{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies #-} {-# language DeriveGeneric, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DerivingStrategies, DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# language OverloadedStrings #-} {-# options_ghc -Wno-unused-imports #-} -- | MS Identity user session based on OAuth tokens -- -- The library supports the following authentication scenarios : -- -- * [Client Credentials](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-client-creds-grant-flow) (server/server or automation accounts) -- -- * [Authorization Code](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow) (with human users being prompted to delegate some access rights to the app) -- -- and provides functions to keep tokens up to date in the background. module Network.OAuth2.Session ( -- * A App-only flow (server-to-server) Token , newNoToken , expireToken , readToken , fetchUpdateToken -- ** Default Azure Credential , defaultAzureCredential -- * B Auth code grant flow (interactive) -- ** OAuth endpoints , loginEndpoint , replyEndpoint -- ** In-memory user session , Tokens , newTokens , UserSub , lookupUser , expireUser , tokensToList -- * Scotty misc -- ** Azure App Service , withAADUser , Scotty , Action ) where import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..)) import Control.Exception (Exception(..), SomeException(..)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Functor (void) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHC.Exception (SomeException) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) -- aeson import qualified Data.Aeson as A (FromJSON(..), eitherDecode) -- bytestring import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (pack) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL -- containers import qualified Data.Map as M (Map, insert, lookup, alter, toList) -- -- heaps -- import qualified Data.Heap as H (Heap, empty, null, size, insert, viewMin, deleteMin, Entry(..), ) -- hoauth2 import Network.OAuth.OAuth2 (OAuth2Token(..), AccessToken(..), ExchangeToken(..), RefreshToken(..), OAuth2Error(..), IdToken(..)) import Network.OAuth2.Experiment (IdpUserInfo, conduitUserInfoRequest, mkAuthorizeRequest, conduitTokenRequest, conduitRefreshTokenRequest, HasRefreshTokenRequest(..), WithExchangeToken, IdpApplication(..), GrantTypeFlow(..)) import Network.OAuth.OAuth2.TokenRequest (Errors) -- http-client import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, parseRequest, requestHeaders, httpLbs, responseBody, responseStatus) -- http-types import Network.HTTP.Types (status302, status400, status401, statusCode) import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (RequestHeaders, Header) -- scotty import Web.Scotty (scotty, RoutePattern) import Web.Scotty.Trans (scottyT, ActionT, ScottyT, get, raise, redirect, params, header, setHeader, status, text) -- text import qualified Data.Text as T (Text, pack, unwords) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL (Text, pack, unpack, toStrict, takeWhile, fromStrict) -- time import Data.Time (UTCTime(..), getCurrentTime, fromGregorian, diffUTCTime, addUTCTime, Day, NominalDiffTime) import Data.Time.Format (FormatTime, formatTime, iso8601DateFormat, defaultTimeLocale) -- transformers import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), withExceptT, runExceptT, throwE) -- unliftio import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO(..)) import UnliftIO.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkFinally, threadDelay) import UnliftIO.Exception (throwIO) import UnliftIO.STM (STM, TVar, atomically, newTVarIO, readTVar, writeTVar, modifyTVar) -- uri-bytestring import URI.ByteString (URI) -- validation-selective import Validation.Micro (Validation, failure, validationToEither) import Network.OAuth2.Provider.AzureAD (OAuthCfg, azureADApp, AzureAD) import Network.OAuth2.JWT (jwtClaims, UserSub(..), userSub, ApiAudience, apiAudience, decValidSub, decValidExp, decValidNbf, JWTException(..)) type Action = ActionT TL.Text type Scotty = ScottyT TL.Text -- * Azure App Service adds headers into each request, which the backend can access to identify the user -- -- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-authentication-user-identities#access-user-claims-in-app-code -- | The JWT identity token from the @X-MS-TOKEN-AAD-ID-TOKEN@ header injected by App Service can be decoded for its claims e.g. @sub@ (which is unique for each user for a given app) -- -- https://bogdan.bynapse.com/azure/the-app-service-token-store-was-added-to-app-service-authentication-authorization-and-it-is-a-repository-of-oauth-tokens-associated-with-your-app-users-when-a-user-logs-into-your-app-via-an-iden/ -- -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46757665/authentication-for-azure-functions/ aadHeaderIdToken :: (MonadIO m) => (UserSub -> Action m ()) -- ^ look up the UserSub's token, do stuff with it -> Action m () aadHeaderIdToken act = do let hdrName = "X-MS-TOKEN-AAD-ID-TOKEN" mh <- header hdrName case mh of Nothing -> do text $ TL.pack $ unwords ["header", TL.unpack hdrName, "not found in request"] status status400 Just h -> do let idt = IdToken $ TL.toStrict h ide <- decValidIdToken idt case ide of Right usub -> act usub Left e -> do text $ TL.pack $ unwords ["AAD header ID token validation exception:", show e] status status401 -- | Decode the App Service ID token header @X-MS-TOKEN-AAD-ID-TOKEN@, look its user up in the local token store, supply token @t@ to continuation. If the user @sub@ cannot be found in the token store the browser is redirected to the login URI. -- -- Special case of 'aadHeaderIdToken' withAADUser :: MonadIO m => Tokens UserSub t -> TL.Text -- ^ login URI -> (t -> Action m ()) -- ^ call MSGraph APIs with token @t@, etc. -> Action m () withAADUser ts loginURI act = aadHeaderIdToken $ \usub -> do mt <- lookupUser ts usub case mt of Just t -> act t _ -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["User", show usub, "not authenticated. Redirecting to login:", TL.unpack loginURI] redirect loginURI -- * App-only authorization scenarios (i.e via automation accounts. Human users not involved) -- | App has (at most) one token at a time type Token t = TVar (Maybe t) -- | Create an empty 'Token' store newNoToken :: MonadIO m => m (Token t) newNoToken = newTVarIO Nothing -- | Delete the current token expireToken :: MonadIO m => Token t -> m () expireToken ts = atomically $ modifyTVar ts (const Nothing) -- | Read the current value of the token readToken :: MonadIO m => Token t -> m (Maybe t) readToken ts = atomically $ readTVar ts fetchUpdateTokenWith :: MonadIO m => (t1 -> t2 -> ExceptT [String] IO OAuth2Token) -> t1 -> Token OAuth2Token -> t2 -> m () fetchUpdateTokenWith f idpApp ts mgr = liftIO $ void $ forkFinally loop cleanup where cleanup = \case Left e -> throwIO e Right _ -> pure () loop = do tokenResp <- runExceptT $ f idpApp mgr -- allows different mechanisms of fetching OAuth2 token case tokenResp of Left es -> throwIO (OASEDefaultAzureCredentialsE es) Right oat -> do ein <- updateToken ts oat let dtSecs = (round ein - 30) -- 30 seconds before expiry threadDelay (dtSecs * 1000000) -- pause thread loop -- | DefaultAzureCredential mechanism as in the Python SDK https://pypi.org/project/azure-identity/ -- -- Order of authentication attempts: -- -- 1) token request with client secret -- -- 2) token request via managed identity (App Service and Azure Functions) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/overview-managed-identity?tabs=portal%2Chttp#rest-endpoint-reference defaultAzureCredential :: MonadIO m => String -- ^ Client ID -> String -- ^ Azure Resource URI (for @managed identity@ auth flow) -> IdpApplication 'ClientCredentials AzureAD -> Token OAuth2Token -> Manager -> m () defaultAzureCredential clid resuri = fetchUpdateTokenWith ( \ip mgr -> tokenRequestNoExchange ip mgr <|> managedIdentity mgr clid resuri ) tokenRequestNoExchange :: (MonadIO m) => IdpApplication 'ClientCredentials AzureAD -> Manager -> ExceptT [String] m OAuth2Token tokenRequestNoExchange ip mgr = withExceptT (pure . show) (conduitTokenRequest ip mgr) -- | Fetch an OAuth token and keep it updated. Should be called as a first thing in the app -- -- NB : forks a thread in the background -- -- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-client-creds-grant-flow fetchUpdateToken :: MonadIO m => IdpApplication 'ClientCredentials AzureAD -> Token OAuth2Token -- ^ token TVar -> Manager -> m () fetchUpdateToken idpApp ts mgr = liftIO $ void $ forkFinally loop cleanup where cleanup = \case Left e -> throwIO e Right _ -> pure () loop = do tokenResp <- runExceptT $ conduitTokenRequest idpApp mgr -- OAuth2 token case tokenResp of Left es -> throwIO (OASEOAuth2Errors es) Right oat -> do ein <- updateToken ts oat let dtSecs = (round ein - 30) -- 30 seconds before expiry threadDelay (dtSecs * 1000000) -- pause thread loop updateToken :: (MonadIO m) => Token OAuth2Token -> OAuth2Token -> m NominalDiffTime updateToken ts oat = do let ein = fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 3600 (expiresIn oat) -- expires in [sec] atomically $ do writeTVar ts (Just oat) pure ein -- * Managed identity -- | With its managed identity, an app can obtain tokens for Azure resources that are protected by Azure Active Directory, such as Azure SQL Database, Azure Key Vault, and Azure Storage. These tokens represent the application accessing the resource, and not any specific user of the application. -- -- App Service and Azure Functions provide an internally accessible REST endpoint for token retrieval. -- -- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/overview-managed-identity?tabs=portal%2Chttp#rest-endpoint-reference managedIdentity :: Manager -> String -- ^ client ID -> String -- ^ Azure resource URI -> ExceptT [String] IO OAuth2Token managedIdentity mgr clid resUri = ExceptT $ do mih <- lookupEnv "IDENTITY_ENDPOINT" mie <- lookupEnv "IDENTITY_HEADER" case (,) <$> mih <*> mie of Just (idEndpoint, ih) -> do let apiVer = "2019-08-01" xIdentityHeader = ih r <- parseRequest $ mconcat [idEndpoint, "?", kvs [("resource", resUri), ("api-version", apiVer), ("client_id", clid)]] let r' = r { requestHeaders = [ ("X-IDENTITY-HEADER", BS.pack xIdentityHeader) ] } res <- httpLbs r' mgr let rstat = responseStatus res sci = statusCode rstat if 200 <= sci && sci < 300 then case A.eitherDecode (responseBody res) of Right oat -> pure $ Right oat Left e -> pure $ lefts $ unwords ["managedIdentity: Cannot decode OAuth token:", e] else pure $ lefts $ unwords ["managedIdentity: status code exception:", show rstat] _ -> pure $ lefts $ unwords ["managedIdentity: Cannot find either IDENTITY_ENDPOINT or IDENTITY_HEADER env vars."] lefts :: a -> Either [a] b lefts s = Left [s] kvs :: [(String, String)] -> String kvs = foldr ins mempty where ins (k, v) acc = acc <> ("&" <> k <> "=" <> v) -- * Auth code grant flow (i.e. human user involved) -- | Login endpoint -- -- see 'azureADApp' loginEndpoint :: (MonadIO m) => IdpApplication 'AuthorizationCode AzureAD -> RoutePattern -- ^ e.g. @"/login"@ -> Scotty m () loginEndpoint idpApp path = get path (loginH idpApp) -- | login endpoint handler loginH :: Monad m => IdpApplication 'AuthorizationCode AzureAD -> Action m () loginH idpApp = do setHeader "Location" (mkAuthorizeRequest idpApp) -- redirect to OAuth consent screen status status302 -- | The identity provider redirects the client to the 'reply' endpoint as part of the OAuth flow : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http#authorization-response -- -- NB : forks a thread per logged in user to keep their tokens up to date replyEndpoint :: MonadIO m => IdpApplication 'AuthorizationCode AzureAD -> Tokens UserSub OAuth2Token -- ^ token TVar -> Manager -> RoutePattern -- ^ e.g. @"/oauth\/reply"@ -> Scotty m () replyEndpoint idpApp ts mgr path = get path (replyH idpApp ts mgr) replyH :: MonadIO m => IdpApplication 'AuthorizationCode AzureAD -> Tokens UserSub OAuth2Token -> Manager -> Action m () replyH idpApp ts mgr = do ps <- params excepttToActionM $ do case lookup "code" ps of Just codeP -> do let etoken = ExchangeToken $ TL.toStrict codeP _ <- fetchUpdateTokenACG ts idpApp mgr etoken pure () Nothing -> throwE OASEExchangeTokenNotFound -- -- oauth2ErrorToText :: Show a => a -> T.Text -- oauth2ErrorToText e = T.pack $ "Unable to fetch access token. Details : " ++ show e -- bslToText :: BSL.ByteString -> T.Text -- bslToText = T.pack . BSL.unpack -- | 1) the ExchangeToken arrives with the redirect once the user has approved the scopes in the browser -- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http#authorization-response fetchUpdateTokenACG :: MonadIO m => Tokens UserSub OAuth2Token -> IdpApplication 'AuthorizationCode AzureAD -> Manager -> ExchangeToken -- ^ also called 'code'. Expires in 10 minutes -> ExceptT OAuthSessionError m OAuth2Token fetchUpdateTokenACG ts idpApp mgr etoken = ExceptT $ do tokenResp <- runExceptT $ conduitTokenRequest idpApp mgr etoken -- OAuth2 token case tokenResp of Right oat -> case idToken oat of Nothing -> pure $ Left OASENoOpenID Just idt -> do idtClaimsE <- decValidIdToken idt -- decode and validate ID token case idtClaimsE of Right uid -> do _ <- refreshLoopACG ts idpApp mgr uid oat -- fork a thread and start refresh loop for this user pure $ Right oat Left es -> pure $ Left (OASEJWTException es) -- id token validation failed Left es -> pure $ Left (OASEOAuth2Errors es) -- | 2) fork a thread and start token refresh loop for user @uid@ refreshLoopACG :: (MonadIO m, Ord uid, HasRefreshTokenRequest a) => Tokens uid OAuth2Token -> IdpApplication a i -> Manager -> uid -- ^ user ID -> OAuth2Token -> m ThreadId refreshLoopACG ts idpApp mgr uid oaToken = liftIO $ forkFinally (act oaToken) cleanup where cleanup = \case Left _ -> do expireUser ts uid -- auth error(s), remove user from memory Right _ -> pure () act oat = do ein <- upsertToken ts uid oat -- replace new token for user uid in memory let dtSecs = (round ein - 30) -- 30 seconds before expiry threadDelay (dtSecs * 1000000) -- pause thread case refreshToken oat of Nothing -> do expireUser ts uid -- cannot refresh, remove user from memory throwIO OASERefreshTokenNotFound -- no refresh token Just rt -> do eo' <- runExceptT $ conduitRefreshTokenRequest idpApp mgr rt -- get a new OAuth2 token case eo' of Right oat' -> do act oat' -- loop Left e -> throwIO (OASEOAuth2Errors e) -- refresh token request failed data OAuthSessionError = OASERefreshTokenNotFound | OASEExchangeTokenNotFound | OASEOAuth2Errors (OAuth2Error Errors) | OASEDefaultAzureCredentialsE [String] | OASEJWTException (NonEmpty JWTException) | OASENoOpenID deriving (Eq, Typeable) instance Exception OAuthSessionError instance Show OAuthSessionError where show = \case OASERefreshTokenNotFound -> unwords ["Refresh token not found in OAT"] OASEExchangeTokenNotFound -> unwords ["Exchange token not found. This shouldn't happen"] OASEOAuth2Errors oerrs -> unwords ["OAuth2 error(s):", show oerrs] OASEDefaultAzureCredentialsE es -> unwords ["defaultAzureCredential error(s):", mconcat es] OASEJWTException jwtes -> unwords ["JWT error(s):", show jwtes] OASENoOpenID -> unwords ["No ID token found. Ensure 'openid' scope appears in token request"] -- | Insert or update a token in the 'Tokens' object upsertToken :: (MonadIO m, Ord uid) => Tokens uid OAuth2Token -> uid -- ^ user id -> OAuth2Token -- ^ new token -> m NominalDiffTime -- ^ token expires in upsertToken ts uid oat = do let ein = fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 3600 (expiresIn oat) -- expires in [sec] atomically $ do thp <- readTVar ts let m' = M.insert uid oat (thUsersMap thp) writeTVar ts (TokensData m') pure ein -- | Remove a user, i.e. they will have to authenticate once more expireUser :: (MonadIO m, Ord uid) => Tokens uid t -> uid -- ^ user identifier e.g. @sub@ -> m () expireUser ts uid = atomically $ modifyTVar ts $ \td -> td{ thUsersMap = M.alter (const Nothing) uid (thUsersMap td)} -- | Look up a user identifier and return their current token, if any lookupUser :: (MonadIO m, Ord uid) => Tokens uid t -> uid -- ^ user identifier e.g. @sub@ -> m (Maybe t) lookupUser ts uid = atomically $ do thp <- readTVar ts pure $ M.lookup uid (thUsersMap thp) -- | return a list representation of the 'Tokens' object tokensToList :: MonadIO m => Tokens k a -> m [(k, a)] tokensToList ts = atomically $ do (TokensData m) <- readTVar ts pure $ M.toList m -- | Create an empty 'Tokens' object newTokens :: (MonadIO m, Ord uid) => m (Tokens uid t) newTokens = newTVarIO (TokensData mempty) -- | transactional token store type Tokens uid t = TVar (TokensData uid t) newtype TokensData uid t = TokensData { thUsersMap :: M.Map uid t } deriving (Eq, Show) -- class HasTokens r where -- hasTokens :: r -> Tokens uid t -- | Decode and validate ID token -- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/userinfo#consider-using-an-id-token-instead decValidIdToken :: MonadIO m => IdToken -- ^ appears in the OAuth2Token if scopes include @openid@ -> m (Either (NonEmpty JWTException) UserSub) -- ^ (sub) decValidIdToken (IdToken idt) = do t <- liftIO getCurrentTime let ve = validationToEither $ case jwtClaims idt of Just c -> (,,) <$> decValidSub c <*> decValidExp Nothing t c <*> decValidNbf t c _ -> failure $ JEMalformedJWT (T.unwords ["cannot decode token string"]) case ve of Right (usub, _, _) -> pure $ Right usub Left e -> pure $ Left e -- | Lift ExceptT to ActionM which is basically the handler Monad in Scotty. excepttToActionM :: (MonadIO m, Show e) => ExceptT e IO b -> Action m b excepttToActionM e = do result <- liftIO $ runExceptT e either (raise . TL.pack . show) pure result -- playground -- atomicallyWithAfter :: MonadUnliftIO m => -- TVar a -- -> Int -- ^ delay in microseconds (see 'threadDelay') -- -> (a -> a) -- -> m ThreadId -- atomicallyWithAfter tv dt f = forkFinally act (\_ -> pure ()) -- where -- act = do -- threadDelay dt -- atomically $ modifyTVar tv f