module Control.Morphism (after, to, by, constant, identity, flip, (.), ($), (&), (!), (?)) where infixr 9 . infixr 0 $ infixl 1 & infixr 2 ! infixr 2 ? -- | Prefix version of '.' {-# INLINE after #-} after :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c after f g = \x -> f (g x) -- | Prefix version of '$' {-# INLINE to #-} to :: (a -> b) -> a -> b to f x = f x -- | Prefix version of '&' {-# INLINE by #-} by :: a -> (a -> b) -> b by x f = f x -- | Prefix version of '!' {-# INLINE flip #-} flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c flip f x y = f y x -- | Prefix version of '?' {-# INLINE constant #-} constant :: a -> b -> a constant x y = x -- | Infix version of 'constant' {-# INLINE (?) #-} (?) = constant -- | The most trivial function {-# INLINE identity #-} identity :: a -> a identity x = x -- | Infix version of 'after' {-# INLINE (.) #-} (.) = after -- | Infix version of 'to' {-# INLINE ($) #-} ($) = to -- | Infix version of 'by' {-# INLINE (&) #-} (&) = by -- | Infix version of 'flip' {-# INLINE (!) #-} (!) = flip