{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts,
    MagicHash, Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, UnboxedTuples #-}
-- |
-- Module    : System.Random.MWC
-- Copyright : (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Pseudo-random number generation.  This module contains code for
-- generating high quality random numbers that follow either a uniform
-- or normal distribution.
-- The uniform PRNG uses Marsaglia's MWC256 (also known as MWC8222)
-- multiply-with-carry generator, which has a period of 2^8222 and
-- fares well in tests of randomness.  It is also extremely fast,
-- between 2 and 3 times faster than the Mersenne Twister.
module System.Random.MWC
    -- * Types
    , GenIO
    , GenST
    , Seed
    , fromSeed
    , toSeed
    , Variate(..)
    -- * Other distributions
    , normal
    -- * Creation
    , create
    , initialize
    , withSystemRandom
    -- * State management
    , save
    , restore
    -- * Helper functions
    , uniformVector
    -- * References
    -- $references
    ) where

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && !defined(__HADDOCK__)
#include "MachDeps.h"

import Control.Exception       (IOException, catch)
import Control.Monad           (ap, liftM, unless)
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState, unsafePrimToIO)
import Control.Monad.ST        (ST)
import Data.Bits               (Bits, (.&.), (.|.), shiftL, shiftR, xor)
import Data.Int                (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.IORef              (atomicModifyIORef, newIORef)
import Data.Ratio              ((%), numerator)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX   (getPOSIXTime)
import Data.Typeable           (Typeable)
import Data.Vector.Generic     (Vector, unsafeFreeze)
import Data.Word               (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc   (allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array   (peekArray)
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic         as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as GM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed         as I
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as M
import System.CPUTime   (cpuTimePrecision, getCPUTime)
import System.IO        (IOMode(..), hGetBuf, hPutStrLn, stderr, withBinaryFile)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

-- FIXME: removal of Unbox constraint leads to severe (~10x)
--        performance drop with GHC 6.12. For details see bug #33 in the 
--        vector bug tracker[1]
-- [1] http://trac.haskell.org/vector/ticket/33

-- | The class of types for which we can generate uniformly
-- distributed random variates.
-- The uniform PRNG uses Marsaglia's MWC256 (also known as MWC8222)
-- multiply-with-carry generator, which has a period of 2^8222 and
-- fares well in tests of randomness.  It is also extremely fast,
-- between 2 and 3 times faster than the Mersenne Twister.
-- /Note/: Marsaglia's PRNG is not known to be cryptographically
-- secure, so you should not use it for cryptographic operations.
class M.Unbox a => Variate a where
    -- | Generate a single uniformly distributed random variate.  The
    -- range of values produced varies by type:
    -- * For fixed-width integral types, the type's entire range is
    --   used.
    -- * For floating point numbers, the range (0,1] is used. Zero is
    --   explicitly excluded, to allow variates to be used in
    --   statistical calculations that require non-zero values
    --   (e.g. uses of the 'log' function).
    -- * The range of random 'Integer' variates is the same as for
    --   'Int'.
    -- To generate a 'Float' variate with a range of [0,1), subtract
    -- 2**(-33).  To do the same with 'Double' variates, subtract
    -- 2**(-53).
    uniform :: (PrimMonad m) => Gen (PrimState m) -> m a
    -- | Generate single uniformly distributed random variable in a
    -- given range.
    -- * For integral types inclusive range is used.
    -- * For floating point numbers range (a,b] is used if one ignores
    --   rounding errors.
    uniformR :: (PrimMonad m) => (a,a) -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m a

instance Variate Int8 where
    uniform  = uniform1 fromIntegral
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Int16 where
    uniform  = uniform1 fromIntegral
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Int32 where
    uniform  = uniform1 fromIntegral
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Int64 where
    uniform  = uniform2 wordsTo64Bit
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Word8 where
    uniform  = uniform1 fromIntegral
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Word16 where
    uniform  = uniform1 fromIntegral
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Word32 where
    uniform  = uniform1 fromIntegral
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Word64 where
    uniform  = uniform2 wordsTo64Bit
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Bool where
    uniform = uniform1 wordToBool
    uniformR (False,True)  g = uniform g
    uniformR (False,False) _ = return False
    uniformR (True,True)   _ = return True
    uniformR (True,False)  g = uniform g
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Float where
    uniform          = uniform1 wordToFloat
    uniformR (x1,x2) = uniform1 (\w -> x1 + (x2-x1) * wordToFloat w)
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Double where
    uniform          = uniform2 wordsToDouble
    uniformR (x1,x2) = uniform2 (\w1 w2 -> x1 + (x2-x1) * wordsToDouble w1 w2)
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Int where
    uniform = uniform1 fromIntegral
    uniform = uniform2 wordsTo64Bit
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Word where
    uniform = uniform1 fromIntegral
    uniform = uniform2 wordsTo64Bit
    uniformR = uniformRange
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance Variate Integer where
    uniform g = do
      u <- uniform g
      return $! fromIntegral (u :: Int)
    {-# INLINE uniform #-}

instance (Variate a, Variate b) => Variate (a,b) where
    uniform g = (,) `liftM` uniform g `ap` uniform g
    uniformR ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) g = (,) `liftM` uniformR (x1,x2) g `ap` uniformR (y1,y2) g
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance (Variate a, Variate b, Variate c) => Variate (a,b,c) where
    uniform g = (,,) `liftM` uniform g `ap` uniform g `ap` uniform g
    uniformR ((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2)) g =
      (,,) `liftM` uniformR (x1,x2) g `ap` uniformR (y1,y2) g `ap` uniformR (z1,z2) g
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

instance (Variate a, Variate b, Variate c, Variate d) => Variate (a,b,c,d) where
    uniform g = (,,,) `liftM` uniform g `ap` uniform g `ap` uniform g
                `ap` uniform g
    uniformR ((x1,y1,z1,t1),(x2,y2,z2,t2)) g =
      (,,,) `liftM` uniformR (x1,x2) g `ap` uniformR (y1,y2) g `ap`
                    uniformR (z1,z2) g `ap` uniformR (t1,t2) g
    {-# INLINE uniform  #-}
    {-# INLINE uniformR #-}

wordsTo64Bit :: (Integral a) => Word32 -> Word32 -> a
wordsTo64Bit x y =
    fromIntegral ((fromIntegral x `shiftL` 32) .|. fromIntegral y :: Word64)
{-# INLINE wordsTo64Bit #-}

wordToBool :: Word32 -> Bool
wordToBool i = (i .&. 1) /= 0
{-# INLINE wordToBool #-}

wordToFloat :: Word32 -> Float
wordToFloat x      = (fromIntegral i * m_inv_32) + 0.5 + m_inv_33
    where m_inv_33 = 1.16415321826934814453125e-10
          m_inv_32 = 2.3283064365386962890625e-10
          i        = fromIntegral x :: Int32
{-# INLINE wordToFloat #-}

wordsToDouble :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Double
wordsToDouble x y  = (fromIntegral u * m_inv_32 + (0.5 + m_inv_53) +
                     fromIntegral (v .&. 0xFFFFF) * m_inv_52) 
    where m_inv_52 = 2.220446049250313080847263336181640625e-16
          m_inv_53 = 1.1102230246251565404236316680908203125e-16
          m_inv_32 = 2.3283064365386962890625e-10
          u        = fromIntegral x :: Int32
          v        = fromIntegral y :: Int32
{-# INLINE wordsToDouble #-}

-- | State of the pseudo-random number generator.
newtype Gen s = Gen (M.MVector s Word32)

-- | A shorter name for PRNG state in the IO monad.
type GenIO = Gen (PrimState IO)

-- | A shorter name for PRNG state in the ST monad.
type GenST s = Gen (PrimState (ST s))

ioff, coff :: Int
ioff = 256
coff = 257

-- | Create a generator for variates using a fixed seed.
create :: PrimMonad m => m (Gen (PrimState m))
create = initialize defaultSeed
{-# INLINE create #-}

-- | Create a generator for variates using the given seed, of which up
-- to 256 elements will be used.  For arrays of less than 256
-- elements, part of the default seed will be used to finish
-- initializing the generator's state.
-- Examples:
-- > initialize (singleton 42)
-- > initialize (toList [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42])
-- If a seed contains fewer than 256 elements, it is first used
-- verbatim, then its elements are 'xor'ed against elements of the
-- default seed until 256 elements are reached.
-- If a seed contains exactly 258 elements last two elements are used
-- to set generator state. It's to ensure that @gen' == gen@
-- > gen' <- initialize . fromSeed =<< save
initialize :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v Word32) =>
              v Word32 -> m (Gen (PrimState m))
initialize seed = do
    q <- M.unsafeNew 258
    fill q
    if fini == 258
      then do
        M.unsafeWrite q ioff $ G.unsafeIndex seed ioff .&. 255
        M.unsafeWrite q coff $ G.unsafeIndex seed coff
      else do
        M.unsafeWrite q ioff 255
        M.unsafeWrite q coff 362436
    return (Gen q)
  where fill q = go 0 where
          go i | i == 256  = return ()
               | otherwise = M.unsafeWrite q i s >> go (i+1)
            where s | i >= fini = if fini == 0
                                  then G.unsafeIndex defaultSeed i
                                  else G.unsafeIndex defaultSeed i `xor`
                                       G.unsafeIndex seed (i `mod` fini)
                    | otherwise = G.unsafeIndex seed i
        fini = G.length seed
{-# INLINE initialize #-}
-- | An immutable snapshot of the state of a 'Gen'.
newtype Seed = Seed { 
    -- | Convert seed into vector.
    fromSeed :: I.Vector Word32 
    deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- | Convert vector to 'Seed'. It acts similarily to 'initialize' and
-- will accept any vector. If you want to pass seed immediately to
-- restore you better call initialize directly since following law holds:
-- > restore (toSeed v) = initialize v
toSeed :: (Vector v Word32) => v Word32 -> Seed
toSeed v = Seed $ I.create $ do { Gen q <- initialize v; return q }

-- Safe version of unsafeFreeze.
-- NOTE: vector-0.7 will provide function `freeze' with same
--       functionality. This function shall be removed when support for
--       vector<=0.6 is dropped
safeFreeze :: (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => G.Mutable v (PrimState m) a -> m (v a)
safeFreeze v = do
  v' <- GM.unsafeNew (GM.length v)
  GM.unsafeCopy v' v
  unsafeFreeze v'

-- | Save the state of a 'Gen', for later use by 'restore'.
save :: PrimMonad m => Gen (PrimState m) -> m Seed
save (Gen q) = Seed `liftM` safeFreeze q
{-# INLINE save #-}

-- NOTE: with vector-0.7 all code could be replaced with `clone'
-- | Create a new 'Gen' that mirrors the state of a saved 'Seed'.
restore :: PrimMonad m => Seed -> m (Gen (PrimState m))
restore (Seed s) = M.unsafeNew n >>= fill
  where fill q = go 0 where
          go !i | i >= n    = return $! Gen q
                | otherwise = M.unsafeWrite q i (I.unsafeIndex s i) >> go (i+1)
        n = I.length s
{-# INLINE restore #-}
-- | Using the current time as a seed, perform an action that uses a
-- random variate generator.  This is a horrible fallback for Windows
-- systems.
withTime :: (PrimMonad m) => (Gen (PrimState m) -> m a) -> IO a
withTime act = do
  c <- (numerator . (%cpuTimePrecision)) `liftM` getCPUTime
  t <- toRational `liftM` getPOSIXTime
  let n    = fromIntegral (numerator t) :: Word64
      seed = [fromIntegral c, fromIntegral n, fromIntegral (n `shiftR` 32)]
  unsafePrimToIO $ initialize (I.fromList seed) >>= act

-- | Seed a PRNG with data from the system's fast source of
-- pseudo-random numbers (\"\/dev\/urandom\" on Unix-like systems),
-- then run the given action.
-- /Note/: on Windows, this code does not yet use the native
-- Cryptographic API as a source of random numbers (it uses the system
-- clock instead). As a result, the sequences it generates may not be
-- highly independent.
withSystemRandom :: PrimMonad m => (Gen (PrimState m) -> m a) -> IO a
withSystemRandom act = tryRandom `catch` \(_::IOException) -> do
    seen <- atomicModifyIORef warned ((,) True)
    unless seen $ do
      hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: Couldn't open " ++ show random)
      hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: using system clock for seed instead " ++
                        "(quality will be lower)")
    withTime act
  where tryRandom = do
          let nbytes = 1024
          ws <- allocaBytes nbytes $ \buf -> do
                  nread <- withBinaryFile random ReadMode $
                           \h -> hGetBuf h buf nbytes
                  peekArray (nread `div` 4) buf
          unsafePrimToIO $ initialize (I.fromList ws) >>= act
        random = "/dev/urandom"
        warned = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef False
        {-# NOINLINE warned #-}

-- | Compute the next index into the state pool.  This is simply
-- addition modulo 256.
nextIndex :: Integral a => a -> Int
nextIndex i = fromIntegral j
    where j = fromIntegral (i+1) :: Word8
{-# INLINE nextIndex #-}

a :: Word64
a = 1540315826
{-# INLINE a #-}

uniformWord32 :: PrimMonad m => Gen (PrimState m) -> m Word32
uniformWord32 (Gen q) = do
  i  <- nextIndex `liftM` M.unsafeRead q ioff
  c  <- fromIntegral `liftM` M.unsafeRead q coff
  qi <- fromIntegral `liftM` M.unsafeRead q i
  let t  = a * qi + c
      c' = fromIntegral (t `shiftR` 32)
      x  = fromIntegral t + c'
      (# x', c'' #)  | x < c'    = (# x + 1, c' + 1 #)
                     | otherwise = (# x,     c' #)
  M.unsafeWrite q i x'
  M.unsafeWrite q ioff (fromIntegral i)
  M.unsafeWrite q coff (fromIntegral c'')
  return x'
{-# INLINE uniformWord32 #-}

uniform1 :: PrimMonad m => (Word32 -> a) -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m a
uniform1 f gen = do
  i <- uniformWord32 gen
  return $! f i
{-# INLINE uniform1 #-}

uniform2 :: PrimMonad m => (Word32 -> Word32 -> a) -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m a
uniform2 f (Gen q) = do
  i  <- nextIndex `liftM` M.unsafeRead q ioff
  let j = nextIndex i
  c  <- fromIntegral `liftM` M.unsafeRead q coff
  qi <- fromIntegral `liftM` M.unsafeRead q i
  qj <- fromIntegral `liftM` M.unsafeRead q j
  let t   = a * qi + c
      c'  = fromIntegral (t `shiftR` 32)
      x   = fromIntegral t + c'
      (# x', c'' #)  | x < c'    = (# x + 1, c' + 1 #)
                     | otherwise = (# x,     c' #)
      u   = a * qj + fromIntegral c''
      d'  = fromIntegral (u `shiftR` 32)
      y   = fromIntegral u + d'
      (# y', d'' #)  | y < d'    = (# y + 1, d' + 1 #)
                     | otherwise = (# y,     d' #)
  M.unsafeWrite q i x'
  M.unsafeWrite q j y'
  M.unsafeWrite q ioff (fromIntegral j)
  M.unsafeWrite q coff (fromIntegral d'')
  return $! f x' y'
{-# INLINE uniform2 #-}

-- Type family for fixed size integrals. For signed data types it's
-- its unsigned couterpart with same size and for unsigned data types
-- it's same type
type family Unsigned a :: *

type instance Unsigned Int8  = Word8
type instance Unsigned Int16 = Word16
type instance Unsigned Int32 = Word32
type instance Unsigned Int64 = Word64
type instance Unsigned Int   = Word

type instance Unsigned Word8  = Word8
type instance Unsigned Word16 = Word16
type instance Unsigned Word32 = Word32
type instance Unsigned Word64 = Word64
type instance Unsigned Word   = Word

-- Subtract two numbers under assumption that x>=y and store result in
-- unsigned data type of same size
sub :: (Integral a, Integral (Unsigned a)) => a -> a -> Unsigned a
sub x y = fromIntegral x - fromIntegral y

add :: (Integral a, Integral (Unsigned a)) => a -> Unsigned a -> a
add m x = m + fromIntegral x

-- Generate uniform value in the range [0,n). Values must be
-- unsigned. Second parameter is random number generator
unsignedRange :: (PrimMonad m, Integral a, Bounded a) => a -> m a -> m a
unsignedRange n rnd = go
    buckets = maxBound `div` n
    maxN    = buckets * n
    go = do x <- rnd
            if x < maxN then return (x `div` buckets)
                        else go
{-# INLINE unsignedRange #-}

-- Generate unformly distributed value in inclusive range.
uniformRange :: ( PrimMonad m
                , Integral a, Bounded a, Variate a
                , Integral (Unsigned a), Bounded (Unsigned a), Variate (Unsigned a))
             => (a,a) -> Gen (PrimState m) -> m a
uniformRange (x1,x2) g
  | x1 == minBound && x2 == maxBound = uniform g
  | otherwise                        = do x <- unsignedRange (sub x2 x1 + 1) (uniform g)
                                          return $! add x1 x
{-# INLINE uniformRange #-}

-- | Generate a vector of pseudo-random variates.  This is not
-- necessarily faster than invoking 'uniform' repeatedly in a loop,
-- but it may be more convenient to use in some situations.
uniformVector :: (PrimMonad m, Variate a, Vector v a)
             => Gen (PrimState m) -> Int -> m (v a)
uniformVector gen n = G.replicateM n (uniform gen)
{-# INLINE uniformVector #-}

data T = T {-# UNPACK #-} !Double {-# UNPACK #-} !Double

-- | Generate a normally distributed random variate.
-- The implementation uses Doornik's modified ziggurat algorithm.
-- Compared to the ziggurat algorithm usually used, this is slower,
-- but generates more independent variates that pass stringent tests
-- of randomness.
normal :: PrimMonad m => Gen (PrimState m) -> m Double
normal gen = loop
    loop = do
      u  <- (subtract 1 . (*2)) `liftM` uniform gen
      ri <- uniform gen
      let i  = fromIntegral ((ri :: Word32) .&. 127)
          bi = I.unsafeIndex blocks i
          bj = I.unsafeIndex blocks (i+1)
      if abs u < I.unsafeIndex ratios i
        then return $! u * bi
        else if i == 0
        then normalTail (u < 0)
        else do
          let x  = u * bi
              xx = x * x
              d  = exp (-0.5 * (bi * bi - xx))
              e  = exp (-0.5 * (bj * bj - xx))
          c <- uniform gen
          if e + c * (d - e) < 1
            then return x
            else loop
    blocks = let f = exp (-0.5 * r * r)
             in (`I.snoc` 0) . I.cons (v/f) . I.cons r .
                I.unfoldrN 126 go $! T r f
        go (T b g)   = let !u = T h (exp (-0.5 * h * h))
                           h  = sqrt (-2 * log (v / b + g))
                       in Just (h, u)
        v            = 9.91256303526217e-3
    {-# NOINLINE blocks #-}
    r                = 3.442619855899
    ratios           = I.zipWith (/) (I.tail blocks) blocks
    {-# NOINLINE ratios #-}
    normalTail neg  = tailing
      where tailing  = do
              x <- ((/r) . log) `liftM` uniform gen
              y <- log          `liftM` uniform gen
              if y * (-2) < x * x
                then tailing
                else return $! if neg then x - r else r - x
{-# INLINE normal #-}

defaultSeed :: I.Vector Word32
defaultSeed = I.fromList [
  0x7042e8b3, 0x06f7f4c5, 0x789ea382, 0x6fb15ad8, 0x54f7a879, 0x0474b184,
  0xb3f8f692, 0x4114ea35, 0xb6af0230, 0xebb457d2, 0x47693630, 0x15bc0433,
  0x2e1e5b18, 0xbe91129c, 0xcc0815a0, 0xb1260436, 0xd6f605b1, 0xeaadd777,
  0x8f59f791, 0xe7149ed9, 0x72d49dd5, 0xd68d9ded, 0xe2a13153, 0x67648eab,
  0x48d6a1a1, 0xa69ab6d7, 0x236f34ec, 0x4e717a21, 0x9d07553d, 0x6683a701,
  0x19004315, 0x7b6429c5, 0x84964f99, 0x982eb292, 0x3a8be83e, 0xc1df1845,
  0x3cf7b527, 0xb66a7d3f, 0xf93f6838, 0x736b1c85, 0x5f0825c1, 0x37e9904b,
  0x724cd7b3, 0xfdcb7a46, 0xfdd39f52, 0x715506d5, 0xbd1b6637, 0xadabc0c0,
  0x219037fc, 0x9d71b317, 0x3bec717b, 0xd4501d20, 0xd95ea1c9, 0xbe717202,
  0xa254bd61, 0xd78a6c5b, 0x043a5b16, 0x0f447a25, 0xf4862a00, 0x48a48b75,
  0x1e580143, 0xd5b6a11b, 0x6fb5b0a4, 0x5aaf27f9, 0x668bcd0e, 0x3fdf18fd,
  0x8fdcec4a, 0x5255ce87, 0xa1b24dbf, 0x3ee4c2e1, 0x9087eea2, 0xa4131b26,
  0x694531a5, 0xa143d867, 0xd9f77c03, 0xf0085918, 0x1e85071c, 0x164d1aba,
  0xe61abab5, 0xb8b0c124, 0x84899697, 0xea022359, 0x0cc7fa0c, 0xd6499adf,
  0x746da638, 0xd9e5d200, 0xefb3360b, 0x9426716a, 0xabddf8c2, 0xdd1ed9e4,
  0x17e1d567, 0xa9a65000, 0x2f37dbc5, 0x9a4b8fd5, 0xaeb22492, 0x0ebe8845,
  0xd89dd090, 0xcfbb88c6, 0xb1325561, 0x6d811d90, 0x03aa86f4, 0xbddba397,
  0x0986b9ed, 0x6f4cfc69, 0xc02b43bc, 0xee916274, 0xde7d9659, 0x7d3afd93,
  0xf52a7095, 0xf21a009c, 0xfd3f795e, 0x98cef25b, 0x6cb3af61, 0x6fa0e310,
  0x0196d036, 0xbc198bca, 0x15b0412d, 0xde454349, 0x5719472b, 0x8244ebce,
  0xee61afc6, 0xa60c9cb5, 0x1f4d1fd0, 0xe4fb3059, 0xab9ec0f9, 0x8d8b0255,
  0x4e7430bf, 0x3a22aa6b, 0x27de22d3, 0x60c4b6e6, 0x0cf61eb3, 0x469a87df,
  0xa4da1388, 0xf650f6aa, 0x3db87d68, 0xcdb6964c, 0xb2649b6c, 0x6a880fa9,
  0x1b0c845b, 0xe0af2f28, 0xfc1d5da9, 0xf64878a6, 0x667ca525, 0x2114b1ce,
  0x2d119ae3, 0x8d29d3bf, 0x1a1b4922, 0x3132980e, 0xd59e4385, 0x4dbd49b8,
  0x2de0bb05, 0xd6c96598, 0xb4c527c3, 0xb5562afc, 0x61eeb602, 0x05aa192a,
  0x7d127e77, 0xc719222d, 0xde7cf8db, 0x2de439b8, 0x250b5f1a, 0xd7b21053,
  0xef6c14a1, 0x2041f80f, 0xc287332e, 0xbb1dbfd3, 0x783bb979, 0x9a2e6327,
  0x6eb03027, 0x0225fa2f, 0xa319bc89, 0x864112d4, 0xfe990445, 0xe5e2e07c,
  0xf7c6acb8, 0x1bc92142, 0x12e9b40e, 0x2979282d, 0x05278e70, 0xe160ba4c,
  0xc1de0909, 0x458b9bf4, 0xbfce9c94, 0xa276f72a, 0x8441597d, 0x67adc2da,
  0x6162b854, 0x7f9b2f4a, 0x0d995b6b, 0x193b643d, 0x399362b3, 0x8b653a4b,
  0x1028d2db, 0x2b3df842, 0x6eecafaf, 0x261667e9, 0x9c7e8cda, 0x46063eab,
  0x7ce7a3a1, 0xadc899c9, 0x017291c4, 0x528d1a93, 0x9a1ee498, 0xbb7d4d43,
  0x7837f0ed, 0x34a230cc, 0x614a628d, 0xb03f93b8, 0xd72e3b08, 0x604c98db,
  0x3cfacb79, 0x8b81646a, 0xc0f082fa, 0xd1f92388, 0xe5a91e39, 0xf95c756d,
  0x1177742f, 0xf8819323, 0x5c060b80, 0x96c1cd8f, 0x47d7b440, 0xbbb84197,
  0x35f749cc, 0x95b0e132, 0x8d90ad54, 0x5c3f9423, 0x4994005b, 0xb58f53b9,
  0x32df7348, 0x60f61c29, 0x9eae2f32, 0x85a3d398, 0x3b995dd4, 0x94c5e460,
  0x8e54b9f3, 0x87bc6e2a, 0x90bbf1ea, 0x55d44719, 0x2cbbfe6e, 0x439d82f0,
  0x4eb3782d, 0xc3f1e669, 0x61ff8d9e, 0x0909238d, 0xef406165, 0x09c1d762,
  0x705d184f, 0x188f2cc4, 0x9c5aa12a, 0xc7a5d70e, 0xbc78cb1b, 0x1d26ae62,
  0x23f96ae3, 0xd456bf32, 0xe4654f55, 0x31462bd8 ]
{-# NOINLINE defaultSeed #-}

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