# Monomer-Hagrid A datagrid widget for the [Monomer](https://github.com/fjvallarino/monomer) library. ![Example hagrid widget screenshot](readme/example.png) ## Current Status - Somewhat buggy and incomplete. Don't build your business on this. ## Features - Vertical and horizontal scrolling. - Resizable columns. - Column sorting, with a customizable sort key. - Configurable column alignment (left or right). - Custom widgets for each cell, to override the standard label. - Custom width/height padding for each cell, configured per column. - Scrolling to a particular row when sent a message. - Custom footer widgets on the bottom of each column. ## Goals - Have complete and helpful documentation. - Be reasonably configurable and inspectable. - Be no uglier than standard Monomer widgets. - Be performant with up to ten thousand rows. - Have some tests. ## Todo List - Improve performance with lots of rows (e.g. 1000). - Explore providing an API where current sort/column widths/etc are stored in the parent model and updated by hagrid via a lens. This may remove some complexity around merging and the specification of initial sorts/column widths. ## To build and run examples ```bash stack run ``` ## Contribution Guide - This is "free as in mattress" software! - You are welcome to open an issue with bug reports or feature requests, but you may not get a response. - Unsolicited pull requests will likely be ignored. ### To format the source code ```bash # This needs at least ormolu to avoid breaking dot-record syntax ormolu --mode inplace $(find . -name '*.hs') ```