netwire-1.2.4: Arrowized FRP implementation

MaintainerErtugrul Soeylemez <>




Wire concurrency. Send signals through multiple wires concurrently. This module is *highly experimental* and subject to change entirely in future revisions. Please use it with care.


Combining wires

(~*~) :: Wire IO a c -> Wire IO b d -> Wire IO (a, b) (c, d)Source

Concurrent version of ***. Passes its input signals to both argument wires concurrently.

(~&~) :: Wire IO a b -> Wire IO a c -> Wire IO a (b, c)Source

Concurrent version of &&&. Passes its input signal to both argument wires concurrently.

(~+~) :: NFData b => Wire IO a b -> Wire IO a b -> Wire IO a bSource

Concurrent version of <+>. Passes its input signal to both argument wires concurrently, returning the result of the first wire which does not inhibit.