Module      : Database.MySQL.BinLog
Description : Binary protocol toolkit
Copyright   : (c) Winterland, 2016
License     : BSD
Maintainer  : drkoster@qq.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : PORTABLE

This module provide tools for binlog listening and row based binlog decoding.

module Database.MySQL.BinLog
    ( -- * binlog utilities
    , BinLogTracker(..)
    , registerPesudoSlave
    , dumpBinLog
    , RowBinLogEvent(..)
    , decodeRowBinLogEvent
    -- * helpers
    , getLastBinLogTracker
    , isCheckSumEnabled
    , isSemiSyncEnabled
    -- * re-export
    , module Database.MySQL.BinLogProtocol.BinLogEvent
    , module Database.MySQL.BinLogProtocol.BinLogValue
    , module Database.MySQL.BinLogProtocol.BinLogMeta
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception                         (throwIO)
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Binary.Put
import           Data.ByteString                           (ByteString)
import           Data.IORef                                (IORef, newIORef,
import           Data.Text.Encoding                        (encodeUtf8)
import           Data.Word
import           Database.MySQL.Base
import           Database.MySQL.BinLogProtocol.BinLogEvent
import           Database.MySQL.BinLogProtocol.BinLogMeta
import           Database.MySQL.BinLogProtocol.BinLogValue
import           Database.MySQL.Connection
import           GHC.Generics                              (Generic)
import           System.IO.Streams                         (InputStream,
import qualified System.IO.Streams                         as Stream

type SlaveID = Word32

-- | binlog filename and position to start listening.
data BinLogTracker = BinLogTracker
    { btFileName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ByteString
    , btNextPos  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

-- | Register a pesudo slave to master, although MySQL document suggests you should call this
-- before calling 'dumpBinLog', but it seems it's not really necessary.
registerPesudoSlave :: MySQLConn -> SlaveID -> IO OK
registerPesudoSlave conn sid = command conn (COM_REGISTER_SLAVE sid "" "" "" 0 0 0)

-- | Setup binlog listening on given connection, during listening
-- the connection CAN NOT be used to do query, or an 'UnconsumedResultSet' will be thrown.
dumpBinLog :: MySQLConn               -- ^ connection to be listened
           -> SlaveID                 -- ^ a number for our pesudo slave.
           -> BinLogTracker           -- ^ binlog position
           -> Bool                    -- ^ if master support semi-ack, do we want to enable it?
                                      -- if master doesn't support, this parameter will be ignored.
           -> IO (FormatDescription, IORef ByteString, InputStream BinLogPacket)
                -- ^ 'FormatDescription', 'IORef' contains current binlog filename, 'BinLogPacket' stream.
dumpBinLog conn@(MySQLConn is os _ consumed) sid (BinLogTracker initfn initpos) wantAck = do
    guardUnconsumed conn
    checksum <- isCheckSumEnabled conn
    when checksum $ void $ execute_ conn "SET @master_binlog_checksum = @@global.binlog_checksum"
    semiAck  <- isSemiSyncEnabled conn
    let needAck = semiAck && wantAck
    when needAck . void $ execute_ conn "SET @rpl_semi_sync_slave = 1"
    writeCommand (COM_BINLOG_DUMP initpos 0x00 sid initfn) os
    writeIORef consumed False

    rp <- skipToPacketT (readBinLogPacket checksum needAck is) BINLOG_ROTATE_EVENT
    re <- getFromBinLogPacket getRotateEvent rp
    fref <- newIORef (rFileName re)

    p <- skipToPacketT (readBinLogPacket checksum needAck is) BINLOG_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT
    replyAck needAck p fref os
    fmt <- getFromBinLogPacket getFormatDescription p

    es <- Stream.makeInputStream $ do
        q <- readBinLogPacket checksum needAck is
        case q of
            Nothing   -> writeIORef consumed True >> return Nothing
            Just q' -> do when (blEventType q' == BINLOG_ROTATE_EVENT) $ do
                                e <- getFromBinLogPacket getRotateEvent q'
                                writeIORef' fref (rFileName e)
                          replyAck needAck q' fref os
                          return q
    return (fmt, fref, es)
    skipToPacketT iop typ = do
        p <- iop
        case p of
            Just p' -> do
                if blEventType p' == typ then return p' else skipToPacketT iop typ
            Nothing -> throwIO NetworkException

    replyAck needAck p fref os' = when (needAck && blSemiAck p) $ do
        fn <- readIORef fref
        Stream.write (Just (makeSemiAckPacket (blLogPos p) fn)) os'

    makeSemiAckPacket pos fn = putToPacket 0 $ do
        putWord8 0xEF      -- semi-ack
        putWord64le pos
        putByteString fn

    readBinLogPacket checksum needAck is' = do
        p <- readPacket is'
        if  | isOK p -> Just <$> getFromPacket (getBinLogPacket checksum needAck) p
            | isEOF p -> return Nothing
            | isERR p -> decodeFromPacket p >>= throwIO . ERRException

-- | Row based biblog event type.
-- It's recommended to enable row query event before 'dumpBinLog', so that you can get
-- 'RowQueryEvent' in row based binlog(it's important for detect a table change for example),
-- more information please refer <http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-options-binary-log.html#sysvar_binlog_rows_query_log_events sysvar_binlog_rows_query_log_events>
-- a 'BinLogTracker' is included so that you can roll up your own HA solutions,
-- for example, writing the tracker to zookeeper when you done with an event.
-- The first 'Word32' field is a timestamp present when this event is logged.
data RowBinLogEvent
    = RowQueryEvent  !Word32 !BinLogTracker !QueryEvent'
    | RowDeleteEvent !Word32 !BinLogTracker !TableMapEvent !DeleteRowsEvent
    | RowWriteEvent  !Word32 !BinLogTracker !TableMapEvent !WriteRowsEvent
    | RowUpdateEvent !Word32 !BinLogTracker !TableMapEvent !UpdateRowsEvent
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

-- | decode row based event from 'BinLogPacket' stream.
decodeRowBinLogEvent :: (FormatDescription, IORef ByteString, InputStream BinLogPacket)
                     -> IO (InputStream RowBinLogEvent)
decodeRowBinLogEvent (fd', fref', is') = Stream.makeInputStream (loop fd' fref' is')
    loop fd fref is = do
        p <- Stream.read is
        case p of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just p' -> do
                let t = blEventType p'
                if  | t == BINLOG_ROWS_QUERY_EVENT -> do
                        tr <- track p' fref
                        e <- getFromBinLogPacket getQueryEvent' p'
                        pure (Just (RowQueryEvent (blTimestamp p') tr e))
                    | t == BINLOG_TABLE_MAP_EVENT -> do
                        tme <- getFromBinLogPacket (getTableMapEvent fd) p'
                        q <- Stream.read is
                        case q of
                            Nothing -> return Nothing
                            Just q' -> do
                                let u = blEventType q'
                                if  | u == BINLOG_WRITE_ROWS_EVENTv1 || u == BINLOG_WRITE_ROWS_EVENTv2 -> do
                                        tr <- track q' fref
                                        e <- getFromBinLogPacket' (getWriteRowEvent fd tme) q'
                                        pure (Just (RowWriteEvent (blTimestamp q') tr tme e))
                                    | u == BINLOG_DELETE_ROWS_EVENTv1 || u == BINLOG_DELETE_ROWS_EVENTv2 -> do
                                        tr <- track q' fref
                                        e <- getFromBinLogPacket' (getDeleteRowEvent fd tme) q'
                                        pure (Just (RowDeleteEvent (blTimestamp q') tr tme e))
                                    | u == BINLOG_UPDATE_ROWS_EVENTv1 || u == BINLOG_UPDATE_ROWS_EVENTv2 -> do
                                        tr <- track q' fref
                                        e <- getFromBinLogPacket' (getUpdateRowEvent fd tme) q'
                                        pure (Just (RowUpdateEvent (blTimestamp q') tr tme e))
                                    | otherwise -> loop fd fref is
                    | otherwise -> loop fd fref is

    track p fref = BinLogTracker <$> readIORef fref <*> (pure . fromIntegral . blLogPos) p

-- | Get latest master's binlog filename and position.
getLastBinLogTracker :: MySQLConn -> IO (Maybe BinLogTracker)
getLastBinLogTracker conn = do
    (_, is) <- query_ conn "SHOW MASTER STATUS"
    row <- Stream.read is
    Stream.skipToEof is
    case row of
        Just (MySQLText fn : MySQLInt64U pos : _) -> return . Just $ BinLogTracker (encodeUtf8 fn) (fromIntegral pos)
        _                                         -> return Nothing

-- | Return True if binlog_checksum = CRC32. Only for MySQL > 5.6
isCheckSumEnabled :: MySQLConn -> IO Bool
isCheckSumEnabled conn = do
    (_, is) <- query_ conn "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_checksum'"
    row <- Stream.read is
    Stream.skipToEof is
    case row of
        Just [_, MySQLText "CRC32"] -> return True
        _                           -> return False

-- | Return True if rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled = ON. Only for MySQL > 5.5
isSemiSyncEnabled :: MySQLConn -> IO Bool
isSemiSyncEnabled conn = do
    (_, is) <- query_ conn "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled'"
    row <- Stream.read is
    Stream.skipToEof is
    case row of
        Just [_, MySQLText "ON"] -> return True
        _                        -> return False