-- Initial monoid-insertleft.cabal generated by cabal init. For further documentation, -- see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/ name: monoid-insertleft version: synopsis: Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes. description: Introduces a new class InsertLeft — the class of types of values that can be inserted from the left to the Foldable structure that is a data that is also the Monoid instance. Also contains some functions to find out both minimum and maximum elements of the finite Foldable structures. Is a fork of the . homepage: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/monoid-insertleft bug-reports: https://github.com/Oleksandr-Zhabenko/monoid-insertleft/issues license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: OleksandrZhabenko maintainer: oleksandr.zhabenko@yahoo.com copyright: Oleksandr Zhabenko category: Data, Development build-type: Simple extra-source-files: CHANGELOG.md, README.md cabal-version: >=1.10 library exposed-modules: Data.InsertLeft, Data.InsertLeft.Unfold -- other-modules: other-extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, NoImplicitPrelude build-depends: base >=4.13 && <5 -- hs-source-dirs: default-language: Haskell2010