{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- | A module signature for reader-like monads carrying a record-of-functions as
-- environment.
-- To be useful for writing indefinite code, it should be expanded through "signature merging"
-- to require extra instances for the main monad 'M' (like MonadIO or MonadUnliftIO) and/or
-- the environment type 'E' (like some HasX typeclass).
-- https://github.com/danidiaz/really-small-backpack-example/tree/master/lesson3-signature-merging
signature Moo where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Kind

-- | A reader-like monad.
data M :: Type -> Type
instance Functor M
instance Applicative M
instance Monad M
instance MonadReader E M

-- | The monad environment.
data E :: Type

-- | The monad in which the functions in the environment have their effects.
-- We don't require Functor, Applicative or Monad from 'D' because the 
-- plan is to always lift 'D' values to 'M' as soon as they're obtained.
data D :: Type -> Type

-- | Lifts an effects from the secondary monad 'D' into 'M'.
liftD :: D x -> M x