{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- | This module provides the main interface for establishing secure and
--   anonymous connections with other hosts on the interface using the
--   Tor project. For more information about the Tor network, see:
--   <https://www.torproject.org/ torproject.org>
module Network.Anonymous.Tor (
  -- * Introduction to Tor
  -- $tor-introduction

  -- * Client side
  -- $tor-client
  , P.connect'

  -- * Server side
  -- $tor-server
  , P.mapOnion
  , accept

  -- * Probing Tor configuration information
  , P.Availability (..)
  , P.isAvailable
  , P.socksPort

  -- ** Setting up the context
  , withSession

  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent                      (forkIO, threadDelay)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class

import qualified Data.Base32String.Default                 as B32

import qualified Network.Simple.TCP                        as NST
import qualified Network.Socket                          as Network

import qualified Network.Anonymous.Tor.Protocol          as P

-- $tor-introduction
-- This module is a (partial) implementation of the Tor control protocol. Tor is an
-- internet anonimization network. Whereas historically, Tor is primarily
-- intended for privately browsing the world wide web, the service also supports
-- application oriented P2P communication, to implement communication between applications.
-- The general idea of the Tor control interface to Tor is that you establish a master
-- connection with the Tor control port, and create new, short-lived connections with
-- the Tor bridge for the communication with the individual peers.
-- $tor-client
-- == Connect through Tor with explicit port
-- Connect through Tor on using a specified SOCKS port. Note that you do not
-- need to authorize with the Tor control port for this functionality.
-- @
--   main = 'connect' 9050 constructDestination worker
--   where
--     constructDestination =
--       'SocksT.SocksAddress' (SocksT.SocksAddrDomainName (BS8.pack "www.google.com")) 80
--     worker sock =
--       -- Now you may use sock to communicate with the remote.
--       return ()
-- @
-- == Connect through Tor using control port
-- Connect through Tor and derive the SOCKS port from the Tor configuration. This
-- function will query the Tor control service to find out which SOCKS port the
-- Tor daemon listens at.
-- @
--   main = 'withSession' withinSession
--   where
--     constructDestination =
--       'SocksT.SocksAddress' (SocksT.SocksAddrDomainName (BS8.pack "2a3b4c.onion")) 80
--     withinSession :: 'Network.Socket' -> IO ()
--     withinSession sock = do
--       'connect'' sock constructDestination worker
--     worker sock =
--       -- Now you may use sock to communicate with the remote.
--       return ()
-- @
-- $tor-server
-- == Mapping
-- Create a new hidden service, and map remote port 80 to local port 8080.
-- @
--   main = 'withSession' withinSession
--   where
--     withinSession :: 'Network.Socket' -> IO ()
--     withinSession sock = do
--       onion <- 'mapOnion' sock 80 8080
--       -- At this point, 'onion' contains the base32 representation of
--       -- our hidden service, without the trailing '.onion' part.
--       --
--       -- Remember that, once we leave this function, the connection with
--       -- the Tor control service will be lost and any mappings will be
--       -- cleaned up.
-- @
-- == Server
-- Convenience function which creates a hidden service on port 80 that is mapped
-- to a server we create on the fly. Note that because we are mapping the hidden
-- service's port 1:1 with our local port, port 80 must still be available.
-- @
--   main = 'withSession' withinSession
--   where
--     withinSession :: 'Network.Socket' -> IO ()
--     withinSession sock = do
--       onion <- 'accept' sock 80 worker
--       -- At this point, 'onion' contains the base32 representation of
--       -- our hidden service, without the trailing '.onion' part, and any
--       -- incoming connections will be redirected to our 'worker' function.
--       --
--       -- Once again, when we leave this function, all registered mappings
--       -- will be lost.
--     worker sock = do
--       -- Now you may use sock to communicate with the remote.
--       return ()
-- @

-- | Establishes a connection and authenticates with the Tor control socket.
--   After authorization has been succesfully completed it executes the callback
--   provided.
--   Note that when the session completes, the connection with the Tor control
--   port is dropped, which means that any port mappings, connections and hidden
--   services you have registered within the session will be cleaned up. This
--   is by design, to prevent stale mappings when an application crashes.

withSession :: Integer                  -- ^ Port the Tor control server is listening at. Use
                                        --   'detectPort' to probe possible ports.
            -> (Network.Socket -> IO a) -- ^ Callback function called after a session has been
                                        --   established succesfully.
            -> IO a                     -- ^ Returns the value returned by the callback.
withSession port callback =
  NST.connect "" (show port) (\(sock, _) -> do
                                            _ <- P.authenticate sock
                                            callback sock)

-- | Convenience function that creates a new hidden service and starts accepting
--   connections for it. Note that this creates a new local server at the same
--   port as the public port, so ensure that the port is not yet in use.
accept :: MonadIO m
       => Network.Socket            -- ^ Connection with Tor control server
       -> Integer                   -- ^ Port to listen at
       -> (Network.Socket -> IO ()) -- ^ Callback function called for each incoming connection
       -> m B32.Base32String        -- ^ Returns the hidden service descriptor created
                                    --   without the '.onion' part.
accept sock port callback = do
  -- First create local service
  _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $
       NST.listen "*" (show port) (\(lsock, _) ->
                                        NST.accept lsock (\(csock, _) -> do
                                                               _ <- callback csock
                                                               threadDelay 1000000
                                                               return ()))

  P.mapOnion sock port port