multiarg- Command lines for options that take multiple arguments

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Vocabulary used throughout Multiarg.

Each time one of these words is used in the documentation, it is italicized (or, if you are viewing the source code directly rather than through Haddock, it is surrounded by slashes).

When you run your program from the Unix shell prompt, your shell is responsible for splitting the command line into words. Typically you separate words with spaces, although quoting can affect this. multiarg parses lists of words. Each word can consist of a single long option, a single /long option and an accompanying option argument, a single short option, multiple short options, and even one or more short options with the last short option/ being accompanied by an option argument. Or, a word can be a positional argument or a stopper. All these are described below.
Options allow a user to specify ways to tune the operation of a program. Typically options are indeed optional, although some programs do sport "required options" (a bit of an oxymoron). Options can be either short options or /long options. options. Also, options can take option arguments/. The option is specified on the command line with both the flag that specifies the option and of any option arguments that are included with the option. Therefore the option might be specified on the command line using one word or multiple words, and in the case of short options, multiple options might be in one word.
short option
An option that is specified on the command line using a flag whose word begins with a hyphen, and with a single letter. For example, for the program tail(1), possible short options include n and v. Multiarg will parse words that contain mulitple short options. For example, if a user wants to run tail with two options, he might type tail -v -f or he might type tail -vf.
A flag uniquely specifies an option. To specify an option on the command line, the user must present both a flag and any option arguments. In the case of a long option, the flag consists of one or more characters (typically a mnemonic word), preceded by two hyphens. In the case of a short option, the flag consists of a single character, in a word that begins with a single hyphen; the word might contain more than one flag for multiple short options.
short option name
A short option is specified on the command line using a flag and any option arguments. The flag contains the short option name, which is a single character. A short option name is never a single hyphen.
long option name
A long option is specified on the command line using a flag and any option arguments. The flag begins with two hyphens, followed by the long option name, which must be at least one letter but typically is a mnemonic word.
Either a short option name or long option name, as appropriate.
long option
An option that is specified using two hyphens and what is usually a mnemonic word, though it could be as short as a single letter. For example, tail(1) has long options including follow and verbose. The user would specify these on the command line by typing tail --follow --verbose. A long option is specified on the command line with a flag and any /option arguments/.
option argument
An option may take anywhere from zero to three option arguments. When using a short option, the first option argument and the flag may be contained in the same word by appending the option argument immediately after the flag without an intervening space. When using a long option, the first option argument and the flag may be contained in the same word by separating the flag and the /option argument with an equal sign. In any case in which an option argument and a flag are in the same word, the option argument must be the last thing to appear in the word. When using either short options or long options, the first option argument may appear in the same word as the flag or in the word following the flag; the second and third option arguments (if applicable) must each appear in its own word.
positional argument
A word on the command line that does not contain a flag, is not a stopper, and is not an /option argument/. For instance, with tail(1), you specify the files you want to see by using positional arguments. In the command tail -n 10 myfile, myfile is a positional argument.
A word consisting solely of two hyphens, --. The user types this to indicate that all subsequent words on the command line are positional arguments, even if they begin with hyphens and therefore look like they might be options.