name: network-fancy version: 0.2.0 cabal-version: >=1.6 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: COPYING copyright: Taru Karttunen maintainer: homepage: synopsis: Networking support with a cleaner API description: Networking support with a cleaner API category: Network author: Taru Karttunen data-dir: "" Extra-Source-Files: source-repository head type: git location: library build-depends: base ==4.*, bytestring -any if os(windows) exposed: True buildable: True cpp-options: -DWINDOWS=WINDOWS -DCALLCONV=stdcall -DSAFE_ON_WIN=safe cc-options: -DWINDOWS=WINDOWS -DCALLCONV=stdcall -DSAFE_ON_WIN=safe extra-libraries: ws2_32 else if os(solaris) exposed: True buildable: True extra-libraries: socket exposed: True buildable: True cpp-options: -DCALLCONV=ccall -DSAFE_ON_WIN=unsafe cc-options: -DCALLCONV=ccall -DSAFE_ON_WIN=unsafe exposed-modules: Network.Fancy other-modules: Network.Fancy.Error Network.Fancy.Internal exposed: True buildable: True c-sources: cbits.c extensions: TypeSynonymInstances ForeignFunctionInterface CPP DeriveDataTypeable FlexibleInstances ghc-options: -Wall