module Network.Netclock.Client where

import Sound.OpenSoundControl
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Sound.OpenSoundControl
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Network.Socket as N
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad

data BpsChange = BpsChange {changeBps :: Double, 
                            changeTime :: Double, 
                            changeBeat :: Double

instance Show BpsChange where
    show change = "bps " ++ show (changeBps change)
                  ++ " time " ++ show (changeTime change) 
                  ++ " beat " ++ show (changeBeat change)

-- Bps changes are ordered by beat value, and considered the same if
-- they happen at the same time.

instance Eq BpsChange where
    (==) = (==) `on` changeBeat
instance Ord BpsChange where
    compare = compare `on` changeBeat

-- Wait until the the given beat value.

waitBeat :: BpsChange -> Double -> IO ()
waitBeat change beat = 
    do let logicalTime = changeTime change + ((beat - changeBeat change) / changeBps change)
       realNow <- utcr
       let diff = logicalTime - realNow
       let delay = floor $ diff * 1000000.0
       when (diff > 0) $ threadDelay delay
       return ()

clocked :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
clocked username clientIp serverIp tpb f = 
    do mBps <- newEmptyMVar
       forkIO $ bpsListen username clientIp serverIp mBps
       change <- updateBps mBps 0
       realNow <- utcr
       let diff = realNow - changeTime change
           bps = changeBps change
           beat = changeBeat change + (diff * bps)
           tick = floor beat * tpb
       forkIO $ loop mBps tick
       return ()
      loop :: MVar (BpsChange, [BpsChange]) -> Int -> IO ()
      loop mBps tick = 
          do let beat = fromIntegral tick / fromIntegral tpb
             current <- updateBps mBps beat
             waitBeat current beat
             f tick
             loop mBps (tick + 1)

updateBps :: MVar (BpsChange, [BpsChange]) -> Double -> IO (BpsChange)
updateBps mBps beat = do modifyMVar_ mBps (\x -> return (nextChange x beat))
                         (current, others) <- readMVar mBps
                         return current

nextChange :: (BpsChange, [BpsChange]) -> Double -> (BpsChange, [BpsChange])
nextChange changeset@(_, []) _ = changeset
nextChange changeset@(change, change':changes) beat
    = if and [beat > 0, beat < changeBeat change']
      then changeset
      else nextChange (change', changes) beat

bpsListen :: String -> String -> String -> MVar (BpsChange, [BpsChange]) -> IO ()
bpsListen username clientIp serverIp mBps = 
    do localServer <- udpServer clientIp 0
       localPort <- udpPort localServer
       -- hack to get the integer port number out
       let localPortI = fromIntegral $ read $ show localPort
       register username clientIp serverIp localPortI
       start <- readChange localServer
       putMVar mBps (start, [])
       bpsListenLoop mBps localServer

bpsListenLoop mBps localServer = 
    do change <- readChange localServer
       addChange mBps change
       bpsListenLoop mBps localServer

addChange :: MVar (BpsChange, [BpsChange]) -> BpsChange -> IO ()
addChange mBps newBps | changeBps newBps <= 0 = return ()
                      | otherwise = modifyMVar_ mBps ( \(x, xs) -> return (x, insert newBps xs) )

register :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> IO (UDP)
register username clientIp serverIp localPort = 
    do sc <- openUDP serverIp 57120
       let m = Message "/clock/register" [String username, 
                                          String clientIp,
                                          Int localPort,
                                          Int 1
       send sc m
       return sc

toFloat (Float f) = f
toFloat (Int f) = fromIntegral f

readChange localServer =
    do bundle <- recv localServer
       let (Bundle t message) = bundle
       let (Message _ (absBeat:bps:_)) = head message
           absBeatF = toFloat absBeat
           bpsF = toFloat bps
       let time = (as_utcr t)
       return BpsChange {changeBps = bpsF,
                         changeTime = time, 
                         changeBeat = absBeatF