-- -- This code was created by Jeff Molofee '99 (ported to Haskell GHC 2005) -- module Main where import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW -- everything from here starts with gl or GL import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw import Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw ( gluPerspective ) import Data.Bits ( (.|.) ) import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) ) import Control.Monad ( forever, when, forM_, join ) import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef ) import Foreign ( withForeignPtr, plusPtr, alloca, peek ) import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI import Util ( Image(..), bitmapLoad ) import Data.Array.IO ( readArray, IOUArray, newListArray ) import Control.Applicative ( (<$>), (<*>) ) import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory ) import Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce ) type Points = IOUArray (Int, Int, Int) Float initGL :: IO GLuint initGL = do glEnable gl_TEXTURE_2D glShadeModel gl_SMOOTH glClearColor 0 0 0 0.5 glClearDepth 1 glEnable gl_DEPTH_TEST glDepthFunc gl_LEQUAL glHint gl_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT gl_NICEST -- On some video cards/drivers this looks terrible -- So if you get an ugly image, try commenting out -- these two glPolygonMode lines glPolygonMode gl_BACK gl_FILL glPolygonMode gl_FRONT gl_LINE loadGLTextures loadGLTextures :: IO GLuint loadGLTextures = do Just (Image w h pd) <- bitmapLoad "Data/tim.bmp" putStrLn $ "Image w = " ++ show w putStrLn $ "Image h = " ++ show h tex <- alloca $ \p -> do glGenTextures 1 p peek p let (ptr, off, _) = BSI.toForeignPtr pd _ <- withForeignPtr ptr $ \p -> do let p' = p `plusPtr` off glNearest = fromIntegral gl_NEAREST -- create linear filtered texture glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D tex glTexImage2D gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 3 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) 0 gl_RGB gl_UNSIGNED_BYTE p' glTexParameteri gl_TEXTURE_2D gl_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER glNearest glTexParameteri gl_TEXTURE_2D gl_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER glNearest return tex shutdown :: GLFW.WindowCloseCallback shutdown = do GLFW.closeWindow GLFW.terminate _ <- exitWith ExitSuccess return True resizeScene :: GLFW.WindowSizeCallback resizeScene w 0 = resizeScene w 1 -- prevent divide by zero resizeScene width height = do glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) glMatrixMode gl_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluPerspective 45 (fromIntegral width/fromIntegral height) 0.1 100 glMatrixMode gl_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity glFlush drawScene :: GLuint -> IORef GLfloat -> IORef GLfloat -> IORef GLfloat -> Points -> IORef Int -> IORef Int -> IO () drawScene tex xrot yrot zrot points wiggleRef offsetRef = do glClear $ fromIntegral $ gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT .|. gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glLoadIdentity glTranslatef 0 0 (-12) xr <- readIORef xrot yr <- readIORef yrot zr <- readIORef zrot offset <- readIORef offsetRef wiggle <- readIORef wiggleRef glRotatef xr 1 0 0 glRotatef yr 0 1 0 glRotatef zr 0 0 1 glBindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D tex glBegin gl_QUADS forM_ [(x,y) | x <- [0..43], y<-[0..43]] $ \(x,y) -> do let x' = (x+offset) `mod` 45 fx = fromIntegral x/44 :: GLfloat fy = fromIntegral y/44 :: GLfloat fxb = fromIntegral (x+1)/44 :: GLfloat fyb = fromIntegral (y+1)/44 :: GLfloat glTexCoord2f fx fy join $ glVertex3f <$> (readArray' points (x,y,0)) <*> (readArray' points (x,y,1)) <*> (readArray' points (x',y,2)) glTexCoord2f fx fyb join $ glVertex3f <$> (readArray' points (x,y+1,0)) <*> (readArray' points (x,y+1,1)) <*> (readArray' points (x',y+1,2)) glTexCoord2f fxb fyb join $ glVertex3f <$> (readArray' points (x+1,y+1,0)) <*> (readArray' points (x+1,y+1,1)) <*> (readArray' points ((x'+1)`mod`45,y+1,2)) glTexCoord2f fxb fy join $ glVertex3f <$> (readArray' points (x+1,y,0)) <*> (readArray' points (x+1,y,1)) <*> (readArray' points ((x'+1)`mod`45,y,2)) glEnd writeIORef xrot $! xr + 0.3 writeIORef yrot $! yr + 0.2 writeIORef zrot $! zr + 0.4 when (wiggle == 2) $ do writeIORef offsetRef $! offset + 1 writeIORef wiggleRef $! 0 w <- readIORef wiggleRef writeIORef wiggleRef $! w + 1 glFlush readArray' :: IOUArray (Int, Int, Int) Float -> (Int, Int, Int) -> IO GLfloat readArray' a (x,y,z) = do r <- readArray a (x,y,z) -- This line is extremely slow, because a RULES is missing -- in openglraw. You can replace it with Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce -- on most platforms to get a HUGE speed up. return $! unsafeCoerce r keyPressed :: GLFW.KeyCallback keyPressed GLFW.KeyEsc True = shutdown >> return () keyPressed _ _ = return () main :: IO () main = do cd <- getCurrentDirectory True <- GLFW.initialize setCurrentDirectory cd -- select type of display mode: -- Double buffer -- RGBA color -- Alpha components supported -- Depth buffer let dspOpts = GLFW.defaultDisplayOptions -- get a 800 x 600 window { GLFW.displayOptions_width = 800 , GLFW.displayOptions_height = 600 -- Set depth buffering and RGBA colors , GLFW.displayOptions_numRedBits = 8 , GLFW.displayOptions_numGreenBits = 8 , GLFW.displayOptions_numBlueBits = 8 , GLFW.displayOptions_numAlphaBits = 8 , GLFW.displayOptions_numDepthBits = 24 -- , GLFW.displayOptions_displayMode = GLFW.Fullscreen } -- open a window True <- GLFW.openWindow dspOpts -- window starts at upper left corner of the screen GLFW.setWindowPosition 0 0 GLFW.setWindowTitle "Jeff Molofee's GL Code Tutorial ... NeHe '99" xrot <- newIORef 0 yrot <- newIORef 0 zrot <- newIORef 0 wiggle <- newIORef 0 offset <- newIORef 0 let elems = concat [[((x/5)-4.5), ((y/5)-4.5), sin (((x/5)*40/360)*pi*2)] | x <- [0..44]::[Float], y <- [0..44]::[Float] ] points <- newListArray ((0,0,0), (44,44,2)) elems :: IO Points -- initialize our window. tex <- initGL GLFW.setWindowRefreshCallback (drawScene tex xrot yrot zrot points wiggle offset) -- register the funciton called when our window is resized GLFW.setWindowSizeCallback resizeScene -- register the function called when the keyboard is pressed. GLFW.setKeyCallback $ keyPressed GLFW.setWindowCloseCallback shutdown GLFW.getWindowRefreshRate >>= print forever $ do drawScene tex xrot yrot zrot points wiggle offset GLFW.swapBuffers