Name: mongoDB Version: 1.4.2 Synopsis: Driver (client) for MongoDB, a free, scalable, fast, document DBMS Description: This package lets you connect to MongoDB servers and update/query their data. Please see the example in Database.MongoDB and the tutorial from the homepage. For information about MongoDB itself, see Category: Database Homepage: Author: Tony Hannan Maintainer: Fedor Gogolev Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010-2012 10gen Inc. License: OtherLicense License-file: LICENSE Cabal-version: >= 1.2 Build-type: Simple Stability: alpha Library GHC-options: -Wall GHC-prof-options: -auto-all Build-depends: array -any , base <5 , binary -any , bson >= 0.2.0 && < 0.3.0 , text , bytestring -any , containers -any , mtl >= 2 , cryptohash -any , network -any , parsec -any , random -any , random-shuffle -any , monad-control >= 0.3.1 , lifted-base >= , transformers-base >= 0.4.1 , hashtables >= Exposed-modules: Database.MongoDB Database.MongoDB.Admin Database.MongoDB.Connection Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol Database.MongoDB.Internal.Util Database.MongoDB.Query System.IO.Pipeline System.IO.Pool