module Network.MessagePack.RPC.Client.Internal where import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.IORef (IORef) import qualified Data.IORef as IORef import qualified Data.MessagePack as MsgPack import Data.MessagePack.RPC -- | A client data type for MessagePack RPC. data Client = Client { clientSessionState :: !SessionState , clientBackend :: !Backend , clientLog :: Logger , clientFormat :: Formatter , clientHandlerTid :: IORef (Maybe ThreadId) } data SessionState = SessionState { lastMessageId :: IORef MessageId , dispatchTable :: IORef (HashMap MessageId (MVar Result)) } -- | Backend IO functions. -- Any receiving / sending actions are performed by calling these functions. data Backend = Backend { backendSend :: B.ByteString -> IO () -- ^ Sending , backendRecv :: IO B.ByteString -- ^ Receiving , backendClose :: IO () -- ^ Closing } -- | Logger type. Should print out the message passed as a first argument somewhere. type Logger = String -> IO () -- | Convert 'Message' into a @String@ to print out by 'Logger' type Formatter = Message -> String -- | Result type of a RPC call. -- Described as "error" and "result" of "Response Message" -- in [the spec of MessagePack RPC]( type Result = Either MsgPack.Object MsgPack.Object initSessionState :: IO SessionState initSessionState = SessionState <$> IORef.newIORef 0 <*> IORef.newIORef HM.empty