-- |
-- Module:     Control.Wire.Session
-- Copyright:  (c) 2013 Ertugrul Soeylemez
-- License:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Ertugrul Soeylemez <es@ertes.de>

module Control.Wire.Session
    ( -- * State delta types

      -- ** Wires with time

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)

-- | State delta types with time deltas.

class (Monoid s, Real t) => HasTime t s | s -> t where
    -- | Extract the current time delta.
    dtime :: s -> t

-- | State delta generators as required for wire sessions, most notably
-- to generate time deltas.  These are mini-wires with the sole purpose
-- of generating these deltas.

newtype Session m s =
    Session {
      stepSession :: m (s, Session m s)
    deriving (Functor)

instance (Applicative m) => Applicative (Session m) where
    pure x = let s = Session (pure (x, s)) in s

    Session ff <*> Session fx =
        Session $ liftA2 (\(f, sf) (x, sx) -> (f x, sf <*> sx)) ff fx

-- | This state delta type denotes time deltas.  This is necessary for
-- most FRP applications.

data Timed t s = Timed t s
    deriving (Data, Eq, Foldable, Functor,
              Ord, Read, Show, Traversable, Typeable)

instance (Monoid s, Real t) => HasTime t (Timed t s) where
    dtime (Timed dt _) = dt

instance (Monoid s, Num t) => Monoid (Timed t s) where
    mempty = Timed 0 mempty

    mappend (Timed dt1 ds1) (Timed dt2 ds2) =
        let dt = dt1 + dt2
            ds = ds1 <> ds2
        in dt `seq` ds `seq` Timed dt ds

-- | State delta generator for a real time clock.

clockSession :: (MonadIO m) => Session m (s -> Timed NominalDiffTime s)
clockSession =
    Session $ do
        t0 <- liftIO getCurrentTime
        return (Timed 0, loop t0)

    loop t' =
        Session $ do
            t <- liftIO getCurrentTime
            let dt = diffUTCTime t t'
            dt `seq` return (Timed dt, loop t)

-- | Non-extending version of 'clockSession'.

clockSession_ :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Session m (Timed NominalDiffTime ())
clockSession_ = clockSession <*> pure ()

-- | State delta generator for a simple counting clock.  Denotes a fixed
-- framerate.  This is likely more useful than 'clockSession' for
-- simulations and real-time games.

countSession ::
    (Applicative m)
    => t  -- ^ Increment size.
    -> Session m (s -> Timed t s)
countSession dt =
    let loop = Session (pure (Timed dt, loop))
    in loop

-- | Non-extending version of 'countSession'.

countSession_ :: (Applicative m) => t -> Session m (Timed t ())
countSession_ dt = countSession dt <*> pure ()