{- The 0-1 knapsack problem. Given a set of items with given weight and value, choose which items to put into collection to maximize collection value with given maximum weight constraint. It is a binary genetic algorithm. This example interleaves computation with logging in IO monad, and terminates by reaching a time limit. To run: ghc --make knapsack.hs ./knapsack > output.txt To visualize the output in gnuplot: % gnuplot > plot 'output.txt' u 1:2 w l t 'median value', '' u 1:3 w l t 'best value' lt 3 -} import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Binary import Control.Monad import Data.List (intercalate) type Weight = Int type Value = Int type Problem = [(Weight, Value)] items = 42 itemWeight = (1,9 :: Weight) itemValue = (0,9 :: Value) maxTotalWeight = items*2 :: Weight popsize = 11 elitesize = 1 -- fitness function to maximize totalValue :: Problem -> [Bool] -> Objective totalValue things taken = fromIntegral . snd $ totalWeithtAndValue things taken totalWeithtAndValue :: Problem -> Genome Bool -> (Weight, Value) totalWeithtAndValue things taken = sumVals (0,0) $ zip taken things where sumVals (totalW, totalV) ((True, (w,v)):rest) -- item is taken | totalW + w > maxTotalWeight = (totalW, totalV) -- weight limit exceeded | otherwise = sumVals (totalW+w,totalV+v) rest sumVals acc ((False, _):rest) = sumVals acc rest sumVals (totalW, totalV) [] = (totalW, totalV) -- all items in the knapsack select = tournamentSelect Maximizing 2 (popsize-elitesize) -- generate items to choose from: [(weight, value)] randomProblem :: IO Problem randomProblem = do rng <- newPureMT return . flip evalRandom rng $ do weights <- replicateM items $ getRandomR itemWeight values <- replicateM items $ getRandomR itemValue return $ zip weights values geneticAlgorithm :: Problem -> IO (Population Bool) geneticAlgorithm things = do let initialize = replicateM popsize $ replicateM items getRandom let fitness = totalValue things let nextGen = nextGeneration Maximizing fitness select elitesize (onePointCrossover 0.5) (pointMutate 0.5) runIO initialize $ loopIO [DoEvery 10 logStats, TimeLimit 0.1] -- stop after 100 ms (Generations maxBound) -- effectively, forever; unless an IOHook condition triggers nextGen where logStats :: Int -> Population Bool -> IO () logStats iterno pop = do when (iterno == 0) $ putStrLn "# generation medianValue bestValue" let gs = map takeGenome . bestFirst Maximizing $ pop -- genomes let best = head gs let median = gs !! (length gs `div` 2) let bvalue = snd $ totalWeithtAndValue things best let mvalue = snd $ totalWeithtAndValue things median putStrLn $ intercalate " " (map show [iterno, mvalue, bvalue]) main = do things <- randomProblem pop <- geneticAlgorithm things putStrLn "# final population:" let best = takeGenome . head . bestFirst Maximizing $ pop let bestthings = zip best things let taken = intercalate ", " . map (showItem . snd) $ filter fst bestthings let left = intercalate ", " . map (showItem . snd) $ filter (not . fst) bestthings putStrLn $ showPop pop putStrLn $ "# taken: " ++ taken putStrLn $ "# left: " ++ left where showPop = intercalate "\n" . map showG showG (bs,v) = "# " ++ (concatMap (show . fromEnum) bs) ++ " " ++ show v showItem (w, v) = "$" ++ show v ++ "/" ++ show w ++ "oz"