module Database.MongoDB.GridFS
( Bucket
, files, chunks
, File
, document, bucket
, openDefaultBucket
, openBucket
, findFile
, findOneFile
, fetchFile
, deleteFile
, sourceFile
, sinkFile
import Control.Applicative((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent(forkIO)
import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans(MonadTrans, lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control(MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource(MonadResource(..))
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
import Data.Int
import Data.Tagged(Tagged, untag)
import Data.Text(Text, append)
import Data.Time.Clock(getCurrentTime)
import Database.MongoDB
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Bson as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as BI
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
defaultChunkSize :: Int64
defaultChunkSize = 256 * 1024
data Bucket = Bucket {files :: Text, chunks :: Text}
openDefaultBucket :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Action m Bucket
openDefaultBucket = openBucket "fs"
openBucket :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Text -> Action m Bucket
openBucket name = do
let filesCollection = name `append` ".files"
let chunksCollection = name `append` ".chunks"
ensureIndex $ (index filesCollection ["filename" =: (1::Int), "uploadDate" =: (1::Int)])
ensureIndex $ (index chunksCollection ["files_id" =: (1::Int), "n" =: (1::Int)]) { iUnique = True, iDropDups = True }
return $ Bucket filesCollection chunksCollection
data File = File {bucket :: Bucket, document :: Document}
getChunk :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => File -> Int -> Action m (Maybe S.ByteString)
getChunk (File bucket doc) i = do
files_id <- B.look "_id" doc
result <- findOne $ select ["files_id" := files_id, "n" =: i] $ chunks bucket
let content = at "data" <$> result
case content of
Just (Binary b) -> return (Just b)
_ -> return Nothing
findFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Bucket -> Selector -> Action m [File]
findFile bucket sel = do
cursor <- find $ select sel $ files bucket
results <- rest cursor
return $ File bucket <$> results
findOneFile :: MonadIO m => Bucket -> Selector -> Action m (Maybe File)
findOneFile bucket sel = do
mdoc <- findOne $ select sel $ files bucket
return $ File bucket <$> mdoc
fetchFile :: MonadIO m => Bucket -> Selector -> Action m File
fetchFile bucket sel = do
doc <- fetch $ select sel $ files bucket
return $ File bucket doc
deleteFile :: (MonadIO m) => File -> Action m ()
deleteFile (File bucket doc) = do
files_id <- B.look "_id" doc
delete $ select ["_id" := files_id] $ files bucket
delete $ select ["files_id" := files_id] $ chunks bucket
putChunk :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Bucket -> ObjectId -> Int -> L.ByteString -> Action m ()
putChunk bucket files_id i chunk = do
insert_ (chunks bucket) ["files_id" =: files_id, "n" =: i, "data" =: Binary (L.toStrict chunk)]
sourceFile :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => File -> Producer (Action m) S.ByteString
sourceFile file = yieldChunk 0 where
yieldChunk i = do
mbytes <- lift $ getChunk file i
case mbytes of
Just bytes -> yield bytes >> yieldChunk (i+1)
Nothing -> return ()
data FileWriter = FileWriter
{ fwChunkSize :: Int64
, fwBucket :: Bucket
, fwFilesId :: ObjectId
, fwChunkIndex :: Int
, fwSize :: Int64
, fwAcc :: L.ByteString
, fwMd5Context :: MD5Context
, fwMd5acc :: L.ByteString
finalizeFile :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Text -> FileWriter -> Action m File
finalizeFile filename (FileWriter chunkSize bucket files_id i size acc md5context md5acc) = do
let md5digest = md5Finalize md5context (L.toStrict md5acc)
when (L.length acc > 0) $ putChunk bucket files_id i acc
timestamp <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
let doc = [ "_id" =: files_id
, "length" =: size
, "uploadDate" =: timestamp
, "md5" =: show (md5digest)
, "chunkSize" =: chunkSize
, "filename" =: filename
insert_ (files bucket) doc
return $ File bucket doc
writeChunks :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => FileWriter -> L.ByteString -> Action m FileWriter
writeChunks (FileWriter chunkSize bucket files_id i size acc md5context md5acc) chunk = do
let md5BlockLength = fromIntegral $ untag (blockLength :: Tagged MD5Digest Int)
let md5acc_temp = (md5acc `L.append` chunk)
let (md5context', md5acc') =
if (L.length md5acc_temp < md5BlockLength)
then (md5context, md5acc_temp)
else let numBlocks = L.length md5acc_temp `div` md5BlockLength
(current, rest) = L.splitAt (md5BlockLength * numBlocks) md5acc_temp
in (md5Update md5context (L.toStrict current), rest)
let size' = (size + L.length chunk)
let acc_temp = (acc `L.append` chunk)
if (L.length acc_temp < chunkSize)
then return (FileWriter chunkSize bucket files_id i size' acc_temp md5context' md5acc')
else do
let (chunk, acc') = L.splitAt chunkSize acc_temp
putChunk bucket files_id i chunk
writeChunks (FileWriter chunkSize bucket files_id (i+1) size' acc' md5context' md5acc') L.empty
sinkFile :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Bucket -> Text -> Consumer S.ByteString (Action m) File
sinkFile bucket filename = do
files_id <- liftIO $ genObjectId
awaitChunk $ FileWriter defaultChunkSize bucket files_id 0 0 L.empty md5InitialContext L.empty
awaitChunk fw = do
mchunk <- await
case mchunk of
Nothing -> lift (finalizeFile filename fw)
Just chunk -> lift (writeChunks fw (L.fromStrict chunk)) >>= awaitChunk