* 0.6.1: 16 Nov 2021 - Add more efficient `stimes` implementations for several `Semigroup` instances. Thanks to BlackCapCoder for the patch! - Allow `base-4.16` and test on GHC 9.2.1. * 0.6: 8 May 2021 - Updates for GHC 8.10 and 9.0. - Drop support for GHC 8.2 or older. - Replace deprecated `Option` type with `Maybe`. * 0.5.1: 19 Oct 2019 - New module Data.Monoid.Coproduct.Strict for a more efficient coproduct in some use cases. - Update for GHC 8.8. - Drop support for GHC 7.8. * 0.5: 14 May 2018 - Modernize Data.Monoid.WithSemigroup It used to export a type class Monoid' with no methods and a single instance, for use as a "poor man's constraint synonym" for the combination of Monoid and Semigroup. Now Monoid': - Is a real constraint synonym, using ConstraintKinds. - Is simply a synonym for Monoid under base-4.11 and later, in which case Semigroup is already a superclass of Monoid. This technically necessitates a major version bump but should not cause any issues for packages that depend on monoid-extras, other than potentially requiring the addition of a ConstraintKinds pragma under GHC 7.8. * 0.4.4: 8 April 2018 - Fix build on older (< 7.10) GHCs (thanks to George Wilson for the fix) * 0.4.3: 3 April 2018 - Allow base-4.11 - Fix compilation on GHC 8.4 - Add more instances for Inf * 0.4.2: 16 July 2016 - Additions to Data.Monoid.SemiDirectProduct (unSemi, tag, untag) - Hackage revision 1: allow semigroupoids-5.2 - Hackage revision 2: allow base-4.10 * 16 June 2016 - allow semigroupoids-5.1 * 0.4.1: 8 June 2016 - new modules Data.Monoid.SemiDirectProduct[.Strict]. * 14 February 2016 - allow base-4.9 for GHC-8 * 10 November 2015 - allow semigroups-0.18 * 16 September 2015 - allow semigroups-0.17 * v0.4.0.1 - allow semigroupoids-5.0 * 0.4: 19 April 2015 - add derived instances where possible: Typeable, Data, Read, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable - allow base-4.8 * 03 Dec 2014 - allow semigroups-0.15 * 28 May 2014 - allow semigroups-0.15 * 15 May 2014 - allow semigroups-0.14 * 10 April 2014 - allow semigroups-0.13 * 9 March 2014 - drop dependency on deprecated `groupoids` package * 0.3.3: 4 March 2014 - export Pos and Neg types, to improve Haddock documentation * 27 November 2013 - allow semigroups-0.12 * 19 October 2013 - Allow groupoids-4 and semigroupoids-4 * 26 September 2013 - allow semigroups-0.11 * 25 September 2013 - allow groups-0.4 * 0.3.2: 30 August 2013 - new Group instance for Endomorphism * 0.3.1: 20 August 2013 - new module Data.Monoid.Endomorphism - add derived Functor, Foldable, and Traversable instances for Data.Monoid.Inf.Inf * 0.3: 2 May 2013 - generalize PosInf to Inf, which supports making monoids out of semigroups under both min and max * 28 March 2013 - bump upper bound to allow base-4.7 * 7 January 2013 - bump upper bound to allow semigroups-0.9 * 11 December 2012 - Small fix to allow building under older GHCs * 10 December 2012 - Add new module Data.Monoid.Recommend * 28 September 2012 - Add new module Data.Monoid.Cut - Documentation improvements - Add Show instance for Split * 3 September 2012 - Remove instances for actions on pairs and triples, and add some commentary explaining why adding them was a bad idea in the first place. * - Add instances for actions on pairs and triples * - initial release