( BehindNameDuplication , FacialNameDuplication ) , empty , fromList ) import Nirum.Constructs.Identifier ( Identifier , identifierRule , reservedKeywords , toString ) import Nirum.Constructs.Module (Module(Module)) import Nirum.Constructs.ModulePath (ModulePath(ModulePath, ModuleName)) import Nirum.Constructs.Name (Name(Name)) import Nirum.Constructs.Service ( Method(Method) , Parameter(Parameter) , Service(Service) ) import Nirum.Constructs.TypeDeclaration ( EnumMember(EnumMember) , Field(Field) , Tag(Tag) , Type( Alias , BoxedType , EnumType , RecordType , UnionType ) , TypeDeclaration( Import , ServiceDeclaration , TypeDeclaration ) ) import Nirum.Constructs.TypeExpression ( TypeExpression( ListModifier , MapModifier , OptionModifier , SetModifier , TypeIdentifier ) ) type ParseError = E.ParseError (Token T.Text) E.Dec comment :: Parser () comment = string "//" >> void (many $ noneOf ("\n" :: String)) "comment" spaces :: Parser () spaces = skipMany $ void spaceChar <|> comment spaces1 :: Parser () spaces1 = skipSome $ void spaceChar <|> comment identifier :: Parser Identifier identifier = quotedIdentifier <|> bareIdentifier "identifier" where keywords :: Parser String keywords = foldl1' (<|>) $ map (string' . toString) $ elems reservedKeywords bareIdentifier :: Parser Identifier bareIdentifier = do notFollowedBy keywords identifierRule quotedIdentifier :: Parser Identifier quotedIdentifier = do char '`' identifier' <- identifierRule char '`' return identifier' name :: Parser Name name = do facialName <- identifier "facial name" behindName <- option facialName $ try $ do spaces char '/' spaces identifier "behind name" return $ Name facialName behindName annotation :: Parser A.Annotation annotation = do char '@' spaces name' <- identifier spaces metadata <- optional $ do char '(' spaces m <- optional ((char '"' >> manyTill charLiteral (char '"')) "annotation metadata") spaces char ')' return m let metadata' = T.pack <$> join metadata return $ A.Annotation name' metadata' annotationSet :: Parser A.AnnotationSet annotationSet = do annotations <- many $ do spaces a <- annotation spaces return a case A.fromList annotations of Right annotations' -> return annotations' Left (A.AnnotationNameDuplication _) -> fail "annotation name duplicate" typeExpression :: Parser TypeExpression typeExpression = try optionModifier <|> typeExpressionWithoutOptionModifier "type expression" typeExpressionWithoutOptionModifier :: Parser TypeExpression typeExpressionWithoutOptionModifier = try setModifier <|> listModifier <|> mapModifier <|> typeIdentifier typeIdentifier :: Parser TypeExpression typeIdentifier = do typeIdentifier' <- identifier "type identifier" return $ TypeIdentifier typeIdentifier' optionModifier :: Parser TypeExpression optionModifier = do expr <- typeExpressionWithoutOptionModifier spaces char '?' return $ OptionModifier expr setModifier :: Parser TypeExpression setModifier = do char '{' spaces expr <- typeExpression "element type of set type" spaces char '}' return $ SetModifier expr listModifier :: Parser TypeExpression listModifier = do char '[' spaces expr <- typeExpression "element type of list type" spaces char ']' return $ ListModifier expr mapModifier :: Parser TypeExpression mapModifier = do char '{' spaces key <- typeExpression "key type of map type" spaces char ':' spaces value <- typeExpression "value type of map type" spaces char '}' return $ MapModifier key value docs :: Parser Docs docs = do comments <- sepEndBy1 (do { char '#' ; void $ optional $ char ' ' ; line <- many $ noneOf ("\r\n" :: String) ; return $ T.pack line }) (eol >> spaces) "comments" return $ Docs $ T.unlines comments aliasTypeDeclaration :: Parser TypeDeclaration aliasTypeDeclaration = do annotationSet' <- annotationSet "type alias annotations" string' "type" "type alias keyword" spaces typename <- identifier "alias type name" let name' = Name typename typename spaces char '=' spaces canonicalType <- typeExpression "canonical type of alias" spaces char ';' docs' <- optional $ try $ spaces >> (docs "type alias docs") return $ TypeDeclaration name' (Alias canonicalType) docs' annotationSet' boxedTypeDeclaration :: Parser TypeDeclaration boxedTypeDeclaration = do annotationSet' <- annotationSet "boxed type annotations" string' "boxed" "boxed type keyword" spaces typename <- identifier "boxed type name" let name' = Name typename typename spaces char '(' spaces innerType <- typeExpression "inner type of boxed type" spaces char ')' spaces char ';' docs' <- optional $ try $ spaces >> (docs "boxed type docs") return $ TypeDeclaration name' (BoxedType innerType) docs' annotationSet' enumMember :: Parser EnumMember enumMember = do memberName <- name "enum member name" spaces docs' <- optional $ do d <- docs "enum member docs" spaces return d return $ EnumMember memberName docs' handleNameDuplication :: Declaration a => String -> [a] -> (DeclarationSet a -> Parser b) -> Parser b handleNameDuplication label declarations cont = case fromList declarations of Left (BehindNameDuplication (Name _ bname)) -> fail ("the behind " ++ label ++ " name `" ++ toString bname ++ "` is duplicated") Left (FacialNameDuplication (Name fname _)) -> fail ("the facial " ++ label ++ " name `" ++ toString fname ++ "` is duplicated") Right set -> cont set enumTypeDeclaration :: Parser TypeDeclaration enumTypeDeclaration = do annotationSet' <- annotationSet "enum type annotations" string "enum" "enum keyword" spaces typename <- name "enum type name" spaces frontDocs <- optional $ do d <- docs "enum type docs" spaces return d char '=' spaces docs' <- case frontDocs of d@(Just _) -> return d Nothing -> optional $ do d <- docs "enum type docs" spaces return d members <- (enumMember `sepBy1` (spaces >> char '|' >> spaces)) "enum members" case fromList members of Left (BehindNameDuplication (Name _ bname)) -> fail ("the behind member name `" ++ toString bname ++ "` is duplicated") Left (FacialNameDuplication (Name fname _)) -> fail ("the facial member name `" ++ toString fname ++ "` is duplicated") Right memberSet -> do spaces char ';' return $ TypeDeclaration typename (EnumType memberSet) docs' annotationSet' fieldsOrParameters :: forall a. (String, String) -> (Name -> TypeExpression -> Maybe Docs -> a) -> Parser [a] fieldsOrParameters (label, pluralLabel) make = do type' <- typeExpression (label ++ " type") spaces1 name' <- name (label ++ " name") spaces let makeWithDocs = make name' type' followedByComma makeWithDocs <|> do d <- optional docs' (label ++ " docs") return [makeWithDocs d] where recur :: Parser [a] recur = fieldsOrParameters (label, pluralLabel) make followedByComma :: (Maybe Docs -> a) -> Parser [a] followedByComma makeWithDocs = do char ',' spaces d <- optional docs' (label ++ " docs") rest <- option [] recur ("rest of " ++ pluralLabel) return $ makeWithDocs d : rest docs' :: Parser Docs docs' = do d <- docs (label ++ " docs") spaces return d fields :: Parser [Field] fields = fieldsOrParameters ("label", "labels") Field fieldSet :: Parser (DeclarationSet Field) fieldSet = do fields' <- fields "fields" handleNameDuplication "field" fields' return recordTypeDeclaration :: Parser TypeDeclaration recordTypeDeclaration = do annotationSet' <- annotationSet "record type annotations" string "record" "record keyword" spaces typename <- name "record type name" spaces char '(' spaces docs' <- optional $ do d <- docs "record type docs" spaces return d fields' <- fieldSet "record fields" spaces char ')' spaces char ';' return $ TypeDeclaration typename (RecordType fields') docs' annotationSet' tag :: Parser Tag tag = do tagName <- name "union tag name" spaces paren <- optional $ char '(' fields' <- case paren of Just _ -> do { f <- fieldSet "union tag fields" ; char ')' ; return f } Nothing -> return empty docs' <- optional $ do d <- docs "union tag docs" spaces return d return $ Tag tagName fields' docs' unionTypeDeclaration :: Parser TypeDeclaration unionTypeDeclaration = do annotationSet' <- annotationSet "union type annotations" string "union" "union keyword" spaces typename <- name "union type name" spaces docs' <- optional $ do d <- docs "union type docs" spaces return d char '=' spaces tags' <- (tag `sepBy1` try (spaces >> char '|' >> spaces)) "union tags" spaces char ';' handleNameDuplication "tag" tags' $ \tagSet -> return $ TypeDeclaration typename (UnionType tagSet) docs' annotationSet' typeDeclaration :: Parser TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = ( try aliasTypeDeclaration <|> try boxedTypeDeclaration <|> try enumTypeDeclaration <|> try recordTypeDeclaration <|> unionTypeDeclaration ) "type declaration (e.g. boxed, enum, record, union)" parameters :: Parser [Parameter] parameters = fieldsOrParameters ("parameter", "parameters") Parameter parameterSet :: Parser (DeclarationSet Parameter) parameterSet = option empty $ try $ do params <- parameters "method parameters" handleNameDuplication "parameter" params return method :: Parser Method method = do annotationSet' <- annotationSet "service method annotation" returnType <- typeExpression "method return type" spaces1 methodName <- name "method name" spaces char '(' spaces docs' <- optional $ do d <- docs "method docs" spaces return d params <- parameterSet spaces char ')' spaces errorType <- optional $ do string "throws" "throws keyword" spaces e <- typeExpression "method error type" spaces return e return $ Method methodName params returnType errorType docs' annotationSet' methods :: Parser [Method] methods = method `sepEndBy` try (spaces >> char ',' >> spaces) methodSet :: Parser (DeclarationSet Method) methodSet = do methods' <- methods "service methods" handleNameDuplication "method" methods' return serviceDeclaration :: Parser TypeDeclaration serviceDeclaration = do annotationSet' <- annotationSet "service annotation" string "service" "service keyword" spaces serviceName <- name "service name" spaces char '(' spaces docs' <- optional $ do d <- docs "service docs" spaces return d methods' <- methodSet "service methods" spaces char ')' spaces char ';' return $ ServiceDeclaration serviceName (Service methods') docs' annotationSet' modulePath :: Parser ModulePath modulePath = do idents <- sepBy1 (identifier "module identifier") (try (spaces >> char '.' >> spaces)) "module path" case makePath idents of Nothing -> fail "module path cannot be empty" Just path -> return path where makePath :: [Identifier] -> Maybe ModulePath makePath = foldl f Nothing f :: Maybe ModulePath -> Identifier -> Maybe ModulePath f Nothing i = Just $ ModuleName i f (Just p) i = Just $ ModulePath p i imports :: Parser [TypeDeclaration] imports = do string' "import" "import keyword" spaces path <- modulePath "module path" spaces char '(' spaces idents <- sepBy1 (identifier "name to import") (spaces >> char ',' >> spaces) "names to import" spaces char ')' spaces char ';' return [Import path ident | ident <- idents] module' :: Parser Module module' = do spaces docs' <- optional $ do d <- docs "module docs" spaces return d spaces importLists <- many $ do importList <- imports spaces return importList types <- many $ do typeDecl <- try typeDeclaration <|> (serviceDeclaration "service declaration") spaces return typeDecl handleNameDuplication "type" (types ++ [i | l <- importLists, i <- l]) $ \typeSet -> return $ Module typeSet docs' file :: Parser Module file = do mod' <- module' eof return mod' parse :: FilePath -- | Source path (although it's only used for error message) -> T.Text -- | Input source code -> Either ParseError Module parse = runParser file parseFile :: FilePath -- | Source path -> IO (Either ParseError Module) parseFile path = do code <- readFile path return $ runParser file path code {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}