{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Git(run) where import Control.Monad import Data.List.Extra import System.Directory.Extra import System.Exit import System.FilePath import Util import Arguments import Cabal(readCabal) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UTILITIES -- Find all the repos. Look for .git (I am a repo) and */.git (I have child repos) -- If you don't find any, look up. findRepos :: IO [FilePath] findRepos = do putStr "Looking for repos... " dirs <- getDirectoryContents "." res <- filterM (\x -> doesDirectoryExist $ x ".git") dirs putStrLn $ show (length res) ++ " found" return $ sort res -- Run over each repo forEachRepo :: (String -> IO ()) -> IO () forEachRepo act = do res <- findRepos when (null res) $ do putStrLn $ "Error: No repos found relative to here" exitFailure forM_ res $ \x -> if x == "." then do cdir <- getCurrentDirectory act $ takeFileName cdir else withCurrentDirectory x $ act x --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMMANDS run :: Arguments -> Maybe (IO ()) run Whatsnew{..} = Just $ forEachRepo $ \name -> do changes <- fmap (length . filter (not . null) . lines) $ cmdOut $ "git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no" adds <- if not look_for_adds then return 0 else fmap (subtract changes . length . filter (not . null) . lines) $ cmdOut "git status --porcelain" unless local $ cmd "git fetch --quiet" local <- fmap read $ cmdOut $ "git rev-list origin/master..master --count" remote <- fmap read $ cmdOut $ "git rev-list master..origin/master --count" let items = [changes,adds,local,remote] let names = [("local change","s"),("addable",""),("local patch","es"),("remote patch","es")] let res = [show n ++ " " ++ s ++ (if n == 1 then "" else ss) | (n,(s,ss)) <- zip items names, n /= 0] unless (null res) $ putStrLn $ name ++ ": " ++ intercalate ", " res run Tag = Just $ do src <- readCabal let [ver] = [trim $ drop 8 x | x <- lines src, "version:" `isPrefixOf` x] putStrLn $ "Confirm to tag the release with version " ++ ver ++ "? Type 'yes':" "yes" <- getLine cmd "git push" cmd $ "git tag v" ++ ver cmd "git push --tags" run _ = Nothing