-- |
-- Module:     FRP.NetWire.Wire
-- Copyright:  (c) 2011 Ertugrul Soeylemez
-- License:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Ertugrul Soeylemez <es@ertes.de>
-- The module contains the main 'Wire' type and its type class
-- instances.  It also provides convenience functions for wire
-- developers.

module FRP.NetWire.Wire
    ( -- * Wires

      -- * Auxilliary types

      -- * Utilities

      -- * Wire transformers

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (Exception(..), SomeException)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Typeable
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import System.Random.Mersenne

-- | Inhibition exception with an informative message.  This exception
-- is the result of signal inhibition, where no further exception
-- information is available.

data InhibitException =
    InhibitException String
    deriving (Read, Show, Typeable)

instance Exception InhibitException

-- | Functor for output signals.

type Output = Either SomeException

-- | Signal functions are wires over the identity monad.

type SF = Wire Identity

-- | Time.

type Time = Double

-- | A wire is a network of signal transformers.

data Wire :: (* -> *) -> * -> * -> * where
    WArr :: (a -> b) -> Wire m a b
    WGen :: (WireState m -> a -> m (Output b, Wire m a b)) -> Wire m a b

-- | This instance corresponds to the 'ArrowPlus' and 'ArrowZero'
-- instances.

instance Monad m => Alternative (Wire m a) where
    empty = zeroArrow
    (<|>) = (<+>)

-- | Applicative interface to signal networks.

instance Monad m => Applicative (Wire m a) where
    pure = arr . const
    wf <*> wx = wf &&& wx >>> arr (uncurry ($))

-- | Arrow interface to signal networks.

instance Monad m => Arrow (Wire m) where
    arr = WArr

    first (WGen f) = WGen $ \ws (x', y) -> liftM (fmap (, y) *** first) (f ws x')
    first (WArr f) = WArr (first f)

    second (WGen f) = WGen $ \ws (x, y') -> liftM (fmap (x,) *** second) (f ws y')
    second (WArr f) = WArr (second f)

    (***) = wsidebyside 0
    (&&&) = wboth 0

-- | The 'app' combinator has the behaviour of 'appFrozen'.  Note that
-- this effectively keeps a wire bound by the "-<<" syntax from
-- evolving.  For alternative embedding combinators see also 'appEvent'
-- and 'appFirst'.

instance Monad m => ArrowApply (Wire m) where
    app = appFrozen

-- | Signal routing.  Unused routes are ignored.  Note that they still
-- run in real time, i.e. the time deltas passed are accumulated.

instance Monad m => ArrowChoice (Wire m) where
    left w' = wl 0
        wl t' =
            WGen $ \ws@(wsDTime -> dt) mx' ->
                let t = t' + dt in
                t `seq`
                case mx' of
                  Left x' -> liftM (fmap Left *** left) (toGen w' (ws { wsDTime = t }) x')
                  Right x -> return (pure (Right x), wl t)

    right w' = wl 0
        wl t' =
            WGen $ \ws@(wsDTime -> dt) mx' ->
                let t = t' + dt in
                t `seq`
                case mx' of
                  Right x' -> liftM (fmap Right *** right) (toGen w' (ws { wsDTime = t }) x')
                  Left x   -> return (pure (Left x), wl t)

    wf' +++ wg' = wl 0 0 wf' wg'
        wl tf' tg' wf' wg' =
            WGen $ \ws@(wsDTime -> dt) mx' ->
                let tf = tf' + dt
                    tg = tg' + dt in
                tf `seq` tg `seq`
                case mx' of
                  Left x'  -> do
                      (mx, wf) <- toGen wf' (ws { wsDTime = tf }) x'
                      return (fmap Left mx, wl 0 tg wf wg')
                  Right x' -> do
                      (mx, wg) <- toGen wg' (ws { wsDTime = tg }) x'
                      return (fmap Right mx, wl tf 0 wf' wg)

    wf' ||| wg' = wl 0 0 wf' wg'
        wl tf' tg' wf' wg' =
            WGen $ \ws@(wsDTime -> dt) mx' ->
                let tf = tf' + dt
                    tg = tg' + dt in
                tf `seq` tg `seq`
                case mx' of
                  Left x'  -> do
                      (mx, wf) <- toGen wf' (ws { wsDTime = tf }) x'
                      return (mx, wl 0 tg wf wg')
                  Right x' -> do
                      (mx, wg) <- toGen wg' (ws { wsDTime = tg }) x'
                      return (mx, wl tf 0 wf' wg)

-- | Value recursion.  Warning: Recursive signal networks must never
-- inhibit.  Make use of 'FRP.NetWire.Tools.exhibit' or
-- 'FRP.NetWire.Event.event' for wires that may inhibit.

instance MonadFix m => ArrowLoop (Wire m) where
    loop w' =
        WGen $ \ws x' -> do
            rec (Right (x, d), w) <- toGen w' ws (x', d)
            return (Right x, loop w)

-- | Left-biased signal network combination.  If the left arrow
-- inhibits, the right arrow is tried.  If both inhibit, their
-- combination inhibits.  Ignored wire networks still run in real time,
-- i.e. passed time deltas are accumulated.

instance Monad m => ArrowPlus (Wire m) where
    wf'@(WGen _) <+> wg' = wl 0 wf' wg'
        wl t' wf' wg' =
            WGen $ \ws@(wsDTime -> dt) x' -> do
                let t = t' + dt
                (mx, wf) <- toGen wf' ws x'
                case mx of
                  Right _ -> t `seq` return (mx, wl t wf wg')
                  Left _  -> do
                    (mx2, wg) <- t `seq` toGen wg' (ws { wsDTime = t }) x'
                    return (mx2, wl 0 wf wg)

    wa@(WArr _)   <+> _ = wa

-- | The zero arrow always inhibits.

instance Monad m => ArrowZero (Wire m) where
    zeroArrow = mkFix $ \_ _ -> return (Left (inhibitEx "Signal inhibited"))

-- | Identity signal network and signal network sequencing.

instance Monad m => Category (Wire m) where
    id = WArr id
    (.) = flip (wcompose 0)

-- | Map over the output of a signal network.

instance Monad m => Functor (Wire m a) where
    fmap f = (>>> arr f)

-- | The state of the wire.

data WireState :: (* -> *) -> * where
    ImpureState ::
        MonadIO m =>
        { wsDTime  :: Double,   -- ^ Time difference for current instant.
          wsRndGen :: MTGen,    -- ^ Random number generator.
          wsReqVar :: TVar Int  -- ^ Request counter.
        } -> WireState m

    PureState :: { wsDTime :: Double } -> WireState m

-- | Embeds the input wire (left signal) into the network with the given
-- input signal (right signal).  Each time the input wire is a 'Just',
-- the current state of the last wire is discarded and the new wire is
-- evolved instead.  New wires can be generated by an event wire and
-- catched via 'FRP.NetWire.Event.event'.  The initial wire is given by
-- the argument.
-- Inhibits whenever the embedded wire inhibits.  Same feedback
-- behaviour as the embedded wire.

appEvent ::
    forall a b m. Monad m
    => Wire m a b
    -> Wire m (Maybe (Wire m a b), a) b
appEvent cw' =
    mkGen $ \ws (mw, x') -> do
        let w' = maybe cw' id mw
        (mx, w) <- toGen w' ws x'
        return (mx, appEvent w)

-- | Embeds the first received input wire (left signal) into the
-- network, feeding it the right signal.  This wire respects its left
-- signal only in the first instant, after which it wraps that wire's
-- evolution.
-- Inhibits whenever the embedded wire inhibits.  Same feedback
-- behaviour as the embedded wire.

appFirst :: forall a b m. Monad m => Wire m (Wire m a b, a) b
appFirst =
    mkGen $ \ws (w', x') -> do
        (mx, w) <- toGen w' ws x'
        return (mx, embed w)

    embed :: Wire m a b -> Wire m (Wire m a b, a) b
    embed w' =
        mkGen $ \ws (_, x') -> do
            (mx, w) <- toGen w' ws x'
            return (mx, embed w)

-- | Embeds the first instant of the input wire (left signal) into the
-- network, feeding it the right signal.  This wire respects its left
-- signal in all instances, such that the embedded wire cannot evolve.
-- Inhibits whenever the embedded wire inhibits.  Same feedback
-- behaviour as the embedded wire.

appFrozen :: Monad m => Wire m (Wire m a b, a) b
appFrozen = mkFix $ \ws (w, x') -> liftM fst (toGen w ws x')

-- | Clean up wire state.

cleanupWireState :: WireState m -> IO ()
cleanupWireState _ = return ()

-- | Construct an 'InhibitException' wrapped in a 'SomeException'.

inhibitEx :: String -> SomeException
inhibitEx = toException . InhibitException

-- | Initialize wire state.

initWireState :: MonadIO m => IO (WireState m)
initWireState =
    <$> pure 0
    <*> getStdGen
    <*> newTVarIO 0

-- | Create a fixed wire from the given function.  This is a smart
-- constructor.  It creates a stateless wire.

mkFix :: Monad m => (WireState m -> a -> m (Output b)) -> Wire m a b
mkFix f = let w = WGen $ \ws -> liftM (, w) . f ws in w

-- | Create a generic (i.e. possibly stateful) wire from the given
-- function.  This is a smart constructor.  Please use it instead of the
-- 'WGen' constructor for creating generic wires.

mkGen :: (WireState m -> a -> m (Output b, Wire m a b)) -> Wire m a b
mkGen = WGen

-- | Construct an 'InhibitException' wrapped in a 'SomeException' with a
-- message indicating that a certain event did not happen.

noEvent :: SomeException
noEvent = inhibitEx "No event"

-- | Extract the transition function of a wire.  Unless there is reason
-- (like optimization) to pattern-match against the 'Wire' constructors,
-- this function is the recommended way to evolve a wire.

toGen :: Monad m => Wire m a b -> WireState m -> a -> m (Output b, Wire m a b)
toGen (WGen f)    ws x = f ws x
toGen wf@(WArr f) _  x = return (Right (f x), wf)

-- | Efficient signal sharing.

wboth :: Monad m => Time -> Wire m a b -> Wire m a c -> Wire m a (b, c)
wboth t' (WGen f) wg'@(WGen g) =
    WGen $ \ws@(wsDTime -> dt) x' -> do
        let t = t' + dt
        (mx1, wf) <- t `seq` f ws x'
        case mx1 of
          Left ex -> return (Left ex, wboth t wf wg')
          Right _ -> do
              (mx2, wg) <- g ws x'
              return (liftA2 (,) mx1 mx2, wboth 0 wf wg)

wboth t' wf@(WArr f) (WGen g) =
    WGen $ \ws x' -> do
        (mx2, wg) <- g ws x'
        return (fmap (f x',) mx2, wboth t' wf wg)

wboth t' (WGen f) wg@(WArr g) =
    WGen $ \ws x' -> do
        (mx1, wf) <- f ws x'
        return (fmap (, g x') mx1, wboth t' wf wg)

wboth _ (WArr f) (WArr g) = WArr (f &&& g)

-- | Efficient forward-composition of two wires.

wcompose :: Monad m => Time -> Wire m a b -> Wire m b c -> Wire m a c
wcompose t' (WGen f) wg'@(WGen g) =
    WGen $ \ws@(wsDTime -> dt) x'' -> do
        let t = t' + dt
        (mx', wf) <- t `seq` f ws x''
        case mx' of
          Left ex  -> return (Left ex, wcompose t wf wg')
          Right x' -> do
              (mx, wg) <- g (ws { wsDTime = t }) x'
              return (mx, wcompose 0 wf wg)

wcompose t' wf@(WArr f) (WGen g) =
    WGen $ \ws x' -> do
        (mx, wg) <- g ws (f x')
        return (mx, wcompose t' wf wg)

wcompose t' (WGen f) wg@(WArr g) =
    WGen $ \ws x' -> do
        (mx, wf) <- f ws x'
        return (fmap g mx, wcompose t' wf wg)

wcompose _ (WArr f) (WArr g) = WArr (g . f)

-- | Run two signals through two signal networks.

wsidebyside :: Monad m => Time -> Wire m a c -> Wire m b d -> Wire m (a, b) (c, d)
wsidebyside t' (WGen f) wg'@(WGen g) =
    WGen $ \ws@(wsDTime -> dt) (x', y') -> do
        let t = t' + dt
        (mx, wf) <- t `seq` f ws x'
        case mx of
          Left ex -> return (Left ex, wsidebyside t wf wg')
          Right _ -> do
              (my, wg) <- g ws y'
              return (liftA2 (,) mx my, wsidebyside 0 wf wg)

wsidebyside t' wf@(WArr f) (WGen g) =
    WGen $ \ws (x', y') -> do
        (my, wg) <- g ws y'
        return (fmap (f x',) my, wsidebyside t' wf wg)

wsidebyside t' (WGen f) wg@(WArr g) =
    WGen $ \ws (x', y') -> do
        (mx, wf) <- f ws x'
        return (fmap (, g y') mx, wsidebyside t' wf wg)

wsidebyside _ (WArr f) (WArr g) = WArr (f *** g)