# Changelog ## 0.19.0 - 21.03.2022 ### Minor Changes - accept indexes for GraphQL Error Path (#662) - supports aeson 2.0 ## 0.18.0 - 08.11.2021 - GraphQL errors support additional field `extensions :: Maybe Value` - the parser reports invalid empty selection sets - The parser is compliant with the GQL specification and supports all valid characters #581 - The parser performance improvement: on average 3-4 times faster, in some cases more than 100 times faster. ## 0.17.0 - 25.02.2021 ### New features - `Data.Morpheus.Core` provides default GrapHQL type definitions with `internalSchema` - exposed `Data.Morpheus.Internal.Ext` ### Breaking changes - `parseTypeSystemDefinition` and `parseGQLDocument` is replaced with `parseSchema` - `parseFullGQLDocument` replaced with `parseFullSchema` - removed `parseDSL` from `Data.Morpheus.Core` - following Types and modules are migrated to the new package `morpheus-graphql-app`: - following types and functions in `Data.Morpheus.Core` are moved in to `Data.Morpheus.App`: `App`, `AppData`, `runApp`, `withDebugger`, `mkApp`, `runAppStream` - typeClass `MapAPI` migrated from `Data.Morpheus.Types.IO` is moved into `Data.Morpheus.App` - `Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Resolving` moved as`Data.Morpheus.App.Internal.Resolving` - `RootResModel` was renamed to `RootResolverValue` - `ResModel` was replaced with more general `ResolverValue` - `GQLScalar` was replaced with `EncodeScalar` and `DecodeScalar` type-classes. - `Value.Float` is now `Double` instead of `Float`. ## 0.16.0 - 05.11.2020 ### Breaking Changes - signature changes: - `render`: `a -> Text` to `a -> ByteString` - parseTypeSystemDefinition : `Text -> Eventless (Schema VALID)` to `ByteString -> Eventless (Schema VALID)` - parseTypeDefinitions: `Text -> Eventless [TypeDefinition ANY CONST]` to `ByteString -> Eventless [TypeDefinition ANY CONST]` ### new features ### Minor Changes - parser performance optimization ## 0.15.1 - 12.09.2020 relaxed upper boundary of `megaparsec` up to 10.0.0 ## 0.15.0 - 12.09.2020 ### new features - `render` renders SchemaDefinition e.g ```graphql schema { query: MyQuery } ``` - query validator automatically adds `__typename` to interface types - type : `App` ```hs api :: a -> m b api = runApp (mkApp schema resolvers) ``` - `App` supports semigroup(`schema Stitching`): if whe have two apps `app1` and `app2` with type `Api EVENT IO` we can merge it as. ```hs mergedApi :: a -> m b mergedApi = runApp (app1 <> app2) ``` - `runApp` changed signature to: ```hs runApp :: Api e m -> a -> m b ``` ### Breaking Changes - removed `runApi`. ### Minor Changes - internal refactoring ## 0.14.1 - 16.08.2020 ## 0.14.0 - 15.08.2020 ### new features - query validation supports interfaces - exposed: `Data.Morpheus.Types.SelectionTree` - configurable api: `Data.Morpheus.Core` exports - `Config` - `defaultConfig` - `debugConfig` - for better debugging, internal errors messages will display resolving state: - `current TypeName` - `current Selection` - `OperationDefinition` - `SchemaDefinition` - rendering graphql "AST". e.g `render (selection :: Selection VALID)` will render ```graphql { user(arg1: 1) { name } } ``` - quasiquoter `[dsl| |]` generates `Schema VALID`. - parser supports custom directive definition. e.g ```graphql directive @MyDirective on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT ``` - directive Validation for Document (TypeSystem). - supports of block string values. e.g: ```graphql query { createDeity( name: """ power bla \n sd blu \\ date """ ) { name } } ``` - support of `schema`. issue #412 ```graphql schema { query: MyQuery } ``` ### Breaking Changes - `Context' renamed to`ResolverContext' - removed : `EventCon` from `Data.Morpheus.Core` - internal refactoring: changed AST. Schema AST Types now need parameter `stage = RAW | CONST | VALID`. - `Schema VALID` - `TypeDefinition VALID` - `FieldDefinition IN VALID` - ... - runApi requires argument config ```hs runApi :: Schema s -> RootResModel event m -> Config -> GQLRequest -> ResponseStream event m (Value VALID) ``` ## 0.13.0 - 22.06.2020 ### new features - exposed: `Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLScalar` - exposed: `Data.Morpheus.Types.ID` - finished interface validation - supports default values ## minor changes - internal refactoring - added dependency `mtl` - validates strings as enum from JSON value ## 0.12.0 - 21.05.2020 ## New features - parser supports implements interfaces separated with empty spaces ```gql type T implements A , B C & D { ``` - introspection can render interfaces