{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module ServerTest.Attributes (main,spec) where import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import Data.List (sort) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.Greskell ( FromGraphSON, Key ) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeZone(..)) import Test.Hspec import ServerTest.Common ( withServer, withSpider', withSpider, AText(..), AInt(..) ) import NetSpider.Found (FoundNode(..), FoundLink(..), LinkState(..)) import NetSpider.Graph (NodeAttributes(..), LinkAttributes(..), VNode) import NetSpider.Spider ( addFoundNode, getSnapshotSimple ) import NetSpider.Spider.Config (Host, Port, Config(..), defConfig) import NetSpider.Snapshot (nodeTimestamp, linkTimestamp) import qualified NetSpider.Snapshot as S (nodeAttributes, linkAttributes) import NetSpider.Timestamp (Timestamp(..), fromEpochSecond) main :: IO () main = hspec spec typeTestCase :: (FromGraphSON n, ToJSON n, Ord n, Hashable n, Show n, NodeAttributes na, Eq na, Show na, LinkAttributes la, Eq la, Show la) => String -> Config n na la -> n -> n -> na -> la -> SpecWith (Host,Port) typeTestCase test_label conf n1_id n2_id node_attrs link_attrs = specify test_label $ withSpider' conf $ \spider -> do let n1 = FoundNode { subjectNode = n1_id, foundAt = fromEpochSecond 128, neighborLinks = return link1, nodeAttributes = node_attrs } link1 = FoundLink { targetNode = n2_id, linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = link_attrs } addFoundNode spider n1 (got_ns, got_ls) <- getSnapshotSimple spider n1_id let (got_n1, got_n2, got_l) = case (sort got_ns, sort got_ls) of ([a,b], [c]) -> (a,b,c) _ -> error ("Unexpected pattern: got = " ++ show (got_ns, got_ls)) S.nodeAttributes got_n1 `shouldBe` Just node_attrs S.nodeAttributes got_n2 `shouldBe` Nothing S.linkAttributes got_l `shouldBe` link_attrs attributeTestCase :: (NodeAttributes na, Eq na, Show na, LinkAttributes la, Eq la, Show la) => String -> na -> la -> SpecWith (Host,Port) attributeTestCase type_label na la = typeTestCase (type_label ++ " attributes") defConfig ("n1" :: Text) ("n2" :: Text) na la nodeIdTestCase :: (FromGraphSON n, ToJSON n, Ord n, Hashable n, Show n) => String -> Key VNode n -> n -> n -> SpecWith (Host,Port) nodeIdTestCase label node_id_key n1 n2 = typeTestCase (label ++ " nodeID") conf n1 n2 () () where conf = defConfig { nodeIdKey = node_id_key } timestampTestCase :: String -> Timestamp -> SpecWith (Host, Port) timestampTestCase label ts = specify label $ withSpider $ \spider -> do let fn :: FoundNode Text () () fn = FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = ts, nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = return $ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () } } addFoundNode spider fn (got_ns, got_ls) <- getSnapshotSimple spider "n1" let (got_n1, got_n2, got_l) = case (sort got_ns, sort got_ls) of ([a,b], [c]) -> (a,b,c) _ -> error ("Unexpected pattern: got = " ++ show (got_ns, got_ls)) nodeTimestamp got_n1 `shouldBe` Just ts nodeTimestamp got_n2 `shouldBe` Nothing linkTimestamp got_l `shouldBe` ts spec :: Spec spec = withServer $ do describe "node and link attributes" $ do attributeTestCase "Text" (AText "node attrs") (AText "link attrs") attributeTestCase "Int" (AInt 128) (AInt 64) describe "nodeId" $ do nodeIdTestCase "Text" "@node_id_text" ("n1" :: Text) ("n2" :: Text) nodeIdTestCase "Int" "@node_id_int" (100 :: Int) (255 :: Int) -- We need to use different property keys for different NodeID -- types, because the graph database (at least JanusGraph) -- automatically fixes the schema (internal data type) for a -- property key when some data is given for it for the first time. describe "timestamp with timezone" $ do timestampTestCase "positive timezone" $ Timestamp { epochTime = 200, timeZone = Just $ TimeZone { timeZoneMinutes = 9*60, timeZoneSummerOnly = False, timeZoneName = "Asia/Tokyo" } } timestampTestCase "negative timezone" $ Timestamp { epochTime = 150, timeZone = Just $ TimeZone { timeZoneMinutes = (-5)*60, timeZoneSummerOnly = True, timeZoneName = "America/Chicago" } }