-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tocqueville Group -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-TQ -- Dunno why it triggers {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} -- | Documentation of types appearing in contracts. module Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc ( ADTRep , ConstructorRep (..) , crNameL, crDescriptionL, crFieldsL , FieldRep (..) , frNameL, frDescriptionL, frTypeRepL , WithinParens (..) , TypeHasDoc (..) , TypeDocHaskellRep , TypeDocMichelsonRep , FieldDescriptions , PolyTypeHasDocC , SomeTypeWithDoc (..) , HaveCommonTypeCtor , IsHomomorphic , genericTypeDocDependencies , customTypeDocMdReference , homomorphicTypeDocMdReference , poly1TypeDocMdReference , poly2TypeDocMdReference , homomorphicTypeDocHaskellRep , concreteTypeDocHaskellRep , concreteTypeDocHaskellRepUnsafe , haskellAddNewtypeField , haskellRepNoFields , haskellRepStripFieldPrefix , homomorphicTypeDocMichelsonRep , concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep , concreteTypeDocMichelsonRepUnsafe , DType (..) , DStorageType (..) , dStorage , GTypeHasDoc , GProductHasDoc , dTypeDep , dTypeDepP , buildADTRep , applyWithinParens ) where import Control.Lens (_Just, each, to) import Data.Char (isLower, isUpper, toLower) import qualified Data.Kind as Kind import Data.List (lookup) import Data.Singletons (SingI, demote) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Typeable (typeRep) import Fmt (Buildable, build, (+|), (|+)) import GHC.Generics ((:*:)(..), (:+:)(..)) import qualified GHC.Generics as G import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage(..), KnownSymbol, TypeError, symbolVal) import Named (NamedF) import qualified Text.Show import Type.Showtype (Showtype(..)) import Michelson.Doc import Michelson.Text import Michelson.Typed.Aliases import Michelson.Typed.Entrypoints import Michelson.Typed.Haskell.ValidateDescription import Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value import Michelson.Typed.T import Tezos.Address import Tezos.Core import Tezos.Crypto import Util.Generic import Util.Lens import Util.Markdown import Util.Named import Util.Typeable -- | Stands for representation of some Haskell ADT corresponding to -- Michelson value. Type parameter @a@ is what you put in place of -- each field of the datatype, e.g. information about field type. -- -- This representation also includes descriptions of constructors and fields. type ADTRep a = [ConstructorRep a] -- | Representation of a constructor with an optional description. data ConstructorRep a = ConstructorRep { crName :: Text , crDescription :: Maybe Text , crFields :: [FieldRep a] } -- | Representation of a field with an optional description. data FieldRep a = FieldRep { frName :: Maybe Text , frDescription :: Maybe Text , frTypeRep :: a } makeLensesWith postfixLFields ''ConstructorRep makeLensesWith postfixLFields ''FieldRep -- | Show given 'ADTRep' in a neat way. buildADTRep :: forall a. (WithinParens -> a -> Markdown) -> ADTRep a -> Markdown buildADTRep buildField = \case [] -> mdItalic "no values" [ctor@ConstructorRep{..}] -> renderProduct (WithinParens False) ctor crFields ps -> (mappend (mdItalic "one of" <> " \n")) $ foldMap (toListItem . renderNamedProduct (WithinParens True)) (toList ps) where toListItem item = "+ " <> item <> "\n" renderNamedProduct :: WithinParens -> ConstructorRep a -> Markdown renderNamedProduct wp ctor@ConstructorRep{..} = mdBold (build crName) <> if hasFieldNames then maybe "" (\d -> ": " <> build d <> " ") crDescription <> renderProduct wp ctor crFields else renderProduct wp ctor crFields <> maybe "" (\d -> ": " <> build d) crDescription where hasFieldNames = any (isJust . frName) crFields renderProduct :: WithinParens -> ConstructorRep a -> [FieldRep a] -> Markdown renderProduct wp ctor = \case [] -> "()" [t@FieldRep{ frDescription = Nothing }] | Nothing <- crDescription ctor -> renderNamedField wp t ts -> mconcat $ map (("\n * " <>) . renderNamedField wp) ts renderNamedField :: WithinParens -> FieldRep a -> Markdown renderNamedField wp FieldRep{..} = mconcat [ maybe "" buildFieldName frName , buildField wp frTypeRep , maybe "" (mappend " " . mappend "\n" . build) frDescription ] -- | Map field names in a 'ADTRep', with the possibility to remove some names by -- mapping them to 'Nothing'. mapADTRepFields :: (Maybe Text -> Maybe Text) -> ADTRep a -> ADTRep a mapADTRepFields = over $ each . crFieldsL . each . frNameL -- | How field names should be displayed. -- -- Result of this function call should appear right before rendered type -- of that field. buildFieldName :: Text -> Markdown buildFieldName name = mdItalic (mdBold (build name)) |+ " :" -- | Whether given text should be rendered grouped in parentheses -- (if they make sense). newtype WithinParens = WithinParens Bool applyWithinParens :: WithinParens -> Markdown -> Markdown applyWithinParens (WithinParens wp) txt | wp = "(" <> txt <> ")" | otherwise = txt -- | Description for a Haskell type appearing in documentation. class ( Typeable a , SingI (TypeDocFieldDescriptions a) , FieldDescriptionsValid (TypeDocFieldDescriptions a) a ) => TypeHasDoc a where -- | Name of type as it appears in definitions section. -- -- Each type must have its own unique name because it will be used -- in identifier for references. -- -- Default definition derives name from Generics. -- If it does not fit, consider defining this function manually. -- (We tried using 'Data.Data' for this, but it produces names including -- module names which is not do we want). typeDocName :: Proxy a -> Text default typeDocName :: (Generic a, KnownSymbol (GenericTypeName a)) => Proxy a -> Text typeDocName _ = toText $ symbolVal (Proxy @(GenericTypeName a)) -- | Explanation of a type. Markdown formatting is allowed. typeDocMdDescription :: Markdown -- | How reference to this type is rendered, in Markdown. -- -- Examples: -- -- * @\[Integer](\#type-integer)@, -- * @\[Maybe](\#type-Maybe) \[()](\#type-unit)@. -- -- Consider using one of the following functions as default implementation; -- which one to use depends on number of type arguments in your type: -- -- * 'homomorphicTypeDocMdReference' -- * 'poly1TypeDocMdReference' -- * 'poly2TypeDocMdReference' -- -- If none of them fits your purposes precisely, consider using -- 'customTypeDocMdReference'. typeDocMdReference :: Proxy a -> WithinParens -> Markdown default typeDocMdReference :: (Typeable a, IsHomomorphic a) => Proxy a -> WithinParens -> Markdown typeDocMdReference = homomorphicTypeDocMdReference -- | All types which this type directly contains. -- -- Used in automatic types discovery. typeDocDependencies :: Proxy a -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] default typeDocDependencies :: (Generic a, GTypeHasDoc (G.Rep a)) => Proxy a -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] typeDocDependencies = genericTypeDocDependencies -- | For complex types - their immediate Haskell representation. -- -- For primitive types set this to 'Nothing'. -- -- For homomorphic types use 'homomorphicTypeDocHaskellRep' implementation. -- -- For polymorhpic types consider using 'concreteTypeDocHaskellRep' as implementation. -- -- Modifier 'haskellRepNoFields' can be used to hide names of fields, -- beneficial for newtypes. -- -- Another modifier called 'haskellRepStripFieldPrefix' can be used for datatypes -- to leave only meaningful part of name in every field. typeDocHaskellRep :: TypeDocHaskellRep a default typeDocHaskellRep :: (Generic a, GTypeHasDoc (G.Rep a), IsHomomorphic a) => TypeDocHaskellRep a typeDocHaskellRep = haskellRepStripFieldPrefix homomorphicTypeDocHaskellRep -- | Description of constructors and fields of @a@. -- -- See 'FieldDescriptions' documentation for an example of usage. -- -- Descriptions will be checked at compile time to make sure that only existing constructors -- and fields are referenced. -- -- For that check to work @instance Generic a@ is required whenever @TypeDocFieldDescriptions@ -- is not empty. -- -- For implementation of the check see 'FieldDescriptionsValid' type family. type TypeDocFieldDescriptions a :: FieldDescriptions type TypeDocFieldDescriptions a = '[] -- | Final michelson representation of a type. -- -- For homomorphic types use 'homomorphicTypeDocMichelsonRep' implementation. -- -- For polymorhpic types consider using 'concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep' as implementation. typeDocMichelsonRep :: TypeDocMichelsonRep a default typeDocMichelsonRep :: (SingI (ToT a), IsHomomorphic a) => TypeDocMichelsonRep a typeDocMichelsonRep = homomorphicTypeDocMichelsonRep -- | Signature of 'typeDocHaskellRep' function. -- -- A value of 'FieldDescriptionsV' is provided by the library to make sure that -- instances won't replace it with an unchecked value. -- -- When value is 'Just', it contains types which this type is built from. -- -- First element of provided pair may contain name a concrete type which has -- the same type constructor as @a@ (or just @a@ for homomorphic types), and -- the second element of the pair - its unfolding in Haskell. -- -- For example, for some @newtype MyNewtype = MyNewtype (Integer, Natural)@ -- we would not specify the first element in the pair because @MyNewtype@ is -- already a concrete type, and second element would contain @(Integer, Natural)@. -- For polymorhpic types like @newtype MyPolyNewtype a = MyPolyNewtype (Text, a)@, -- we want to describe its representation on some example of @a@, because -- working with type variables is too non-trivial; so the first element of -- the pair may be e.g. @"MyPolyNewType Integer"@, and the second one shows -- that it unfolds to @(Text, Integer)@. -- -- When rendered, values of this type look like: -- -- * @(Integer, Natural)@ - for homomorphic type. -- * @MyError Integer = (Text, Integer)@ - concrete sample for polymorhpic type. type TypeDocHaskellRep a = Proxy a -> FieldDescriptionsV -> Maybe (Maybe DocTypeRepLHS, ADTRep SomeTypeWithDoc) -- | Signature of 'typeDocMichelsonRep' function. -- -- As in 'TypeDocHaskellRep', set the first element of the pair to 'Nothing' -- for primitive types, otherwise it stands as some instantiation of a type, -- and its Michelson representation is given in the second element of the pair. -- -- Examples of rendered representation: -- -- * @pair int nat@ - for homomorphic type. -- * @MyError Integer = pair string int@ - concrete sample for polymorhpic type. type TypeDocMichelsonRep a = Proxy a -> (Maybe DocTypeRepLHS, T) -- | Data hides some type implementing 'TypeHasDoc'. data SomeTypeWithDoc where SomeTypeWithDoc :: TypeHasDoc td => Proxy td -> SomeTypeWithDoc -- | When rendering type's inner representation, this stands for name of -- -- Having this makes sense for polymorhpic types, when you want to render -- representation of some concrete instantiation of that type. newtype DocTypeRepLHS = DocTypeRepLHS Text deriving newtype (IsString, Buildable) -- | Doc element with description of a type. data DType where DType :: TypeHasDoc a => Proxy a -> DType instance Show DType where show (DType a) = show $ typeRep a instance Eq DType where DType a1 == DType a2 = a1 `eqExt` a2 instance Ord DType where DType a1 `compare` DType a2 = a1 `compareExt` a2 instance DocItem DType where type DocItemPlacement DType = 'DocItemInDefinitions type DocItemReferenced DType = 'True docItemPos = 5000 docItemSectionName = Just "Types" docItemRef (DType a) = DocItemRef $ DocItemId ("types-" <> typeDocName a) docItemDependencies (DType (ap' :: Proxy a)) = typeDocDependencies ap' docItemToMarkdown lvl (DType (ap' :: Proxy a)) = mconcat . catMaybes $ [ Just mdSeparator , Just $ mdHeader lvl (mdTicked . build $ typeDocName ap') , Just $ typeDocMdDescription @a |+ "\n\n" , typeDocHaskellRep ap' (demote @(TypeDocFieldDescriptions a)) <&> \(mlhs, rep) -> let -- Without this signature type inference trips. buildField :: WithinParens -> SomeTypeWithDoc -> Markdown buildField wp (SomeTypeWithDoc di) = typeDocMdReference di wp renderedRep = buildADTRep buildField rep rendered = case mlhs of Nothing -> mdSubsection "Structure" renderedRep Just lhs -> mdSubsection "Structure (example)" $ mdTicked (build lhs) <> " = " <> renderedRep in rendered <> "\n\n" , Just $ let (mlhs, rep) = typeDocMichelsonRep ap' renderedRep = mdTicked (build rep) rendered = case mlhs of Nothing -> mdSubsection "Final Michelson representation" renderedRep Just lhs -> mdSubsection "Final Michelson representation (example)" $ mdTicked (build lhs) <> " = " <> renderedRep in rendered <> "\n\n" ] docItemToToc lvl d@(DType ap') = mdTocFromRef lvl (build $ typeDocName ap') d -- | Create a 'DType' in form suitable for putting to 'typeDocDependencies'. dTypeDep :: forall (t :: Kind.Type). TypeHasDoc t => SomeDocDefinitionItem dTypeDep = SomeDocDefinitionItem (DType (Proxy @t)) -- | Proxy version of 'dTypeDep'. dTypeDepP :: forall (t :: Kind.Type). TypeHasDoc t => Proxy t -> SomeDocDefinitionItem dTypeDepP _ = dTypeDep @t -- | Doc element with description of contract storage type. newtype DStorageType = DStorageType DType deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Ord) -- | Shortcut for 'DStorageType'. dStorage :: forall store. TypeHasDoc store => DStorageType dStorage = DStorageType $ DType (Proxy @store) instance DocItem DStorageType where type DocItemPlacement DStorageType = 'DocItemInlined type DocItemReferenced DStorageType = 'True docItemRef (DStorageType (DType a)) = DocItemRefInlined $ DocItemId ("storage-" <> typeDocName a) docItemPos = 835 docItemSectionName = Just "Storage" docItemToMarkdown lvl (DStorageType t) = docItemToMarkdown lvl t docItemToToc lvl d@(DStorageType (DType a)) = mdTocFromRef lvl (build $ typeDocName a) d docItemDependencies (DStorageType t) = docItemDependencies t -- Default implementations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Require two types to be built from the same type constructor. -- -- E.g. @HaveCommonTypeCtor (Maybe Integer) (Maybe Natural)@ is defined, -- while @HaveCmmonTypeCtor (Maybe Integer) [Integer]@ is not. class HaveCommonTypeCtor a b instance HaveCommonTypeCtor ac bc => HaveCommonTypeCtor (ac a) (bc b) instance HaveCommonTypeCtor a a -- | Require this type to be homomorphic. class IsHomomorphic a where instance TypeError ('Text "Type is not homomorphic: " ':<>: 'ShowType (a b)) => IsHomomorphic (a b) instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} IsHomomorphic a -- | Render a reference to a type which consists of type constructor -- (you have to provide name of this type constructor and documentation -- for the whole type) and zero or more type arguments. customTypeDocMdReference :: (Text, DType) -> [DType] -> WithinParens -> Markdown customTypeDocMdReference (typeCtorName, tyDoc) typeArgsDoc wp = let DocItemRef ctorDocItemId = docItemRef tyDoc in applyWithinParens wpSmart $ mconcat . intersperse " " $ ( mdLocalRef (mdTicked $ build typeCtorName) ctorDocItemId : (typeArgsDoc <&> \(DType di) -> typeDocMdReference di (WithinParens True)) ) where -- If we are rendering an atomic thing, there is no need in parentheses -- around it wpSmart = let WithinParens wp' = wp in WithinParens (wp' && not (null typeArgsDoc)) -- | Derive 'typeDocMdReference', for homomorphic types only. homomorphicTypeDocMdReference :: forall (t :: Kind.Type). (Typeable t, TypeHasDoc t, IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy t -> WithinParens -> Markdown homomorphicTypeDocMdReference tp _ = customTypeDocMdReference (typeDocName tp, DType tp) [] (WithinParens False) -- | Derive 'typeDocMdReference', for polymorphic type with one -- type argument, like @Maybe Integer@. poly1TypeDocMdReference :: forall t (r :: Kind.Type) (a :: Kind.Type). (r ~ t a, Typeable t, Each '[TypeHasDoc] [r, a], IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy r -> WithinParens -> Markdown poly1TypeDocMdReference tp = customTypeDocMdReference (toText $ showtype (Proxy @t), DType tp) [DType (Proxy @a)] -- | Derive 'typeDocMdReference', for polymorphic type with two -- type arguments, like @Lambda Integer Natural@. poly2TypeDocMdReference :: forall t (r :: Kind.Type) (a :: Kind.Type) (b :: Kind.Type). (r ~ t a b, Typeable t, Each '[TypeHasDoc] [r, a, b], IsHomomorphic t) => Proxy r -> WithinParens -> Markdown poly2TypeDocMdReference tp = customTypeDocMdReference (toText $ showtype (Proxy @t), DType tp) [ DType (Proxy @a) , DType (Proxy @b) ] -- | Implement 'typeDocDependencies' via getting all immediate fields -- of a datatype. -- -- Note: this will not include phantom types, I'm not sure yet how this -- scenario should be handled (@martoon). genericTypeDocDependencies :: forall a. (Generic a, GTypeHasDoc (G.Rep a)) => Proxy a -> [SomeDocDefinitionItem] genericTypeDocDependencies _ = do ConstructorRep{..} <- toList $ gTypeDocHaskellRep @(G.Rep a) [] FieldRep{..} <- crFields SomeTypeWithDoc ty <- pure frTypeRep return (dTypeDepP ty) -- | Implement 'typeDocHaskellRep' for a homomorphic type. -- -- Note that it does not require your type to be of 'IsHomomorphic' instance, -- which can be useful for some polymorhpic types which, for documentation -- purposes, we want to consider homomorphic. -- -- Example: 'Operation' is in fact polymorhpic, but we don't want this fact to -- be reflected in the documentation. homomorphicTypeDocHaskellRep :: forall a. (Generic a, GTypeHasDoc (G.Rep a)) => TypeDocHaskellRep a homomorphicTypeDocHaskellRep _ descr = Just ( Nothing , gTypeDocHaskellRep @(G.Rep a) descr ) -- | Implement 'typeDocHaskellRep' on example of given concrete type. -- -- This is a best effort attempt to implement 'typeDocHaskellRep' for polymorhpic -- types, as soon as there is no simple way to preserve type variables when -- automatically deriving Haskell representation of a type. concreteTypeDocHaskellRep :: forall a b. ( Typeable a, GenericIsoValue a, GTypeHasDoc (G.Rep a) , HaveCommonTypeCtor b a ) => TypeDocHaskellRep b concreteTypeDocHaskellRep = concreteTypeDocHaskellRepUnsafe @a -- | Version of 'concreteTypeDocHaskellRep' which does not ensure -- whether the type for which representation is built is any similar to -- the original type which you implement a 'TypeHasDoc' instance for. concreteTypeDocHaskellRepUnsafe :: forall a b. ( Typeable a, GenericIsoValue a, GTypeHasDoc (G.Rep a) ) => TypeDocHaskellRep b concreteTypeDocHaskellRepUnsafe _ descr = Just ( Just (DocTypeRepLHS . toText . showtype $ Proxy @a) , gTypeDocHaskellRep @(G.Rep a) descr ) -- | Erase fields from Haskell datatype representation. -- -- Use this when rendering fields names is undesired. haskellRepNoFields :: TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a haskellRepNoFields mkRep = \p descr -> second (mapADTRepFields (const Nothing)) <$> mkRep p descr -- | Add field name for @newtype@. -- -- Since @newtype@ field is automatically erased. Use this function -- to add the desired field name. haskellAddNewtypeField :: Text -> TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a haskellAddNewtypeField fieldName mkRep = \p descr -> second (mapADTRepFields (const (Just fieldName))) <$> mkRep p descr -- | Cut fields prefixes which we use according to the style guide. -- -- E.g. @cmMyField@ field will be transformed to @myField@. haskellRepStripFieldPrefix :: HasCallStack => TypeDocHaskellRep a -> TypeDocHaskellRep a haskellRepStripFieldPrefix mkRep = \p descr -> second (mapADTRepFields (fmap stripPrefix)) <$> mkRep p descr where stripPrefix fieldName = case T.uncons $ T.dropWhile isLower fieldName of Nothing -> error $ "Field '" <> fieldName <> "' has no prefix" Just (c, cs) -> -- For fields like @ciUSPosition@ we should not lead the first letter -- to lower case like @uSPosition@. let isAbbreviation = case T.uncons cs of Just (c2, _) | isUpper c2 -> True | otherwise -> False Nothing -> False in T.cons (if isAbbreviation then c else toLower c) cs -- | Implement 'typeDocMichelsonRep' for homomorphic type. homomorphicTypeDocMichelsonRep :: forall a. SingI (ToT a) => TypeDocMichelsonRep a homomorphicTypeDocMichelsonRep _ = ( Nothing , demote @(ToT a) ) -- | Implement 'typeDocMichelsonRep' on example of given concrete type. -- -- This function exists for the same reason as 'concreteTypeDocHaskellRep'. concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep :: forall a b. (Typeable a, SingI (ToT a), HaveCommonTypeCtor b a) => TypeDocMichelsonRep b concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep _ = ( Just (DocTypeRepLHS . toText . showtype $ Proxy @a) , demote @(ToT a) ) -- | Version of 'concreteTypeDocHaskellRepUnsafe' which does not ensure -- whether the type for which representation is built is any similar to -- the original type which you implement a 'TypeHasDoc' instance for. concreteTypeDocMichelsonRepUnsafe :: forall a b. (Typeable a, SingI (ToT a)) => TypeDocMichelsonRep b concreteTypeDocMichelsonRepUnsafe _ = ( Just (DocTypeRepLHS . toText . showtype $ Proxy @a) , demote @(ToT a) ) -- | Generic traversal for automatic deriving of some methods in 'TypeHasDoc'. class GTypeHasDoc (x :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type) where gTypeDocHaskellRep :: FieldDescriptionsV -> ADTRep SomeTypeWithDoc instance GTypeHasDoc x => GTypeHasDoc (G.D1 ('G.MetaData _a _b _c 'False) x) where gTypeDocHaskellRep = gTypeDocHaskellRep @x instance GTypeHasDoc x => GTypeHasDoc (G.D1 ('G.MetaData _a _b _c 'True) x) where gTypeDocHaskellRep descr = mapADTRepFields (const Nothing) $ gTypeDocHaskellRep @x descr instance (GTypeHasDoc x, GTypeHasDoc y) => GTypeHasDoc (x :+: y) where gTypeDocHaskellRep descr = gTypeDocHaskellRep @x descr <> gTypeDocHaskellRep @y descr instance (GProductHasDoc x, KnownSymbol ctor) => GTypeHasDoc (G.C1 ('G.MetaCons ctor _1 _2) x) where gTypeDocHaskellRep descr = one $ ConstructorRep { crName = conName , crDescription = descr ^? to (lookup conName) . _Just . _1 . _Just , crFields = gProductDocHaskellRep @x $ descr ^. to (lookup conName) . _Just . _2 } where conName = toText $ symbolVal (Proxy @ctor) instance GTypeHasDoc G.V1 where gTypeDocHaskellRep _ = [] -- | Product type traversal for 'TypeHasDoc'. class GProductHasDoc (x :: Kind.Type -> Kind.Type) where gProductDocHaskellRep :: [(Text, Text)] -> [FieldRep SomeTypeWithDoc] instance (GProductHasDoc x, GProductHasDoc y) => GProductHasDoc (x :*: y) where gProductDocHaskellRep descr = gProductDocHaskellRep @x descr <> gProductDocHaskellRep @y descr instance TypeHasDoc a => GProductHasDoc (G.S1 ('G.MetaSel 'Nothing _1 _2 _3) (G.Rec0 a)) where gProductDocHaskellRep _ = one $ FieldRep { frName = Nothing , frDescription = Nothing , frTypeRep = SomeTypeWithDoc (Proxy @a) } instance (TypeHasDoc a, KnownSymbol field) => GProductHasDoc (G.S1 ('G.MetaSel ('Just field) _1 _2 _3) (G.Rec0 a)) where gProductDocHaskellRep descr = one $ FieldRep { frName = Just fieldName , frDescription = descr ^? to (lookup fieldName) . _Just , frTypeRep = SomeTypeWithDoc (Proxy @a) } where fieldName = toText (symbolVal $ Proxy @field) instance GProductHasDoc G.U1 where gProductDocHaskellRep = mempty -- Instances ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Constraint, required when deriving 'TypeHasDoc' for polymorphic type -- with the least possible number of methods defined manually. type PolyTypeHasDocC ts = Each '[TypeHasDoc] ts -- | Version of 'PolyTypeHasDocC' for comparable types. type PolyCTypeHasDocC ts = Each '[TypeHasDoc] ts instance TypeHasDoc Integer where typeDocName _ = "Integer" typeDocMdDescription = "Signed number." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc Natural where typeDocName _ = "Natural" typeDocMdDescription = "Unsigned number." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc MText where typeDocName _ = "Text" typeDocMdReference p = customTypeDocMdReference ("Text", DType p) [] typeDocMdDescription = "Michelson string.\n\n\ \This has to contain only ASCII characters with codes from [32; 126] range; \ \additionally, newline feed character is allowed." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc Bool where typeDocName _ = "Bool" typeDocMdDescription = "Bool primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc ByteString where typeDocName _ = "ByteString" typeDocMdDescription = "Bytes primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc Mutez where typeDocName _ = "Mutez" typeDocMdDescription = "Mutez primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc KeyHash where typeDocName _ = "KeyHash" typeDocMdDescription = "KeyHash primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc Timestamp where typeDocName _ = "Timestamp" typeDocMdDescription = "Timestamp primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc Address where typeDocName _ = "Address" typeDocMdDescription = [md| Address primitive. Unlike Michelson's `address`, it is assumed not to contain an entrypoint name, even if it refers to a contract; this won't be checked, so passing an entrypoint name may result in unexpected errors. |] typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc EpAddress where typeDocName _ = "EntrypointAddress" typeDocMdDescription = [md| Address primitive. This exactly matches the Michelson's `address`, and can refer to a specific entrypoint. |] typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc PublicKey where typeDocName _ = "PublicKey" typeDocMdDescription = "PublicKey primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc Signature where typeDocName _ = "Signature" typeDocMdDescription = "Signature primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc ChainId where typeDocName _ = "ChainId" typeDocMdDescription = "Identifier of the current chain." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing instance TypeHasDoc () where typeDocName _ = "()" typeDocMdDescription = "Unit primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] instance PolyTypeHasDocC '[a] => TypeHasDoc [a] where typeDocName _ = "List" typeDocMdDescription = "List primitive." typeDocMdReference _ = -- poly1TypeDocMdReference would produce text like @[] Integer@, we want -- to replace this @[]@ with @List@. customTypeDocMdReference ("List", DType (Proxy @[a])) [DType (Proxy @a)] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @[Integer] instance PolyTypeHasDocC '[a] => TypeHasDoc (Maybe a) where typeDocMdDescription = "Option primitive." typeDocMdReference = poly1TypeDocMdReference typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @(Maybe Integer) instance PolyTypeHasDocC [l, r] => TypeHasDoc (Either l r) where typeDocMdDescription = "Or primitive." typeDocMdReference = poly2TypeDocMdReference typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @(Either Integer Natural) instance PolyTypeHasDocC [a, b] => TypeHasDoc (a, b) where typeDocName _ = "(a, b)" typeDocMdReference _ = tupleTypeDocReference [ typeDocMdReference (Proxy @a) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @b) (WithinParens False) ] typeDocMdDescription = "Pair primitive." typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @(Integer, Natural) instance PolyCTypeHasDocC '[a] => TypeHasDoc (Set a) where typeDocName _ = "Set" typeDocMdReference = poly1TypeDocMdReference typeDocMdDescription = "Set primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [dTypeDep @a] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @(Set Integer) instance TypeHasDoc Operation where typeDocName _ = "Operation" typeDocMdReference tp = customTypeDocMdReference ("Operation", DType tp) [] typeDocMdDescription = "Operation primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = homomorphicTypeDocMichelsonRep instance PolyTypeHasDocC '[cp] => TypeHasDoc (ContractRef cp) where typeDocName _ = "Contract" typeDocMdReference = poly1TypeDocMdReference typeDocMdDescription = "Contract primitive with given type of parameter." typeDocDependencies _ = [dTypeDep @cp] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @(ContractRef Integer) instance (PolyCTypeHasDocC '[k], PolyTypeHasDocC '[v], Ord k) => TypeHasDoc (Map k v) where typeDocName _ = "Map" typeDocMdReference = poly2TypeDocMdReference typeDocMdDescription = "Map primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [dTypeDep @k, dTypeDep @v] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @(Map Integer Natural) instance (PolyCTypeHasDocC '[k], PolyTypeHasDocC '[v], Ord k) => TypeHasDoc (BigMap k v) where typeDocName _ = "BigMap" typeDocMdReference = poly2TypeDocMdReference typeDocMdDescription = "BigMap primitive." typeDocDependencies _ = [dTypeDep @k, dTypeDep @v] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @(BigMap Integer Natural) tupleTypeDocReference :: [Markdown] -> WithinParens -> Markdown tupleTypeDocReference vs _ = "(" +| mconcat (intersperse ", " $ map build vs) |+ ")" instance PolyTypeHasDocC [a, b, c] => TypeHasDoc (a, b, c) where typeDocName _ = "(a, b, c)" typeDocMdReference _ = tupleTypeDocReference [ typeDocMdReference (Proxy @a) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @b) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @c) (WithinParens False) ] typeDocMdDescription = "Tuple of size 3." typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @(Integer, Natural, MText) instance PolyTypeHasDocC [a, b, c, d] => TypeHasDoc (a, b, c, d) where typeDocName _ = "(a, b, c, d)" typeDocMdReference _ = tupleTypeDocReference [ typeDocMdReference (Proxy @a) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @b) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @c) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @d) (WithinParens False) ] typeDocMdDescription = "Tuple of size 4." typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = -- Starting from tuple of size 4 the exact types should not matter to a reader, -- rather the resulting pairs tree. concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @((), (), (), ()) instance PolyTypeHasDocC [a, b, c, d, e] => TypeHasDoc (a, b, c, d, e) where typeDocName _ = "(a, b, c, d, e)" typeDocMdDescription = "Tuple of size 5." typeDocMdReference _ = tupleTypeDocReference [ typeDocMdReference (Proxy @a) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @b) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @c) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @d) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @e) (WithinParens False) ] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @((), (), (), (), ()) instance PolyTypeHasDocC [a, b, c, d, e, f] => TypeHasDoc (a, b, c, d, e, f) where typeDocName _ = "(a, b, c, d, e, f)" typeDocMdReference _ = tupleTypeDocReference [ typeDocMdReference (Proxy @a) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @b) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @c) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @d) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @e) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @f) (WithinParens False) ] typeDocMdDescription = "Tuple of size 6." typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @((), (), (), (), (), ()) instance PolyTypeHasDocC [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] => TypeHasDoc (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where typeDocName _ = "(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)" typeDocMdReference _ = tupleTypeDocReference [ typeDocMdReference (Proxy @a) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @b) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @c) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @d) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @e) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @f) (WithinParens False) , typeDocMdReference (Proxy @g) (WithinParens False) ] typeDocMdDescription = "Tuple of size 7." typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep = concreteTypeDocMichelsonRep @((), (), (), (), (), (), ()) instance ( TypeHasDoc (ApplyNamedFunctor f a) , KnownSymbol n , SingI (ToT (ApplyNamedFunctor f Integer)) , Typeable f, Typeable a ) => TypeHasDoc (NamedF f a n) where typeDocName _ = "Named entry" typeDocMdReference _ wp = applyWithinParens wp $ buildFieldName (toText (symbolVal $ Proxy @n)) +| " " +| typeDocMdReference (Proxy @(ApplyNamedFunctor f a)) (WithinParens False) |+ "" typeDocDependencies _ = [ dTypeDep @(ApplyNamedFunctor f a) , dTypeDep @Integer ] typeDocHaskellRep _ _ = Nothing typeDocMichelsonRep _ = (Just "number: Integer", demote @(ToT (ApplyNamedFunctor f Integer))) typeDocMdDescription = "Some entries have names for clarity.\n\n\ \In resulting Michelson names may be mapped to annotations."