{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TemplateHaskell, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns, ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections, NumDecimals #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : NgxExport.Healthcheck -- Copyright : (c) Alexey Radkov 2022-2023 -- License : BSD-style -- -- Maintainer : alexey.radkov@gmail.com -- Stability : stable -- Portability : non-portable (requires Template Haskell) -- -- Active health checks and monitoring of Nginx upstreams. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module NgxExport.Healthcheck (module Types) where import NgxExport import NgxExport.Healthcheck.Types as Types import Network.HTTP.Client import Network.HTTP.Client.BrReadWithTimeout import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as ML import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Exception import System.IO.Unsafe import Data.IORef import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Data.Char import Data.Ord import Data.Function import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.Marshal.Utils import Data.Aeson #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,9,1) import Data.Fixed #endif import Data.Int import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Calendar import Safe #ifdef HEALTHCHECK_HTTPS import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS import Network.Connection import Network.TLS #endif #ifdef SNAP_STATS_SERVER import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Exception.Enclosed (handleAny) import Snap.Http.Server import Snap.Core #endif type Url = String type HttpStatus = Int type PeerHostName = Text data Conf = Conf { upstreams :: [Upstream] , interval :: TimeInterval , peerTimeout :: TimeInterval , endpoint :: Maybe Endpoint , sendStatsPort :: Maybe Int } deriving Read data Endpoint = Endpoint { epUrl :: Url , epProto :: TransportProtocol , epPassRule :: PassRule } deriving Read data TransportProtocol = Http | Https deriving Read data PassRule = DefaultPassRule | PassRuleByHttpStatus [HttpStatus] deriving Read newtype PassRuleParams = PassRuleParams { responseHttpStatus :: HttpStatus } defaultPassRuleParams :: PassRuleParams defaultPassRuleParams = PassRuleParams { responseHttpStatus = 200 } data TimeInterval = Hr Int | Min Int | Sec Int | HrMin Int Int | MinSec Int Int deriving Read conf :: IORef (Map ServiceKey Conf) conf = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef M.empty {-# NOINLINE conf #-} type NamedPeers = (PeerHostName, Peers) peers :: IORef (MServiceKey NamedPeers) peers = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef M.empty {-# NOINLINE peers #-} active :: IORef [ServiceKey] active = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef [] {-# NOINLINE active #-} httpManager :: Manager httpManager = unsafePerformIO $ newManager defaultManagerSettings {-# NOINLINE httpManager #-} #ifdef HEALTHCHECK_HTTPS httpsManager :: IORef (Map ServiceKey Manager) httpsManager = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef M.empty {-# NOINLINE httpsManager #-} mkTlsManager :: HostName -> IO Manager mkTlsManager name = newTlsManagerWith $ mkManagerSettings (TLSSettings $ defaultParamsClient name "") Nothing #endif data StatsServerConf = StatsServerConf { ssPort :: Int , ssPurgeInterval :: TimeInterval } deriving Read stats :: IORef (UTCTime, Map Int32 (UTCTime, MServiceKey Peers)) stats = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef (UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0, M.empty) {-# NOINLINE stats #-} both :: Arrow a => a b c -> a (b, b) (c, c) both = join (***) #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,9,1) asIntegerPart :: forall a. HasResolution a => Integer -> Fixed a asIntegerPart = MkFixed . (resolution (undefined :: Fixed a) *) {-# SPECIALIZE INLINE asIntegerPart :: Integer -> Pico #-} #endif toNominalDiffTime :: TimeInterval -> NominalDiffTime toNominalDiffTime = #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,9,1) secondsToNominalDiffTime . asIntegerPart #else fromRational . toRational . secondsToDiffTime #endif . fromIntegral . toSec terminateWorkerProcess :: String -> IO a terminateWorkerProcess = throwIO . TerminateWorkerProcess getUrl :: Url -> Manager -> PeerHostName -> TimeInterval -> IO HttpStatus getUrl url man hname ((1e6 *) . toSec -> tmo) = do -- Note: using here httpNoBody makes Nginx backends claim about closed -- keepalive connections! request <- parseRequest url statusCode . responseStatus <$> httpLbsBrReadWithTimeout (request { responseTimeout = responseTimeoutMicro tmo , requestHeaders = [("Host", T.encodeUtf8 hname)] } ) man query :: Url -> TransportProtocol -> ServiceKey -> PeerHostName -> Peer -> TimeInterval -> IO (Peer, HttpStatus) query url proto skey hname p tmo = do man <- getManager proto (p, ) <$> getUrl (mkAddr p url) man hname tmo where mkAddr = ((getPrefix proto ++) .) . (++) . T.unpack getPrefix Http = "http://" getPrefix Https = "https://" getManager Http = return httpManager getManager Https = #ifdef HEALTHCHECK_HTTPS M.lookup skey <$> readIORef httpsManager >>= maybe (throwUserError $ "Secure manager for service key " ++ T.unpack skey ++ " was not found!" ) return #else skey `seq` undefined #endif catchBadResponse :: Peer -> IO (Peer, HttpStatus) -> IO (Peer, HttpStatus) catchBadResponse p = handle $ \(_ :: SomeException) -> return (p, 0) threadDelaySec :: Int -> IO () threadDelaySec = threadDelay . (* 1e6) toSec :: TimeInterval -> Int toSec (Hr h) = 3600 * h toSec (Min m) = 60 * m toSec (Sec s) = s toSec (HrMin h m) = 3600 * h + 60 * m toSec (MinSec m s) = 60 * m + s byPassRule :: PassRule -> PassRuleParams -> Bool byPassRule DefaultPassRule PassRuleParams { responseHttpStatus = st } = st == 200 byPassRule (PassRuleByHttpStatus sts) PassRuleParams { responseHttpStatus = st } = st `elem` sts isActive :: ServiceKey -> IO Bool isActive skey = (skey `elem`) <$> readIORef active lookupServiceKey :: ServiceKey -> MServiceKey a -> MUpstream a lookupServiceKey = (fromMaybe M.empty .) . M.lookup {-# SPECIALIZE INLINE lookupServiceKey :: ServiceKey -> MServiceKey NamedPeers -> MUpstream NamedPeers #-} toHostName :: ServiceKey -> PeerHostName toHostName key = let (_, t) = T.break (== ':') key in if T.length t > 1 then T.tail t else key throwUserError :: String -> IO a throwUserError = ioError . userError throwWhenPeersUninitialized :: ServiceKey -> MUpstream a -> IO () throwWhenPeersUninitialized skey ps = when (M.null ps) $ throwUserError $ "Peers were not initialized for service set " ++ T.unpack skey ++ "!" {-# SPECIALIZE INLINE throwWhenPeersUninitialized :: ServiceKey -> MUpstream NamedPeers -> IO () #-} reportStats :: Int -> (Int32, ServiceKey, MUpstream Peers) -> IO () reportStats ssp v = do handle (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return ()) $ do req <- parseRequest "POST" let !req' = req { requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode v , port = ssp , Network.HTTP.Client.path = "report" } void $ httpNoBody req' httpManager checkPeers :: ByteString -> Bool -> IO L.ByteString checkPeers cf fstRun = do let (skey, cf') = C8.break isSpace $ C8.dropWhile isSpace cf skey' = T.decodeUtf8 skey cf'' <- readIORef conf >>= maybe (do let cf'' = readMay $ C8.unpack cf' when (isNothing cf'') $ terminateWorkerProcess "Unreadable peers configuration!" let cf''' = fromJust cf'' atomicModifyIORef' conf $ (, ()) . M.insert skey' cf''' return cf''' ) return . M.lookup skey' let !us = upstreams cf'' ep = endpoint cf'' int = interval cf'' pto = peerTimeout cf'' !ssp = sendStatsPort cf'' if fstRun then do peers' <- lookupServiceKey skey' <$> readIORef peers let hname = toHostName skey' peers'' = foldr (flip (M.insertWith $ const id) (hname, [])) peers' us atomicModifyIORef' peers $ (, ()) . M.insert skey' peers'' when (isJust ep) $ case epProto $ fromJust ep of Https -> #ifdef HEALTHCHECK_HTTPS readIORef httpsManager >>= maybe (atomicModifyIORef' httpsManager $ (, ()) . M.insert skey' (unsafePerformIO $ mkTlsManager $ T.unpack hname ) ) (void . return) . M.lookup skey' #else terminateWorkerProcess "Healthcheck plugin wasn't built with support for https" #endif _ -> return () atomicModifyIORef' active $ (, ()) . (skey' :) else threadDelaySec $ toSec int peers' <- lookupServiceKey skey' <$> readIORef peers throwWhenPeersUninitialized skey' peers' when (isJust ssp) $ do (fromIntegral -> pid) <- ngxCachedPid void $ async $ reportStats (fromJust ssp) (pid, skey', M.filter (not . null) $ M.map snd peers') let concatResult = L.fromStrict . B.concat if isJust ep then do let ep' = fromJust ep (map (flip B.append "\0\n" . T.encodeUtf8) -> peers'') <- forConcurrently us $ \u -> do let (hname, !ps) = fromJust $ M.lookup u peers' ps' <- forConcurrently ps $ \p -> catchBadResponse p $ query (epUrl ep') (epProto ep') skey' hname p pto let (psGood, psBad) = both (map fst) $ partition (byPassRule (epPassRule ep') . (\st -> defaultPassRuleParams { responseHttpStatus = st } ) . snd ) ps' ic = T.intercalate "," return $ T.concat [u, "|", ic psBad, "/", ic psGood] return $ concatResult ["1", skey, "\n", B.concat peers''] else return $ concatResult $ "0" : skey : "\n" : map (T.encodeUtf8 . (`T.append` "|\0\n")) us ngxExportServiceIOYY 'checkPeers readFlag :: ByteString -> CUIntPtr readFlag "0" = 0 readFlag "1" = 1 readFlag "" = error "Unexpectedly empty check peers flag!" readFlag x = error $ "Unexpected check peers flag " ++ C8.unpack x ++ "!" foreign import ccall unsafe "plugin_ngx_http_haskell_healthcheck" c_healthcheck :: Ptr () -> Ptr () -> Ptr () -> CUIntPtr -> CUIntPtr -> CString -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize -> IO CIntPtr updatePeers :: ByteString -> IO L.ByteString updatePeers (C8.lines -> ls) | (B.splitAt 1 -> (readFlag -> ck, skey)) : us <- ls = do let skey' = T.decodeUtf8 skey skey'' = L.fromStrict skey c <- ngxCyclePtr umc <- ngxUpstreamMainConfPtr t <- ngxCachedTimePtr >>= peek a <- isActive skey' peers' <- lookupServiceKey skey' <$> readIORef peers if a then throwWhenPeersUninitialized skey' peers' else when (isNothing $ M.lookup skey' peers') $ atomicModifyIORef' peers $ (, ()) . M.insert skey' M.empty usBad <- MV.replicate (length us) Nothing forM_ us $ \ps -> do let (T.decodeUtf8 . fst -> !u) = C8.break (== '|') ps B.unsafeUseAsCString ps $ \ps' -> alloca $ \pv -> alloca $ \pl -> do ((0 ==) -> !ok) <- c_healthcheck c umc t ck (fromBool a) ps' pv pl if ok then do v <- peek pv (fromIntegral -> l) <- peek pl (filter (not . T.null) . T.split (== ',') . T.decodeUtf8 -> ps'') <- B.unsafePackCStringLen (v, l) let (hname, peers'') = fromMaybe (toHostName skey', []) $ M.lookup u peers' unless (null peers'' && null ps'') $ atomicModifyIORef' peers $ (, ()) . M.update (Just . M.insert u (hname, ps'') ) skey' else do usBad' <- V.unsafeFreeze usBad let idx = fromJust $ V.findIndex (== Nothing) usBad' usBad'' <- V.unsafeThaw usBad' MV.unsafeWrite usBad'' idx $ Just u (V.toList -> usBad') <- V.unsafeFreeze usBad let usBad'' = L.fromStrict $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.intercalate ", " $ map fromJust $ takeWhile (/= Nothing) usBad' return $ if L.null usBad'' then "" else L.concat ["Healthcheck: upstreams [", usBad'' ,"] from service set ", skey'' ," have failed to process" ] | otherwise = throwUserError "Parse error when reading saved peers data!" ngxExportServiceHook 'updatePeers updateStats :: L.ByteString -> NominalDiffTime -> IO () updateStats v int = do let s = decode' v when (isNothing s) $ throwUserError "Unreadable stats!" let (pid, skey, ps) = fromJust s !t <- getCurrentTime atomicModifyIORef' stats $ (, ()) . \(t', ps') -> let (!tn, f) = if diffUTCTime t t' >= int then (t ,M.filter $ \(t'', _) -> diffUTCTime t t'' < int ) else (t', id) !psn = f $ M.alter (\old -> let !new' = if isNothing old then ML.singleton skey ps else ML.insert skey ps $ snd $ fromJust old in Just (t, new') ) pid ps' in (tn, psn) receiveStats :: L.ByteString -> ByteString -> IO L.ByteString receiveStats v sint = do let !int = toNominalDiffTime $ readDef (Min 5) $ C8.unpack sint updateStats v int return "done" ngxExportAsyncOnReqBody 'receiveStats sendStats' :: IO (Map Int32 (UTCTime, MServiceKey Peers)) sendStats' = snd <$> readIORef stats sendStats :: ByteString -> IO ContentHandlerResult sendStats = const $ (, "text/plain", 200, []) . encode . M.map (second $ ML.filter $ not . null) <$> sendStats' ngxExportAsyncHandler 'sendStats sendMergedStats' :: IO (MServiceKey AnnotatedPeers) sendMergedStats' = merge <$> sendStats' where merge = M.foldl (ML.unionWith $ M.unionWith pickLatest) ML.empty . M.map (\(t, s) -> ML.map (M.map $ map (t,)) s) pickLatest = ((map (maximumBy $ comparing fst) . groupBy ((==) `on` snd) ) . ) . foldr (insertBy (groupEqual `on` snd)) groupEqual a b | a == b = EQ | otherwise = GT sendMergedStats :: ByteString -> IO ContentHandlerResult sendMergedStats = const $ (, "text/plain", 200, []) . encode <$> sendMergedStats' ngxExportAsyncHandler 'sendMergedStats #ifdef SNAP_STATS_SERVER ssConfig :: Int -> Config Snap a ssConfig p = setPort p $ setBind "" $ setAccessLog ConfigNoLog $ setErrorLog ConfigNoLog $ setVerbose False mempty ssHandler :: NominalDiffTime -> Snap () ssHandler int = route [("report", Snap.Core.method POST $ receiveStatsSnap int) ,("stat", Snap.Core.method GET sendStatsSnap) ,("stat/merge", Snap.Core.method GET sendMergedStatsSnap) ] receiveStatsSnap :: NominalDiffTime -> Snap () receiveStatsSnap int = handleStatsExceptions "Exception while receiving stats" $ do !s <- readRequestBody 65536 liftIO $ updateStats s int finishWith emptyResponse sendStatsSnap :: Snap () sendStatsSnap = handleStatsExceptions "Exception while sending stats" $ do s <- liftIO sendStats' modifyResponse $ setContentType "application/json" writeLBS $ encode $ M.map (second $ ML.filter $ not . null) s sendMergedStatsSnap :: Snap () sendMergedStatsSnap = handleStatsExceptions "Exception while sending stats" $ do s <- liftIO sendMergedStats' modifyResponse $ setContentType "application/json" writeLBS $ encode s handleStatsExceptions :: String -> Snap () -> Snap () handleStatsExceptions cmsg = handleAny $ \e -> writeErrorResponse 500 $ show (e :: SomeException) where writeErrorResponse c msg = do modifyResponse $ setResponseStatus c $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack cmsg writeBS $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack msg statsServer :: ByteString -> Bool -> IO L.ByteString statsServer cf fstRun = do if fstRun then do cf' <- maybe (terminateWorkerProcess "Unreadable stats server configuration!" ) return $ readMay $ C8.unpack cf let !int = toNominalDiffTime $ ssPurgeInterval cf' simpleHttpServe (ssConfig $ ssPort cf') $ ssHandler int else threadDelaySec 5 return "" ngxExportServiceIOYY 'statsServer #endif reportPeers :: ByteString -> IO ContentHandlerResult reportPeers = const $ do (M.map $ M.filter (not . null) . M.map snd -> peers') <- readIORef peers return (encode peers', "application/json", 200, []) ngxExportAsyncHandler 'reportPeers