{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, LambdaCase, MultiWayIf, ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Text.Parsec hiding (uncons) import Distribution.Simple.Program import Distribution.Verbosity import Cabal.Plan import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import Data.List import System.Console.ANSI import System.Environment import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Exit import System.IO import Data.Version (showVersion) import Paths_ngx_export_distribution (version) data DistData = DistData { distDataDir :: String , distDataArchive :: String , distDataTargetDir :: String , distDataPatchOnly :: Bool , distDataTargetLib :: String , distDataOwnVerbosity :: Verbosity , distDataOtherVerbosity :: Verbosity , distDataWaitArg :: Maybe String , distDataHelp :: Bool } defaultDistDataDir :: String defaultDistDataDir = ".hslibs" data DepsData = DepsData { depsDataBuilddir :: String , depsDataProject :: String , depsDataWaitArg :: Maybe String , depsDataHelp :: Bool } data InitData = InitData { initDataPrefix :: String , initDataNoThreaded :: Bool , initDataForce :: Bool , initDataToStdout :: Bool , initDataProject :: String , initDataWaitArg :: Maybe String , initDataHelp :: Bool } defaultInitDataPrefix :: String defaultInitDataPrefix = "/var/lib/nginx" data LddRec = LibHS String (Maybe FilePath) | LibFFI String (Maybe FilePath) | LibOther String (Maybe FilePath) deriving Show data HelpSection = HelpDist | HelpDeps | HelpInit deriving Eq progVersion :: String progVersion = "nhm-tool " ++ showVersion version usage :: Maybe HelpSection -> Bool -> IO () usage section success = do when (isNothing section) $ putStrLn $ progVersion ++ ": help building custom Haskell handlers for Nginx,\n\ \this is a tool from \ \https://github.com/lyokha/nginx-haskell-module\n" putStrLn "Usage:" when (isNothing section || section == Just HelpDist) $ T.putStrLn $ T.concat ["\n\ \ * nhm-tool dist [-d dir -a ar | -p] [-t target_dir] [-v | -vv] \ \lib\n\n\ \ collect Haskell libraries on which 'lib' depends,\n\ \ patch 'lib' to enable loading dependent libraries from \ \'target_dir'\n\n\ \ 'dir' is a directory where dependent libraries will be collected\n\ \ (default is ", T.pack defaultDistDataDir, ")\n\ \ 'target_dir' is a directory where dependent libraries will be\n\ \ installed (no default, 'lib' will not be patched if omitted)\n\ \ 'ar' is the base name of the archive to contain 'lib' and\n\ \ 'dir' (no default, the archive will not be created if omitted)\n\ \ if '-p' (patch-only) is specified then dependent libraries will\n\ \ neither be collected nor archived\n\ \ use options '-v' and '-vv' to increase verbosity level\n\ \ special value '-' for 'dir', 'target_dir', and 'ar' resets them\n\ \ (with -d- being equivalent to -p)" ] when (isNothing section || section == Just HelpDeps) $ T.putStrLn "\n\ \ * nhm-tool deps [-d dir] project-name\n\n\ \ print all direct dependencies of 'project-name',\n\ \ the output is compatible with the format of GHC environment \ \files\n\n\ \ 'dir' is the cabal build directory where the build plan is \ \located\n\ \ (default is dist-newstyle)" when (isNothing section || section == Just HelpInit) $ T.putStrLn $ T.concat ["\n\ \ * nhm-tool init [-p dir] [-no-threaded] [-f | -to-stdout] \ \project-name\n\n\ \ bootstrap environment to build custom Haskell handlers\n\n\ \ '-p' prefix for install dir, default is ", T.pack defaultInitDataPrefix, "\n\ \ '-no-threaded' use base RTS library\n\ \ '-f' force re-writing of existing files (except the source file)\n\ \ '-to-stdout' do not write files but dump what will be written" ] when (isNothing section) $ T.putStrLn "\n\ \ * nhm-tool [-h | -help | --help | -v | -version | --version]\n\n\ \ show this help message or version and exit,\n\ \ help options are applicable in sub-commands as well" if success then exitSuccess else exitFailure main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of "dist" : args' -> do let distData = foldl parseDistArg (Just defaultArgs) args' defaultArgs = DistData defaultDistDataDir "" "" False "" normal normal Nothing False case distData of Nothing -> usage (Just HelpDist) False Just (normalizeDistData -> distData'@DistData {..}) -> if | distDataHelp -> usage (Just HelpDist) $ length args' == 1 | isJust distDataWaitArg || null distDataTargetLib -> usage (Just HelpDist) False | otherwise -> cmdDist distData' "deps" : args' -> do let depsData = foldl parseDepsArg (Just defaultArgs) args' defaultArgs = DepsData "" "" Nothing False case depsData of Nothing -> usage (Just HelpDeps) False Just depsData'@DepsData {..} -> if | depsDataHelp -> usage (Just HelpDeps) $ length args' == 1 | isJust depsDataWaitArg || null depsDataProject -> usage (Just HelpDeps) False | otherwise -> cmdDeps depsData' "init" : args' -> do let initData = foldl parseInitArg (Just defaultArgs) args' defaultArgs = InitData defaultInitDataPrefix False False False "" Nothing False case initData of Nothing -> usage (Just HelpInit) False Just initData'@InitData {..} -> if | initDataHelp -> usage (Just HelpInit) $ length args' == 1 | isJust initDataWaitArg || null initDataProject || initDataForce && initDataToStdout -> usage (Just HelpInit) False | otherwise -> cmdInit initData' [arg] | arg `elem` ["-h", "-help", "--help"] -> usage Nothing True | arg `elem` ["-v", "-version", "--version"] -> putStrLn progVersion >> exitSuccess args' -> usage Nothing $ null args' where normalizeDistData dist@DistData {..} = dist { distDataTargetDir = if distDataTargetDir == "-" then "" else distDataTargetDir , distDataArchive = if distDataArchive == "-" then "" else distDataArchive , distDataPatchOnly = distDataDir == "-" || distDataPatchOnly } parseDistArg :: Maybe DistData -> String -> Maybe DistData parseDistArg Nothing _ = Nothing parseDistArg (Just dist@DistData {..}) arg = case distDataWaitArg of Nothing -> let (opt, value) = splitAt 2 arg in if | "-d" == opt -> Just $ if null value then dist { distDataWaitArg = Just opt } else dist' { distDataDir = value } | "-t" == opt -> Just $ if null value then dist { distDataWaitArg = Just opt } else dist' { distDataTargetDir = value } | "-a" == opt -> Just $ if null value then dist { distDataWaitArg = Just opt } else dist' { distDataArchive = value } | "-p" == arg -> Just dist' { distDataPatchOnly = True } | "-v" == arg -> Just dist' { distDataOwnVerbosity = verbose } | "-vv" == arg -> Just dist' { distDataOwnVerbosity = verbose , distDataOtherVerbosity = verbose } | (`elem` ["-h", "-help", "--help"]) arg -> Just dist' { distDataHelp = True } | Just '-' == (fst <$> uncons arg) -> Nothing | null distDataTargetLib -> Just dist' { distDataTargetLib = arg } | otherwise -> Nothing Just "-d" -> Just dist' { distDataDir = arg } Just "-t" -> Just dist' { distDataTargetDir = arg } Just "-a" -> Just dist' { distDataArchive = arg } Just _ -> undefined where dist' = dist { distDataWaitArg = Nothing } parseDepsArg :: Maybe DepsData -> String -> Maybe DepsData parseDepsArg Nothing _ = Nothing parseDepsArg (Just deps@DepsData {..}) arg = case depsDataWaitArg of Nothing -> let (opt, value) = splitAt 2 arg in if | "-d" == opt -> Just $ if null value then deps { depsDataWaitArg = Just opt } else deps' { depsDataBuilddir = value } | (`elem` ["-h", "-help", "--help"]) arg -> Just deps' { depsDataHelp = True } | Just '-' == (fst <$> uncons arg) -> Nothing | null depsDataProject -> Just deps' { depsDataProject = arg } | otherwise -> Nothing Just "-d" -> Just deps' { depsDataBuilddir = arg } Just _ -> undefined where deps' = deps { depsDataWaitArg = Nothing } parseInitArg :: Maybe InitData -> String -> Maybe InitData parseInitArg Nothing _ = Nothing parseInitArg (Just init'@InitData {..}) arg = case initDataWaitArg of Nothing -> let (opt, value) = splitAt 2 arg in if | "-p" == opt -> Just $ if null value then init' { initDataWaitArg = Just opt } else init'' { initDataPrefix = value } | "-no-threaded" == arg -> Just init'' { initDataNoThreaded = True } | "-f" == arg -> Just init'' { initDataForce = True } | "-to-stdout" == arg -> Just init'' { initDataToStdout = True } | (`elem` ["-h", "-help", "--help"]) arg -> Just init'' { initDataHelp = True } | Just '-' == (fst <$> uncons arg) -> Nothing | null initDataProject -> Just init'' { initDataProject = arg } | otherwise -> Nothing Just "-p" -> Just init'' { initDataPrefix = arg } Just _ -> undefined where init'' = init' { initDataWaitArg = Nothing } cmdDist :: DistData -> IO () cmdDist DistData {..} = do let pdb = emptyProgramDb patchelf = simpleProgram "patchelf" (patchelf', pdb') <- requireProgram distDataOtherVerbosity patchelf pdb if distDataPatchOnly then patchTargetLib patchelf' else do let ldd = simpleProgram "ldd" (ldd', pdb'') <- requireProgram distDataOtherVerbosity ldd pdb' putStrLn' "---> Collecting libraries" lddOut <- getProgramOutput distDataOtherVerbosity ldd' [distDataTargetLib] case parseLddOutput lddOut of Left err -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ show err ++ " in\n" ++ lddOut exitFailure Right recs -> do (tar', _) <- requireProgram distDataOtherVerbosity tarProgram pdb'' collectLibs recs lddOut unless (null distDataTargetDir) $ putStrLn' "" >> patchTargetLib patchelf' unless (null distDataArchive) $ putStrLn' "" >> archiveLibs tar' where patchTargetLib patchelf' | null distDataTargetDir = return () | otherwise = do putStrLn' $ "---> Patching " ++ distDataTargetLib patchelfOut <- getProgramOutput distDataOtherVerbosity patchelf' ["--print-rpath", distDataTargetLib] case parsePatchelfRpathOutput patchelfOut of Left err -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ show err ++ " in\n" ++ patchelfOut exitFailure Right paths -> do unless (distDataTargetDir `elem` paths) $ runProgram distDataOtherVerbosity patchelf' ["--set-rpath" ,distDataTargetDir ++ ':' : patchelfOut ,distDataTargetLib ] patchelfOut' <- getProgramOutput distDataOtherVerbosity patchelf' ["--print-rpath" ,distDataTargetLib ] putStrLnTrim patchelfOut' collectLibs recs lddOut = do let recsLibHS = M.fromList $ mapMaybe (\case LibHS name path -> Just (name, path) LibFFI name path -> Just (name, path) _ -> Nothing ) recs if M.null recsLibHS then do hPutStrLn stderr $ "No Haskell libraries were collected in\n" ++ lddOut exitFailure else do let (M.mapMaybe id -> recsLibHS', recsLibHSNotFound) = M.partition isJust recsLibHS if M.null recsLibHSNotFound then do createDirectoryIfMissing False distDataDir forM_ (M.elems recsLibHS') $ \path -> do let dst = distDataDir takeFileName path putStrLn' $ path ++ " -> " ++ dst copyFile path dst else do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Haskell libraries " ++ show (M.keys recsLibHSNotFound) ++ " were not found in\n" ++ lddOut exitFailure archiveLibs tar' | null distDataArchive = return () | otherwise = do putStrLn' "---> Archiving artifacts" tarOut <- getProgramOutput distDataOtherVerbosity tar' ["czvf" ,distDataArchive <.> ".tar.gz" ,distDataTargetLib ,distDataDir ] putStrLnTrim tarOut putStrLn' = when (distDataOwnVerbosity == verbose) . putStrLn putStrLnTrim = putStrLn' . trimEnd '\n' trimEnd end = fst . foldr (\v a@(vs, skipped) -> if skipped || v /= end then (v : vs, True) else a ) ("", False) parsePatchelfRpathOutput :: String -> Either ParseError [String] parsePatchelfRpathOutput = parse (many (satisfy (/= colon)) `sepBy` char colon) "patchelf_rpath" where colon = ':' parseLddOutput :: String -> Either ParseError [LddRec] parseLddOutput = flip parse "ldd" $ many $ spaces *> (try (toLddRec <$> manyTill anyChar' sep <*> ((Just .) . (:) <$> char '/' <*> right <|> Nothing <$ string "not found" ) ) <|> try ((`LibOther` Nothing) <$> right) <|> (`LibOther` Nothing) <$> manyTill anyChar' (sep *> addr *> newline) ) where toLddRec lib | "libHS" `isPrefixOf` lib = LibHS lib | "libffi.so" `isPrefixOf` lib = LibFFI lib | otherwise = LibOther lib right = manyTill anyChar' $ spaces1 *> addr *> newline addr = string "(0x" *> many1 hexDigit *> char ')' anyChar' = satisfy (/= '\n') sep = spaces1 *> string "=>" *> spaces1 spaces1 = skipMany1 space cmdDeps :: DepsData -> IO () cmdDeps DepsData {..} = do let buildDir = if null depsDataBuilddir then ProjectRelativeToDir "." else InBuildDir depsDataBuilddir units <- pjUnits <$> findAndDecodePlanJson buildDir let comps = [ uComps | Unit {..} <- M.elems units , uType == UnitTypeLocal , let uPkgName = (\(PkgId (PkgName name) _) -> name) uPId , uPkgName == T.pack depsDataProject ] when (null comps) $ do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed to find plan for " ++ depsDataProject exitFailure let deps = foldl (\a curComps -> let libComps = M.filterWithKey (const . (== CompNameLib)) curComps in M.foldr S.union a $ M.map ciLibDeps libComps ) S.empty comps forM_ (S.toList deps) $ \(UnitId unit) -> putStrLn $ "package-id " ++ T.unpack unit cmdInit :: InitData -> IO () cmdInit init'@InitData {..} = do let files = [("cabal.project", cabalProject init', True) ,("Setup.hs", setupHs init', True) ,(initDataProject ++ ".cabal", projectCabal init', True) ,("Makefile", makefile init', True) ,(replace '-' '_' initDataProject ++ ".hs" ,projectHs init' ,False ) ] forM_ files $ if initDataToStdout then \(name, file, _) -> printHeader (name ++ "\n") >> T.putStrLn file else \(name, file, overridable) -> do exists <- doesFileExist name if exists then if initDataForce && overridable then T.writeFile name file else hPutStrLn stderr $ if overridable then useForceMsg name else existsMsg name else T.writeFile name file where replace from to = foldr (\v -> ((if v == from then to else v) :)) "" printHeader header = do isTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout if isTerm then do setSGR [SetColor Foreground Dull Blue ,SetUnderlining SingleUnderline ] putStrLn header setSGR [Reset] else putStrLn $ " ~~~ " ++ header existsMsg name = "File " ++ name ++ " exists" useForceMsg name = existsMsg name ++ ", use option -f to override it" cabalProject :: InitData -> Text cabalProject InitData {..} = T.concat ["packages: ", T.pack initDataProject, ".cabal\n"] setupHs :: InitData -> Text setupHs = const "import NgxExport.Distribution\n\ \main = defaultMain\n" projectCabal :: InitData -> Text projectCabal InitData {..} = T.concat ["name: ", T.pack initDataProject, "\n\ \version:\n\ \build-type: Custom\n\ \cabal-version: 2.0\n\ \\n\ \custom-setup\n\ \ setup-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5\n\ \ , ngx-export-distribution\n\ \\n\ \library\n\ \ default-language: Haskell2010\n\ \ build-tool-depends: ngx-export-distribution:nhm-tool\n\ \ build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5\n\ \ , ngx-export\n\ \\n\ \ ghc-options: -Wall -O2\n" ,if initDataNoThreaded then "" else "\n\ \ if impl(ghc >= 9.0.1)\n\ \ ghc-options: -threaded\n" ] makefile :: InitData -> Text makefile InitData {..} = T.concat ["NAME := ", T.replace "-" "_" $ T.pack initDataProject, "\n\ \PKGNAME := $(subst _,-,$(NAME))\n\ \PKGVER :=\n\ \\n\ \PREFIX := ", T.pack initDataPrefix, "\n\ \MACHINE := $(shell uname -m)\n\ \KERNEL := $(shell uname -s | tr A-Z a-z)\n\ \\n\ \PKGDISTR := ngx-export-distribution\n\ \NHMTOOL := nhm-tool\n\ \\n\ \SRC := $(NAME).hs\n\ \LIB := $(NAME).so\n\ \STUB := $(NAME)_stub.h\n\ \DISTR := $(PKGNAME)-$(PKGVER).tar.gz\n\ \\n\ \GHCVER := $(shell ghc --numeric-version)\n\ \GHCENV := .ghc.environment.$(MACHINE)-$(KERNEL)-$(GHCVER)\n\ \DEPLIBS := $(MACHINE)-$(KERNEL)-ghc-$(GHCVER)\n\ \BUILDDIR := dist-nhm\n\ \\n\ \all: $(DISTR)\n\ \\n\ \$(DISTR): $(SRC)\n\ \\tcabal install --builddir=\"$(BUILDDIR)\" --lib --only-dependencies \\\n\ \\t --package-env .\n\ \\tsed -i 's/\\(^package-id \\)/--\\1/' $(GHCENV)\n\ \\tif test \"$(NHMTOOL)\" = nhm-tool && ! command -v nhm-tool >/dev/null; \ \\\\n\ \\tthen \\\n\ \\t PATH=$$(dirname \\\n\ \\t $$(cabal list-bin $(PKGDISTR) --builddir=\"$(BUILDDIR)\")):\ \$$PATH; \\\n\ \\tfi; \\\n\ \\t$(NHMTOOL) deps $(PKGNAME) -d \"$(BUILDDIR)\" >> $(GHCENV); \\\n\ \\trunhaskell --ghc-arg=-package=base \\\n\ \\t --ghc-arg=-package=$(PKGDISTR) Setup.hs configure \\\n\ \\t --builddir=\"$(BUILDDIR)\" \\\n\ \\t --package-db=clear --package-db=global \\\n\ \\t $$(sed -n 's/^\\(package-db\\)\\s\\+/--\\1=/p' $(GHCENV)) \\\n\ \\t $$(sed -n 's/^package-id\\s\\+\\(.*\\)'` \\\n\ \\t `'\\(-\\([0-9]\\+\\.\\)*[0-9]\\+\\($$\\|-.*\\)\\)/'` \\\n\ \\t `'--dependency=\\1=\\1\\2/p' \\\n\ \\t $(GHCENV)) \\\n\ \\t --prefix=$(PREFIX); \\\n\ \\trunhaskell --ghc-arg=-package=base \\\n\ \\t --ghc-arg=-package=$(PKGDISTR) Setup.hs build \\\n\ \\t --builddir=\"$(BUILDDIR)\" \\\n\ \\t --ghc-options=\"$(SRC) -o $(LIB) $(LINKRTS)\"\n\ \\n\ \install: $(DISTR)\n\ \\tinstall -d $(PREFIX)\n\ \\ttar xf $(DISTR) -C $(PREFIX) --no-same-owner\n\ \\n\ \.PHONY: clean\n\ \\n\ \clean:\n\ \\trm -rf $(BUILDDIR) $(DEPLIBS)\n\ \\trm -f $(GHCENV) $(STUB) $(NAME).hi $(NAME).o\n\ \\trm -f $(LIB)\n\ \\n\ \clean-all: clean\n\ \\trm -f $(DISTR)\n" ] projectHs :: InitData -> Text projectHs InitData {..} = T.concat ["{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}\n\n\ \module " ,T.pack $ foldr (\v -> if v == '-' || v == '_' then maybe [] (uncurry $ (:) . toUpper) . uncons else (v :) ) "" $ '_' : initDataProject ," where\n\n" ]