{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

{- |
   Module:      Text.NaturalComp
   Copyright:   2013 Hironao Komatsu
   License:     BSD
   Maintainer:  Hironao Komatsu <hirkmt@gmail.com>
   Portability: portable

   Natural order string comparison is needed when e.g. one wants to compare
   file names or strings of software version.  It's aimed to be compatible
   to glibc's strverscmp() function.

module Text.NaturalComp ( naturalComp
                        , naturalCaseComp
                        , naturalCompBy ) where

import Data.Char (isDigit, toTitle)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Ord (comparing)

import Text.NaturalComp.Stringy

-- | natural order string comparison, compatible to glibc's strverscmp()
naturalComp :: Stringy s => s -> s -> Ordering
naturalComp = naturalCompFull compare EQ

-- | natural order and case-insensitive string comparison
naturalCaseComp :: Stringy s => s -> s -> Ordering
naturalCaseComp = naturalCompFull (comparing toTitle) EQ

-- | natural order string comparison, with user-specified function
naturalCompBy :: Stringy s => (Char -> Char -> Ordering)
              -> s -> s -> Ordering
naturalCompBy = flip naturalCompFull EQ

naturalCompFull :: Stringy s => (Char -> Char -> Ordering) -> Ordering
                -> s -> s -> Ordering
naturalCompFull _ o  (uncons -> Nothing) (uncons -> Nothing) = o
naturalCompFull _ EQ (uncons -> Nothing) _                   = LT
naturalCompFull _ EQ _                   (uncons -> Nothing) = GT
naturalCompFull f EQ
                xl@(uncons -> Just ('0', xs))
                yl@(uncons -> Just ('0', ys)) =
    naturalCompFull0 f EQ xs ys
naturalCompFull f EQ xl@(uncons -> Just ('0', _)) yl =
    naturalCompFull1 f EQ xl yl
naturalCompFull f EQ xl yl@(uncons -> Just ('0', _)) =
    naturalCompFull1 f EQ xl yl
naturalCompFull f EQ
                xl@(uncons -> Just (x, xs))
                yl@(uncons -> Just (y, ys))
    | isDigit x && isDigit y = naturalCompFullN f EQ xl yl
    | otherwise = naturalCompFull f (f x y) xs ys
naturalCompFull _ o  _  _  = o

naturalCompFull0 f _ (uncons -> Just ('0', xs))
                     (uncons -> Just ('0', ys)) =
                          naturalCompFull0 f EQ xs ys
naturalCompFull0 _ _ _ (uncons -> Just ('0', ys)) = GT
naturalCompFull0 _ _ (uncons -> Just ('0', _))  _ = LT
naturalCompFull0 _ _ (uncons -> Nothing) (uncons -> Just (y, _))
    | isDigit y = GT
    | otherwise = LT
naturalCompFull0 _ _ (uncons -> Just (x, _)) (uncons -> Nothing)
    | isDigit x = LT
    | otherwise = GT
naturalCompFull0 f o xl yl = naturalCompFull1 f o xl yl

naturalCompFull1 _ LT _ _ = LT
naturalCompFull1 _ GT _ _ = GT
naturalCompFull1 _ EQ (uncons -> Nothing) (uncons -> Just (y, _))
    | isDigit y = LT
    | otherwise = GT
naturalCompFull1 _ EQ (uncons -> Just (x, _)) (uncons -> Nothing)
    | isDigit x = GT
    | otherwise = LT
naturalCompFull1 _ EQ (uncons -> Nothing) (uncons -> Nothing) = EQ
naturalCompFull1 f EQ xl@(uncons -> Just (x, xs))
                 yl@(uncons -> Just (y, ys))
    | isDigit x && isDigit y = naturalCompFull1 f (x `compare` y) xs ys
    | isDigit x              = LT
    | isDigit y              = GT
    | otherwise              = naturalCompFull f EQ xl yl

naturalCompFullN _ o (uncons -> Nothing) (uncons -> Nothing) = o
naturalCompFullN _ _ (uncons -> Nothing) _ = LT
naturalCompFullN _ _ _ (uncons -> Nothing) = GT
naturalCompFullN f o  xl@(uncons -> Just (x, xs))
                 yl@(uncons -> Just (y, ys))
    | isDigit x && isDigit y = naturalCompFullN f (o <> compare x y) xs ys
    | isDigit x              = GT
    | isDigit y              = LT
    | otherwise              = naturalCompFull f o xl yl