module Monomer.HagridSpec (spec) where import Control.Concurrent (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (^.)) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.Sequence as S import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.IO (unsafePerformIO) import Monomer import Monomer.Hagrid import qualified Monomer.Lens as L import Monomer.TestUtil import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) data TestModel = TestModel deriving (Eq, Show) data TestEvent newtype TestItem = TestItem {sizeReq :: SizeReq} deriving (Eq, Show) spec :: Spec spec = do resize sorting merging messages resize :: Spec resize = describe "resize" $ do it "should assign cell widths according to column widths" $ do cellViewports [ (testColumn "Col 1" sizeReq) {initialWidth = 33}, (testColumn "Col 2" sizeReq) {initialWidth = 77} ] [TestItem (fixedSize 10)] `shouldBe` [ Rect 0 40 33 10, Rect 33 40 77 10 ] it "should assign single column cell heights according to cell heights" $ do cellViewports [ (testColumn "Col 1" sizeReq) {initialWidth = 50} ] [TestItem (fixedSize 33), TestItem (fixedSize 77)] `shouldBe` [Rect 0 40 50 33, Rect 0 73 50 77] it "should assign multi column cell heights according to max cell height from row" $ do cellViewports [ (testColumn "Col 1" (const (fixedSize 33))) {initialWidth = 50}, (testColumn "Col 2" (const (fixedSize 47))) {initialWidth = 50} ] [TestItem (fixedSize 0)] `shouldBe` [Rect 0 40 50 47, Rect 50 40 50 47] it "should use both fixed and flex height to calculate row height" $ do cellViewports [ (testColumn "Col 1" sizeReq) {initialWidth = 50} ] [TestItem (fixedSize 10 & L.flex .~ 7)] `shouldBe` [Rect 0 40 50 17] it "should have zero-height footer when no footer widgets specified" $ viewports_ [(testColumn "Col 1" (const (fixedSize 33))) {initialWidth = 50}] [TestItem (fixedSize 0)] [] "Hagrid.FooterPane" `shouldBe` [Rect 0 100 100 0] sorting :: Spec sorting = describe "sorting" $ do it "should not sort rows by default" $ do cellViewports [(testColumn "Col 1" sizeReq) {initialWidth = 50, sortKey = SortWith (_szrFixed . sizeReq)}] [ TestItem (fixedSize 20), TestItem (fixedSize 10), TestItem (fixedSize 30) ] `shouldBe` [ Rect 0 40 50 20, Rect 0 60 50 10, Rect 0 70 50 30 ] it "should sort in ascending order when column header clicked" $ do cellViewports_ [(testColumn "Col 1" sizeReq) {initialWidth = 50, sortKey = SortWith (_szrFixed . sizeReq)}] [ TestItem (fixedSize 20), TestItem (fixedSize 10), TestItem (fixedSize 30) ] [Click (Point 10 10) BtnLeft 1] `shouldBe` [ Rect 0 40 50 10, Rect 0 50 50 20, Rect 0 70 50 30 ] it "should sort in descending order when column header clicked again" $ do cellViewports_ [(testColumn "Col 1" sizeReq) {initialWidth = 50, sortKey = SortWith (_szrFixed . sizeReq)}] [ TestItem (fixedSize 20), TestItem (fixedSize 10), TestItem (fixedSize 30) ] [ Click (Point 10 10) BtnLeft 1, Click (Point 10 10) BtnLeft 1 ] `shouldBe` [ Rect 0 40 50 30, Rect 0 70 50 20, Rect 0 90 50 10 ] merging :: Spec merging = describe "merging" $ do it "should preserve column widths when items change" $ do let col = textColumn "Col" (const "") startNode = nodeInit wenv (hagrid [col {initialWidth = 75}] (S.fromList [TestItem (fixedSize 1)])) mergedNode = nodeMerge wenv (hagrid [col {initialWidth = 64}] (S.fromList [TestItem (fixedSize 2)])) startNode resizedNode = nodeResize wenv mergedNode (mergedNode ^. . L.viewport) columnWidths startNode `shouldBe` [75] columnWidths resizedNode `shouldBe` [75] messages :: Spec messages = describe "messages" $ do it "should give items and sorted indices to scrollToRow callback" $ do itemsMVar <- newEmptyMVar let cols = [(textColumn "Col" (const "")) {sortKey = SortWith (_szrFixed . sizeReq)}] items = S.fromList [ TestItem (fixedSize 1), TestItem (fixedSize 2), TestItem (fixedSize 3) ] {-# NOINLINE scrollToRowCallback #-} scrollToRowCallback cbItems = unsafePerformIO (Nothing <$ putMVar itemsMVar cbItems) -- hacky, but seems to work! buildUI _wenv _model = hagrid_ [initialSort 0 SortDescending] cols items `nodeKey` "testKey" handleEvent _wenv _node () () = [scrollToRow (WidgetKey "testKey") scrollToRowCallback] cmpNode = compositeV_ "test" () (error "should not be called") buildUI handleEvent [onInit ()] evts = nodeHandleEventEvts wenv [] cmpNode actualItems <- seq evts (takeMVar itemsMVar) actualItems `shouldBe` S.fromList [ (TestItem (fixedSize 1), 2), (TestItem (fixedSize 2), 1), (TestItem (fixedSize 3), 0) ] testColumn :: Text -> (TestItem -> SizeReq) -> Column TestEvent TestItem testColumn name getHeight = (widgetColumn name (testCellWidget getHeight)) {minWidth = 10, paddingW = 0, paddingH = 0} -- | We test with custom widgets because these will create special "Hagrid.Cell" nodes in the widget -- tree that we can later use to pick out the cell widgets. testCellWidget :: (TestItem -> SizeReq) -> Int -> TestItem -> WidgetNode s TestEvent testCellWidget getHeight _idx item = wgt where wgt = label "test" `styleBasic` [sizeReqW reqW, sizeReqH reqH] reqW = fixedSize 100 reqH = getHeight item cellViewports :: [Column TestEvent TestItem] -> [TestItem] -> [Rect] cellViewports columnDefs items = cellViewports_ columnDefs items [] cellViewports_ :: [Column TestEvent TestItem] -> [TestItem] -> [SystemEvent] -> [Rect] cellViewports_ columnDefs items evts = viewports_ columnDefs items evts "Hagrid.Cell" viewports_ :: [Column TestEvent TestItem] -> [TestItem] -> [SystemEvent] -> WidgetType -> [Rect] viewports_ columnDefs items evts wType = Foldable.toList childVps where startNode = nodeInit wenv (hagrid columnDefs (S.fromList items)) ((wenv', eventedNode, _reqs), _) = nodeHandleEvents wenv WNoInit evts startNode resizedNode = nodeResize wenv' eventedNode (eventedNode ^. . L.viewport) instanceTree = widgetGetInstanceTree (resizedNode ^. L.widget) wenv' resizedNode childVps = roundRectUnits . _wniViewport . _winInfo <$> widgetsOfType wType instanceTree -- Extract the column widths by observing the locations of the special drag handle widgets columnWidths :: WidgetNode TestModel TestEvent -> [Int] columnWidths node = fromFractional <$> colWidths where (_, colWidths) = Foldable.foldl' (\(px, cws) (Rect x _y w _h) -> (x + w, (x + w / 2 - px) : cws)) (0, []) vps vps = _wniViewport . _winInfo <$> dragHandles dragHandles = widgetsOfType "Hagrid.HeaderDragHandle" instanceTree instanceTree = widgetGetInstanceTree (_wnWidget node) wenv node widgetsOfType :: WidgetType -> WidgetInstanceNode -> [WidgetInstanceNode] widgetsOfType typ node = thisOne <> childOnes where thisOne | (node ^. ( . L.widgetType)) == typ = [node] | otherwise = [] childOnes = mconcat (widgetsOfType typ <$> Foldable.toList (node ^. L.children)) windowSize :: Size windowSize = Size 100 100 wenv :: WidgetEnv TestModel TestEvent wenv = mockWenv TestModel & L.windowSize .~ windowSize