{-| Module : Index Description : Implements tensor index. Copyright : (c) Artur M. Brodzki, 2018 License : BSD3 Maintainer : artur@brodzki.org Stability : experimental Portability : Windows/POSIX Generic tensor index which may be finitely- or infinitely-dimensional. -} module Multilinear.Index ( Index(..), TIndex(..) ) where import GHC.Generics {-| Tensor index class which may be lower (covariant), upper (contravariant) or indifferent. -} class Index i where {-| Index name -} indexName :: i -> String {-| Returns True if index is lower (covariant), False otherwise. -} isCovariant :: i -> Bool {-| Returns True if index is upper (contravariant), False otherwise. -} isContravariant :: i -> Bool {-| Returns True if index if indifferent, False otherwise. -} isIndifferent :: i -> Bool {-| Returns True if two indices are equivalent, thus differs only by name, but share same size and type. -} equivI :: i -> i -> Bool {-| Infix equivalent for 'equiv'. Has low priority equal to 2. -} infixl 2 !=! (!=!) :: i -> i -> Bool i1 !=! i2 = equivI i1 i2 {-| Convert to generic index type -} toTIndex :: i -> TIndex {-| Generic index type finitely- or infinitely-dimensional -} data TIndex = Covariant { indexSize :: Maybe Int, tIndexName :: String } | Contravariant { indexSize :: Maybe Int, tIndexName :: String } | Indifferent { indexSize :: Maybe Int, tIndexName :: String } deriving (Eq, Generic) {-| Show tensor index -} instance Show TIndex where show (Covariant c n) = "[" ++ n ++ ":" ++ show c ++ "]" show (Contravariant c n) = "<" ++ n ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ">" show (Indifferent c n) = "(" ++ n ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ")" {-| Finite index is a Multilinear.Index instance -} instance Index TIndex where {-| Index name -} indexName = tIndexName {-| Return true if index is covariant |-} isCovariant (Covariant _ _) = True isCovariant _ = False {-| Return true if index is contravariant |-} isContravariant (Contravariant _ _) = True isContravariant _ = False {-| Return true if index is indifferent |-} isIndifferent (Indifferent _ _) = True isIndifferent _ = False {-| Returns true if two indices are quivalent, i.e. differs only by name, but share same type and size. -} equivI (Covariant count1 _) (Covariant count2 _) | count1 == count2 = True | otherwise = False equivI (Contravariant count1 _) (Contravariant count2 _) | count1 == count2 = True | otherwise = False equivI (Indifferent count1 _) (Indifferent count2 _) | count1 == count2 = True | otherwise = False equivI _ _ = False {-| TIndex must not be converted to TIndex -} toTIndex = id {-| Indices can be compared by its name and size |-} {-| Used to allow to put tensors to typical ordered containers |-} instance Ord TIndex where ind1 <= ind2 = tIndexName ind1 <= tIndexName ind2 || (tIndexName ind1 == tIndexName ind2 && indexSize ind1 <= indexSize ind2)