Name: nettle-openflow Version: 0.2.0 Synopsis: OpenFlow protocol messages, binary formats, and servers. Cabal-Version: >=1.2 Build-Type: Simple Stability: Experimental Category: Network License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Andreas Voellmy, Ashish Agarwal, John Launchbury Maintainer: Description: This package provides data types that model the messages of the OpenFlow protocol, functions that implement serialization and deserialization between these data types and their binary representations in the protocol, and an efficient OpenFlow server. The library is under active development. extra-source-files: src/Examples/Hub.hs src/Examples/Flood.hs Library hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -O2 -funbox-strict-fields cpp-options: "-DOPENFLOW_VERSION=1" exposed-modules: Nettle.Ethernet.EthernetAddress Nettle.Ethernet.EthernetFrame Nettle.Ethernet.AddressResolutionProtocol Nettle.IPv4.IPAddress Nettle.IPv4.IPPacket Nettle.OpenFlow.Port Nettle.OpenFlow.Action Nettle.OpenFlow.Switch Nettle.OpenFlow.Match Nettle.OpenFlow.FlowTable Nettle.OpenFlow.Statistics Nettle.OpenFlow.Error Nettle.OpenFlow.Packet Nettle.OpenFlow.Messages Nettle.OpenFlow.StrictPut Nettle.OpenFlow.MessagesBinary Nettle.OpenFlow Nettle.Servers.Server Nettle.Servers.Client Nettle.Servers.MultiplexedTCPServer Nettle.Topology.ExtendedDouble Nettle.Topology.LabelledGraph Nettle.Topology.FloydWarshall Nettle.Topology.Topology build-depends: base >= && < 5 , bytestring , binary , binary-strict , mtl , parsec >= 3.1 , network >= 2.3 , containers , bimap , HList , syb , array